gulp, gulp-

When drinking water was secured, the Blue Dragon Tower students looked around with a slightly relieved expression.

My mood changed when the tricks of people’s hearts and their thirst were resolved.

Until recently, I was like, ‘What sin did I commit to enter this school?

Some of the students sat on a dry rocky hill and looked at the horizon.

“Still, it’s not as bad as I thought. right?”


‘I was just whining that I was going to die of hardship…’

Yoner thought so to himself, but he didn’t bother to blame his friends who were already struggling enough.

“I wish the White Tiger Tower guys would suffer more.”

“me too.”


Yoner looked at his friends in a bewildered way.

‘Isn’t that what I’m being punished for?’



As soon as he finished speaking, a scream erupted from the other side.

Lee Han grabbed his wand and ran.

“What’s up!”

“I, there…!”

Lee Han’s face hardened when he saw the direction his friends were pointing.

A medium-sized monster with a hefty size was approaching from the far horizon.

‘Rock Drake!’

Lee Han, as well as some of the other students, was a well-known monster in the Empire to the point of recognizing its identity.

Drake, a sub-dragon monster that is large and powerful enough to be rumored to be mixed with dragon blood in its ancestors.

Among them, Rock Drake, which had a hard rock shell, was notorious for its ignorant defense.

– Be careful where Rock Drake comes out. Even mid-level adventurers can change them in the blink of an eye if they get caught wrong.

-I went to the place where Rock Drake came out last time. Do you know what people there call Rock Drake? It’s called “The Wizard’s Nightmare”. It just throws the magic away.

It was definitely not a monster I could face in my first year.

Read at readwn.com

No matter how much Lee Han has ever dealt with a rattlesnake!

In terms of class, several levels were higher monsters. There is no rumor that any monsters have dragon blood mixed with them.

“Everyone, lower your posture. Do not provoke.”

“Hey, do you think he’s coming this way?”

Rock Drake, approaching with heavy steps, was not fast, but there was a bloody pressure.

Lee Han called the students together.

As long as Rock Drake was moving this way, we had to act quickly.

“You must run away now! Let’s move to the other side.”

“It’s nonsense. Rock Drake isn’t a very aggressive monster, but it’s said that any monster that enters his realm will unconditionally attack. If you provoke him by moving for nothing, that’s the end of it!”

“Then he’s coming, so let’s stay still?”

“You’re coming this way, but you’re not sure if you’ll come to our hill. More likely to go elsewhere.”

“If it’s too late, you really lose your chance to run away!”

The opinions of the friends were strongly divided.

‘It’s not easy.’

In Lee Han’s view, it was even more problematic because both sides of the argument made sense.

Rock Drake wasn’t such a sensitive monster, but if several students rushed around, there was a chance that he would notice it no matter how far away.

However, standing here and hiding behind it was completely left to luck, so there was nothing else to do…

“Shall we throw some silver coins?”

“…not bad.”

“What? Lee Han. Are you okay?”

Guy Nando spoke up and Lee Han agreed.I was embarrassed.

Of course I thought you wouldn’t…

“I’ll just take note. Stone, teach me the future.”

Lee Han threw colorful stones on the floor and concentrated his mind strongly.

He originally tried not to use his foreknowledge as well as possible, but when things got like this, he had no choice but to do it.

Fortunately, it is the near future, not the distant future.

‘This is worth doing.’

Of course, if there were Professor Faselette or Professor Garcia, they would have said, ‘Easy or difficult, it’s absolutely not at the level that a freshman would do now’, but unfortunately, there were no two professors here.

The answer you want is whether Rock Drake is here or not?

In an instant, several blurry images flashed past. Lee Han could barely stare at one of them.

“…it seems to be coming.”


Seeing Rock Drake breaking through the library on the hill and running wild, Lee Han decided to escape with his friends.

“There is absolutely no way out. There is invisibility magic, but…”


“The problem is that I can still only write to me.”


Even if it was the same magic, it was much more difficult to write it on someone else than on the wizard himself.

“However, fortunately, there are artifacts. Guyan too. Try it once.”

Gainando, who received the belt that Lee Han held out, kicked it gently.

Then he knelt in front of him and fell on his knees.

“Ma… the magic…”

“this. It consumes more mana than I expected.”

“Lee Han… you’re going to assassinate me…”

“Yone. Can you give me a potion?”

Lee Han opened the cork lid and poured the potion on Guy Nando.

Fortunately, after a while, Guynando regained his energy.

“In that case, it would be difficult to rent artifacts.”

At Lee Han’s words, all of his friends nodded enthusiastically.

Read at readwn.com

No matter how much invisibility magic was needed, he didn’t want to wear those artifacts.

‘Really Yongke is wearing such an artifact!’

“Lee Han. There is a good way.”

Gainando said.


“You just have to learn the invisibility magic that you can cast on other people now.”



“Can’t you give that bastard Rock Drake as bait?”

As the spirits of his friends became horrendous, Lee Han stretched out his hand to dry it.

‘It is certainly true in principle.’

He was not much different from the invisibility magic he casts on himself or the invisibility magic he casts on others.

This is because the latter requires a much more complicated and delicate process.

‘Let’s do it a few times.’

Lee Han decided to make the most of the time before Rock Drake came close.

Having a lot of magical power means that it can be wasted.

If there is a direction, that is a good thing, and if there is no direction, I was thinking of giving up neatly.


“…I think I’m the subject of an experiment from before, so it’s my mood…?”

Gainando grunted and stood in front. Lee Han pointed his cane.

“Cloak. Swallow your friends.”

‘No way.’

He focused properly and his movements were accurate, but the magic didn’t work.

Magical power moves in the air, and collisions and stagnation occur while constructing a magical structure that has failed.

It was because he was not completely familiar with the concept of magic yet.

“Cloak. Swallow me.”

For reference, Lee Han cast a spell on himself.

Of course I succeeded, and at that moment…

The arm of Gainando who was nearby disappeared.

“Aww my arm!!”

“Are you okay?”

“ah. Is that so?”

Guy Nando, who was terrified of his arm becoming transparent, was relieved to see his arm returned to normal.

againWhen I stretched out my arm, it became transparent again.

“Everyone, look at this!”

Transparency was spreading in a space of about 2-3 meters centered on Lee Han.


At that moment, Lee Han realized what had happened.

Lee Han now casts another magic while activating the invisibility necklace given by the Spire Keeper.

Two magics of the same series were amplified by mutual influence.

‘This is… I didn’t expect it. Was that what the principal meant?’

It was only natural that Lee Han was surprised.

Originally, this amplification was not a common result.

-What happens when you cast a spell once again?

A question that every wizard can’t help but have.

Another strength-enhancing magic, another agility enhancement magic, another invisibility magic…

What happens in this case?

The answer was ‘I don’t know’.

Because it is affected by so many variables such as circumstances, places, and magic, it is impossible to accurately predict.

But this amplification would result.

It was embarrassing, but in the current situation, I was lucky.

‘for a moment. Then why wasn’t the belt amplified?’

A belt received from the Frisinga Church.

This belt was also a belt enchanted with invisibility.

But it wasn’t amplified…

‘It’s different!’

For a moment, a quiet realization struck Lee Han’s head.

Even though it was the same invisibility magic on the surface, there was a difference in how the invisibility was implemented.

If the Frisinga Church’s belt is a magic that disturbs the vision, it surrounds the caster with a camouflage that refracts light…

The Spire Keeper’s necklace or the principal’s magic was close to magic that confuses the viewer’s conception and renders them unrecognizable.

The latter amplified each other because the method was the same.

‘Is that why you told me to think more? To tell you this.’

It felt like Lee Han’s mind was clearing.

Lee Han himself did not notice, but the realization of a wizard was of this kind.

Getting a very small realization about the magic that has been blocked and making progress.

In a way, it was natural for Lee Han not to notice.

Until now, while learning magic, there has been very little blockage.

Talent was a strong guide for the wizard, but at the same time it made the wizard drunk.

If the Skeleton Principal was by his side, he would say, ‘Yeah, that’s it. If you have attained enlightenment, you will be grateful…”

“Lee Han! You have to move!”

“sorry. I lost my eye for a moment. Let’s move.”

Instead of feeling grateful for how precious what he had just experienced, Lee Han went straight into action.

He was enlightened, and only one thing was important.

‘Invisibility magic can now be increased in units of range.’

Lee Han cast the <Gonadaltes’ Invisibility Cloak> magic to amplify the range once again.

How long does it take to complete the proper range?

At first, there was no control or anything, but after trying a few times, I got the feeling.

“Cloak, swallow me… all right. This should be enough. let’s go!”

The orthodoxy was that once you attain enlightenment, you should devote yourself to it with a grateful heart.

You don’t know if the realization you’ve ever gained will disappear somewhere.

But sometimes there were exceptions.

A genius who doesn’t stop moving even after realizing it with gratitude and immersion!

Lee Han put his friends in the invisibility range and ran.

If the Skeleton Principal had been by his side, he seemed impatient and would have added the ordeal by hand.

* * * *

Even after defeating Rock Drake, the Blue Dragon Tower students easilycouldn’t rest

She rummaged through books in search of a new library, then turned to the library to disguise herself.

“Are you okay now?”

“What if I chase you again? You have to look a little more.”

“I want to light a fire…”

In order to prepare for a proper rest, I had to put down several things, starting with the fire.

But the friends who had just barely escaped could not completely shake off Rock Drake’s nightmare.

“Hey there!”


When someone shouted in a suffocating voice, everyone quickly turned their heads.

Fortunately, it wasn’t Rock Drake.


“I didn’t say Rock Drake…! Look at that!”

The people who appeared were the students of the White Tiger Tower. The four students were walking around, looking around.

It was clear that the Blue Dragon Tower students had not yet been discovered because they hid themselves.

“What do you do, Wodanaj? Shall I call you?”

“Is there Durgyu?”

“Durgue? Don’t you?”

“Then there is nothing I can do. subdue.”


What can’t you do?

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