“I was surprised. We will meet already.”


Lee Han was puzzled by Professor Millai’s words.

I had been to the Spirit Realm before, as Professor Thunderwalker guided me once, but beings in the other realm were basically curious about intruders.

‘Don’t you approach me even if I stand still?’

…It was strange to see Lee Han and run away, but it was normal when the spirits approached him more.

“Originally, it would be. But like I said, there are safeguards.”


The safety device that kept strong beings away from access also concealed the presence of wizards at the same time.

As the presence is not felt, the existence of another world that we can meet will decrease.

“By the way, have you met?”

“It must be because of magic.”

Professor Millai looked at Lee Han and said.

Even if it was covered with a safety device, the magical power was not completely hidden, so it was clear that the undead were crawling with that magic power.

‘no. It wasn’t because of the others.’

I thought it was because students with great black magic talents went there, but it wasn’t.

Guy Nando looked at Lee Han with an expression full of betrayal.

Somehow, the undead came to me!

“As expected, you…”

“Any complaints?”

“Oh, no. Thank you for calling me Undead.”

Guy Nando vowed not to take Lee Han with him if he ever had to go to the cemetery later.

“We will continue to maintain this magic circle until the weekend. Even the students who did not succeed in signing today, keep trying.”


Lee Han was delighted with the idea that the magic circle would be open until the weekend.

‘I might be able to save the Skeleton Wizard.’

Although he made a contract with the Skeleton Warrior, it wouldn’t hurt to do one more.


Sharkan, who was inside the bone fragments, tilted her head.

He meant why he wasted his magic power.

“Gainan too. Rapadel. that is great. They say you keep the magic circle. Let’s go back in and find the new undead. There will be undead who will make a contract with you.”

“Wow… Wodanaj. That’s a bit…”

La Pad Lel waved his hand with a slightly pale face.

Lee Han said firmly knowing that his opponent was scheming.

“Rapadel. Don’t pretend it’s hard.”

“…you don’t really have magical powers, you bastard!”

Rapadel was furious.

I did not want to make a weak sound in front of Lee Han, so I endured it, but it is quite magical andIt was a mental drain.

Gainan, who was next to him, was also sitting in a chair, eating chocolate yum yum.

“ah. You’ve run out of magic.”


“Then let’s take a break for today, then go to the next break. When is your next break? Tell me.”


As soon as Lee Han was trying to check the time of Rapadel’s lecture, Rapadel felt terrified.

‘This… this bastard!’

A qualitatively different kind of horror that even a knight with a large, snarky impression could not give.

Sensing a strange fear, La Pad Lel stiffened his body.

“Speak quickly.”

“You must… there is no reason to take me with you, right?”

“no. Originally, arrows… No, having one avant-garde makes me feel at ease.”

“Did you just say take the arrow?”

“Don’t give me a strange name. So when do you have a break? Don’t think about lying. Just ask the White Tiger Tower students.”

Gainando took advantage of that gap and took a step backwards. Lee Han said without looking back.

“Gainan knows all of your lectures anyway, so I don’t have to tell you.”


* * * *

After the lecture was over and all the students had left, Professor Millais cleared his remaining seats.

As he drew his magic circle using these and other materials, his surroundings were quite cluttered.

‘Is this the magic circle you drew earlier?’

Professor Millais noticed the magic circle left in Lee Han’s place and looked away.

As much as he was trying to summon a shield form, it was clear that he didn’t make much progress.

Even so, failure must have been a lesson, so that alone…


Professor Millai was surprised to see the unfinished magic circle drawn by Lee Han.

How can a first-year student who has never properly dealt with shield-type magic complete a magic circle of this level?

…are you really a genius??

* * * *

Rapadel wanted to take a break from Lee Han until his magical power was fully restored.

And if he ever sees him again, he’d like to deal with at least four people.

But that wish did not come true.


“Hey. nice to meet.”

Before two hours had passed, he ran into Lee Han in a black magic lecture.

“Collock. I can feel different magical powers from the three. Have you even been to the undead world?”

Professor Mortum asked, unaware of Rapadel’s heart. Lee Han nodded his head and explained what was happening.

“Collock, you did a great job!”

Professor Mortum cries out his cough. He shouted so loudly that his body shook.

“Is that enough?”

“Of course. Cologne. Necromancy is not the only form of black magic, but there are no outstanding warlocks who are not capable of necromancy.”

Dealing with dark elements, poison, and curses was also one of the realms of black magic, but again, when most people think of black magic, what comes to mind is necromancy, which is the summoning of undead.

Arcane magic that raises the dead.

“Collock. It’s a bit disappointing that I did that during the summoning magic class… But where is this? Could it be that the other students looked at me with envy?”


Ian paused.

When I said that I signed a contract with the Skeleton Warrior, the reaction of the students was…

‘I wasn’t envious.’

Even though I was surprised at how great it was, there were certainly no students who said, ‘Wow, I envy black magic, and I want to learn it too’.

However, Lee Han could not refuse Professor Mortum’s sad gaze.

“It seems like it was.”


“Also! I thought so. cologne.”

Professor Mortum was delighted with his work.

La Pad L. ‘Didn’t you?’ gave him his gaze. Ian ignored it.

“The greatest and most beautiful of the many otherworldly beings that can be summoned by signing a contract are the undead. After learning the charm of the undead, the wizard has no choice but to be interested in necromancy. Cologne. What is it all about wielding swords and shields?”

A magician injects magical powers and gives orders from one to ten, and summons a being from another world that has its own ego.

Read at readwn.com

No matter how much I thought about it, the latter was bound to be much more convenient.

Of course, the latter also had its drawbacks.

The existence of an ego means that summoned beings may not listen to the wizard very well.

However, this shortcoming was also overcome if there was an existence contracted in advance.


There was also a way to get rid of the hostility of the summoned undead by staying in the grave or by applying rotten substances to their body.

Professor Mortum skipped over this method without mentioning it.

“Collock. Anyway, it was a good deal. With whom did you two make a contract?”




“Hey, we’re still…”

Professor Mortum frowned at Guy Nando’s words.

“I can’t. Cologne. The opportunity to go to the undead world and sign a contract is not very common.”

“Do not worry. professor. I will take you by the weekend to sign a contract.”

“Collock. You seem to be the only student I can trust.”

“no. It is a word of exaltation.”


Guynando and Rapadel stared at Lee Han.

Friend, but today was a little bit mean.

“Collock. Let Ymirg students also go and sign a contract to summon the undead.”

“I… me too?”

Ymirg, a half-breed giant student, was stunned.

Ymir He doesn’t even listen to summoning magic, and she doesn’t really care about necromancy.

‘I don’t think I need it until now.’

Since she was Lee Han, who had already been quoted as La Pad Elman, she decided to show mercy to her remaining friends.

“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to participate…”

“no. Let’s go together!”

“I think we should go together. The professor did, too.”

Guynando and Rapadel intervened like lightning. Ian thought to himself.

‘These scumbags.’

They forcibly bring in their friends because they don’t want to go alone!

* * * *

Professor Mortum taught him how to deal with the characteristics of monsters that are often seen in some undead worlds in preparation for his contract.

And if there are students who are interested in the undead among the students learning summoning magic, I asked them to convince them in turn how good they are, how good their necromantic skills are, and how great black magic is.

‘It makes my heart ache when I hear it.’

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

“Collock. Wodanaz.”

Towards the end of the lecture, Professor Mortum called for Lee Han, and Lee Han nodded his head as if he understood.

“Do not worry. professor. I will guide my friends and make a contract with a useful undead monster.”

“Collock. That’s not it.”


“Take this.”

Professor Mortum handed him a thick brown book. Even compared to the books Lee Han had read so far, it looked quite old.

‘<Ancient Basic Necromancer – About Summoning the True Undead>?’

“May I ask why you are giving me this book?”

Lee Han suddenly wondered why he was giving me this book.

Professor Mortum opened his mouth with a chuckle.

“Collock. How many methods do you think there are for necromancy, especially the summoning of the undead?”

“TwoIsn’t it?”

One is to summon an uncontracted being.

It was not bound by a contract, so it had to be controlled with magic and appeased hostility in various ways, but relatively free summoning was its advantage.

The other is to summon a contracted entity.

There was no need to control or appease, but if the contract itself was a disadvantage, it was a disadvantage.

“Collock. Wrong. In fact, three.”

“Three? …no way?”

Ian paused.

“I think you understand.”

There was a corner for straw.

‘Are you talking about something like a magic item?’

As I learned from Professor Millai’s last lecture, for items that do not have a self, such as swords or shields, the wizard had to plan their movements and actions one by one.

But in the case of the Undead, it was a waste of waste.

I can just summon the undead, but the wizard has to build everything from scratch?

It was an inefficient method in itself that greatly increased the level of difficulty, from lifting magical power to betting.

Of course, it wasn’t the way it is now. Lee Han didn’t just say, ‘Isn’t it two things?’

“Collock. That’s right.”

“I heard it is rare these days that people are summoned like this… Did you hear that?”

“It’s not that there aren’t many, but there aren’t. Cologne. In fact, it was the way it was written in ancient times. This book describes the ancient way.”


Lee Han was surprised once again.

It was surprising to recommend magic in a way that is not used now, and it was surprising why he recommended it.

‘What’s the advantage… Wait. Isn’t there a reason why it’s not being used now?’

“Why me?”

“Collock. Principal’s instructions. He asked God to make it possible for you to summon undead in this way as well.”


Lee Han was sullen.

I thought it was recommended because of Lee Han’s hidden aptitude or his magical constitution…

“Yes. What. We will try.”

‘I’ll have to pass it on.’

Black magic had already managed its grades enough.

Even without mastering the magic of summoning the undead in such an outdated way, a perfect score would come out.

“Collock. I believe You can learn it well. The principal told me to check it every week. They told me to send them to the punishment room if there was no progress, but the joke is…”


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