Lee Han apologized again.

“I’m really sorry. professor. Because I was actually attacked by intruders last weekend…”

done. Because I don’t have to apologize. You too, stop fooling around and change things.

The fake Gainando got up from his seat and changed his appearance in an instant.

The most sculptural person Lee Han had ever seen appeared.

‘Where did you see… Ah.’

Ian realized.

That was the appearance of the skeleton principal while he was alive.

you. Do you want to be beaten by me too?

“In the name of Go (孤), I would like to express my regrets. Gonadaltes.”

The professor apologized and changed shape again.

This time it was a middle-aged parrot beast male.

Umm… Isn’t it very similar to last year?


It lacks a bit of fresh taste.

The professor’s face changed again.

She was a young chameleon beast woman.

“How is it?”

Did you do it last year?

“I don’t think overlapping is such a big problem… it’s okay to overlap…”

The professor mumbled and tried a few more transformations.

– Not bad.

-Aren’t you creative?

-Why is it that the 1st year cast iron head is also developing?

Of course, the reaction was not good.

“…how about this one?”

The professor has turned into a skeleton warrior this time. Then the Skeleton Principal was amazed.

That’s great!

“Heh heh. thank you.”


What do you think?

Lee Han is the best fit for this situation.I quickly pondered what the reaction would be.

“You are really great. All the students will focus on the lecture.”

guy. Your eyes are as good as your magic skills.

* * * *

The professor in charge of the transformation magic, Professor Yonlamor Rj, was surprisingly a doppelganger.

Lee Han was surprised to see the doppelganger, one of the rarest among the species.

‘There are so many different people out there. This school!’

I wondered if there was any other expert like a doppelganger to teach transformation magic.

They are born to transform with racial characteristics…

But how did he find out that Professor Rigi was disguised?

“Uh… Guynando doesn’t call me Wodanaj.”

“Heh heh. That was the problem.”

Seeing the skeleton warrior complaining with a cunning voice, Principal Skeleton and Lee Han stopped.

…to change it?

Who taught you very well.

“Are you always praising Professor Bagreg?”

Professor Rigi said indifferently.

The Skeleton Principal summoned his bones, grabbed Professor Rudge’s ankle, and knocked it down.


I don’t want to go Although Professor Ruji made some stupid mistakes, he is a master at transforming magic. learn well


Come to think of it, he was learning alchemy, right? Conversion magic is a type of magic that has a very deep connection with alchemy. Learning will help.

“I will keep your advice in mind.”

After the skeleton principal disappeared, Lee Han paused.


Somehow, it felt like learning transformation magic was confirmed.


“Heh heh. I wish you well. Wardanaj County. I have high expectations for my skills.”

Professor Rigi put an arm around his shoulder, showing his friendliness.

Lee Han hesitated and looked at Professor Ruji. At that moment, his nose bone dropped and fell off.

“Ah. The part I hit earlier…”


“Hehehe. no. no. It’s the guy who got it that’s wrong. The principal is right.”

Professor Rigi hit the fallen bones and hit them.

Seeing this, Lee Han couldn’t help but open his mouth.

How could he say, ‘I don’t know how to learn transformation magic’ in front of a professor who blows his nose.

* * * *

“professor. Where did you go to be beaten?”

“Hehehe. I fell.”

“But why… a Skeleton Warrior? It’s definitely what you’re going to do this year…”

“Heh heh. This is better.”

‘I don’t think so.’

Professor Garcia looked at Professor Rigi with bewilderment as she entered the classroom.

As a doppelganger, it was customary throughout the year to appear in all sorts of different forms, but a skeleton warrior didn’t seem like a good choice.


Aren’t students wondering, ‘Why is that professor like that?’

‘But it’s the professor’s choice… Let’s respect it.’

Professor Garcia respected Professor Rigi’s taste.

If Professor Ruji wants to wander around as a Skeleton Warrior this year, it’s Professor Ruji’s freedom.

“ruler. Professor Rigi is here today to teach you what transformation magic is. Professor Rigi is a natural transformation wizard.”

Before Garcia finished speaking, Professor Rigi changed four times.

As Professor Garcia, as Professor Boladi (Lee Han almost fell backwards), as Professor Alpen, as Professor Lightning Step.

At the sight of it, there was excitement.

The eyes of all the students, who had just been embarrassed, changed.

“Transformation magic… is magic that understands the mysteries of matter and the truth that is immersed in that matter. Excellent alchemists are good at transforming magic.Skillful, brilliant transformation wizards are good at alchemy. Students who are taking alchemy are recommended to listen to transformation magic. oh Student Han Lee… you don’t have to.”

Han-eun Lee resented Professor Garcia.

Professor Ruji is watching from the side, and when he says something like that, how can he say no?

“no. professor.”

“Are you really okay?”

“…it’s really good.”

Gainando, who was next to him, tilted his head.

“I don’t think it’s okay…”

Professor Garcia continued the explanation.

Fortunately for Lee Han, transformation magic was useful in many ways.

Being able to change matter meant a lot to the wizard.

How can you somehow substitute cheap ingredients without getting expensive ingredients yourself?

For wizards, it was a revolution itself.

“Can’t we just buy it with gold coins?”

“I know…?”

Seeing the Blue Dragon Tower friends talking nonsense, Lee Han’s heart ached.

You don’t know how great it is now.

Lee Han shook his head and met Yoner’s eyes.

Yoner was also shaking his head.


The two awake students nodded as if they understood each other.

“…as well as transforming the wizard himself and transforming the environment around him. When I decorate my studio, I also get help from Professor Ruji.”

Guynando yawned loosely.

Professor Ruji saw this and swung his wand. With a flash of light, Gainando turned into a white rat.

Squeak slap slap!

“Oh… oh oh oh!”

“Me, that!”

The students’ eyes began to shine again.

Although they were students who had high values ​​such as honor, study, inquiry, and truth, sometimes they had a desire to transform their neighbor into a mouse.

“Professor Rigi…!”

Professor Garcia growled lowly.

It was a lively sound that made the prey’s throat freeze.

Professor Rigi quickly swung his wand again.

“Hehehe. You were kidding me. joke. right? Are you fine?”

-Yes! it’s okay!

“It’s okay!”

Guynando was startled to see Professor Ruji mimicking his own voice.


“You are a great professor.”

“I want to learn that magic.”

“You savages! Does it make sense to think like that now!”

Guy Nando got mad at his friends, but they were already half way through.

* * * *

“shit. I was deceived.”

“I was expecting it.”

“I told you!”

Guynando beat the grumbling students.

The students, who wanted to learn the magic of turning a friend into a mouse, swung their wands in disappointment.

Of course, it was not a circle with low magic to turn a friend into a mouse.

In fact, it was a magic that could only be learned in high school.

‘I like this one more.’

Lee Han swung his wand to practice the <Ingredient Detection> magic taught by Professor Ruji today.

What’s the benefit of turning a friend into a mouse?

On the other hand, being able to explore the composition of a substance with a single wand was quite beneficial.

“👑👑. Transforming matter means understanding the depths of that matter. Do you know, everyone?”

“Yes. professor.”

Lee Han answered the skeleton warrior’s cunning voice seriously.

The voice was not used to me, but the meaning contained in it was quite important.

Changing the properties or changing the shape of a substance may seem simple on the outside, but it requires a deep understanding inside.

Summoning magic is a reagentIt seems like I can throw it and summon it easily, but it takes a lot of preparation after that, so it was the same with transformation magic.

“professor. I figured it out.”

“I figured it out.”

“I figured it out.”

Students who found out the proportions of the iron sticks came out with their hands up.

‘These are all familiar faces.’

I think the students who took alchemy got good grades because they fit their aptitudes.

Professor Rigi applauded with his bony palms as if welcomed.

“Heh heh. Everyone is great. Then let’s do one more simple magic.”

The cloak flapped and sank gently on the desk. The professor tapped the desk with his hand.

“This cloak is made of sheep’s hair. It’s soft and fluffy.”

The cane was swung In an instant, the cloak turned into a solid lump of iron.



The eyes of the students gathered near the desks gleamed.

All of them were students who were seriously interested in alchemy and transformation magic, so they showed more enthusiasm for such magic than the magic to turn a friend into a mouse.

It was a simple magic, but this magic showed many possibilities.

What if it was changed to a material other than iron?

Or some other form? Or what if we go deeper and change the nature of wool itself?

‘It makes me sad that you can’t make money with transformation magic.’

Lee Han had other thoughts on his own.

There were many countermeasures because the magic was too well known. It was virtually impossible to get rich by making fake silver or gold.

“Heh heh heh. Everyone is so enthusiastic. Then let’s practice. One piece of advice: it’s better to understand the nature of wool rather than blindly casting a spell in the first place.”

The students practiced in many ways, as advised by the professor, by touching, smelling, and detecting ingredients in their cloaks.

The princess turned and swung her wand. The texture of her cloak changed to hard metal and then loosened.

“Looks like the duration… is too short.”

“Transformation magic is what it is. student. If you think about enchantment, it will make sense.”

Professor Skeleton kindly explained.

As it is a type of magic that changes its shape by infusing the magical energy woven into the material at the will of the wizard, it was difficult for the magic to last long.

“Duration doesn’t have to be obsessive. As long as you learn how to hang it properly, it will increase little by little. The important thing is to realize the desired material with precise control…”

Professor Ruji finished his explanation and looked around.

Some students were still figuring out the ingredients, and there were students who challenged the <Steel Cloak Conversion> magic.

“What do you think? Is it like steel?”

“Umm… I think it’s a bit lacking in strength.”

“Let’s swing it one more time.”

Yonner cast transformation magic with a cloak in one hand and a staff in the other.

Then he slammed it hard towards the cloak that Lee Han was holding.


“It looks better than before.”

“great. I’ll try again. Wait a minute. Drink some potion.”

“okay. Take it slow.”

At the warm-hearted appearance of helping each other and practicing magic, Professor Ruji clenched his skull and was delighted.


Then, suddenly, I noticed something strange.

He slammed it at the cloak, why is it making that noise?

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