Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1058: I know you must be 8

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Shen Mochen's chin in the car window was tight, his lips squeezed into a straight line, his eyes were red, glowing with fire, and staring at Shui Miaomiao.

The chest undulates violently, and the depressed anger is like a volcano about to erupt.

He parked the car directly on the road, got off the car, shoved the window, and strode toward Miaomiao.

She glanced at him and knew that he was very, very angry, almost able to shoot flames from his eyes, standing in front of her, breathing very heavily, all spit on her face, as if to burn her skin .

Shui Miaomiao dared not speak, looking at Shen Mochen.

She hoped he could understand her good intentions.

"Are you really brainy!" Shen Mochen shouted.

Shui Miaomiao wrinkled her eyebrows, and suddenly misted her eyes, pulled her head down, and folded her fists slightly.

Shen Mochen looked at her as a clever but stubborn look, and the fire broke out at once, without rational anger: "Do I let you do this? Do I need you to do this? Why are you not obedient? Are you? I'm so happy that I am angry, I go all alone, turn off my phone, think of myself, how many times do you need to understand, I don't need you to do anything for me, and I don't seldom sacrifice a woman for me, something I can solve It will be resolved. Trust, what did you promise me? What are you doing now?"

Shui Miaomiao clenched his fists tightly and pinched his fingernails into the flesh.

He didn't need her to do anything for him, but she couldn't bear to watch him go to jail.

He said that she would do everything by herself and be self-righteous.

Would rather ruin yourself than save her!

Shui Miaomiao took a deep breath, raised her chin, and looked at Shen Mochen clearly, "You didn't let me do this, and you didn't need me to do it either. Everyone is an independent individual, why do I To listen to you, I have my ideas and I have to move freely."

"Shui Miaomiao, I will not thank you for doing this. You are an insult to my dignity and ability. I will only hate you, hate you, and spurn you." Shen Mochen said sharply.

Shui Miaomiao's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, hit the cliff of Hanfeng, and shattered.

She sacrificed for him, not to thank him, but only to protect him, not an insult to his dignity and ability, but she loved him from the heart.

He can be angry with her, but is it too heavy to hate, hate, spurn?

She was as painful, perhaps, the pain was more than him.

Shui Miaomiao took his arm and said softly, "Can we face it together? I don't want you to be alone."

Shen Mochen shook her hand away, locked her with a red eyes, and the whole person was in the haze, and ordered fiercely: "Follow me now, I can never blame this matter for you, or you should never think about it. Come back to me, it’s over between us."

The mist gathered in Shui Miaomiao's eyes, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. He looked at Shen Mochen for a while, his eyes were aggrieved, helpless, pleading, and expecting.

What she wants to face with him, no matter how difficult it is, she will bear it with him.

She has fought for nine months, and she feels that they will be able to turn the tide in the nine months.

Shui Miaomiao sucked her nose and explained: "Xing Zun promised not to touch me for nine months, as long as you..."

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