Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1069: Some love is called essential 1

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless!

Shen Mochen hung up the phone suddenly.

Shui Miaomiao listened to his voice particularly low, as if something had happened, and was particularly worried.

However, he was doing things and it was inappropriate for her to call again.

Shui Miaomiao eats Xiaolongbao with a lot of thoughts.


The three cars stopped in front of Shen Mochen.

Wei Jiawei got down from the car in the middle, staring fiercely at Shen Mochen, and walked towards Shen Mochen, imposingly.

Shen Mochen looked at Wei Jiawei deeply, expressionless and solemn.

"You did it?" Wei Jiawei asked.

Shen Mochen twitched his lips and said sarcastically: "I have no reason to do this. If I am you, it is a matter of urgency to find out the traitor first."

"I have found it." Wei Jiawei said fiercely, glaring at the procuratorate, murderous, "I hope President Shen will not stop me for a while."

"You said it was Shen Jiachang?" Shen Mochen was a little surprised.

"Only he can touch all the processes. No one but him." The horizontal flesh on Wei Jiawei's face was shaking.

Shen Mochen raised his eyebrows, and a suspicious expression flashed in his eyes.

Shen Jiachang has no reason to do so.

"I still have some things to go first." Shen Mochen finished, without turning elegantly after Wei Jiawei, got into his car and left.

On the way, he called Xing Zun.

The phone was connected three times.

"You are ahead of the time I expected you to call me." Xing Zun Yongrong said with a smile.

"If I am not wrong, you installed a monitor on Shen Jiachang, otherwise, with Shen Jiachang's courage and stance, it is impossible to do these things, so you knew what they were doing 7 years ago. What's the matter." Shen Mochen said all the statements.

"So?" Xing Zun asked leisurely.

"If Wei Jiawei knew that it was you who overcame behind the scenes, what do you think would happen to you?" Shen Mochen said with a sharp eye.

"Huh." Xing Zun smiled and Yapi said, "I thought you were clever, but is that all?"

Shen Mochen was silent, his eyebrows twisted slightly, and in an instant, he thought of another possibility, the strength of his hand holding the steering wheel increased. "You found these videos on my mother's computer?"

"You really deserve my brother. Indeed, I saw it in Lin Meijuan's computer. I thought with my toes, how could I go back and monitor Shen Jiachang at that time, even if I monitored him, how could I Install a monitor on him.

What can be done is Lin Meijuan who hates him.

This video has been cut. According to my judgment, the monitor is installed on the button of Shen Jiachang. You said, why is Shen Jiachang not prepared? Xing Zun asked proudly.

"What do you want to express?" Shen Mochen's jaw tightened, his face covered with haze, and his face was scary.

Because, he has guessed what Xing Zun wants to express.

"Although she hated Shen Jiachang, in order to approach Shen Jiachang, it is estimated that she seduced him actively." Xing Zun said coldly.

"These are just your guesses." Shen Mochen denied.

"These are my guesses. Lin Meijuan originally wanted to find a video of Shen Jiachang's unhealthy style. She didn't expect to get such a shocking secret, but she didn't dare to report it. If she reported it, Shen would be finished, but, Coincidentally, when your dad saw it, Lin Meijuan asked your dad not to speak out, for you, for her, for your grandfather, for the entire Shen family."

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