Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 1205: No matter what you do, I will stay with you

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

The baby didn't believe it and took the photo frame in Shui Miaomiao's hand, and found that the photos inside were really gone.

She opened the drawer.

She used to put all the albums in the drawer before, but they were gone.

Panic flashed in her eyes, and the computer was turned on.

She moved the mouse quickly, opened the D drive, found the document titled photo, opened it, and there was no photo in it.

She seemed to be struck by lightning, a blank mind, and a stiff back.

For a moment, Li Baoyi opened the photo album inside the phone.

There is no photo in the album.

She stared blankly at the ground with a trance. ,

Even if brother is in danger, don't delete all her photos.

None of them are left.

The mobile phone became a blank number.

The bank card was also cancelled.

Reason, bit by bit overturning his imagination, pain slowly entered the heart, tears, rolled down along the cheek.

Li Baoyi looked at Shui Miaomiao with red eyes and asked softly, "Does my brother want me anymore?"

Shui Miaomiao pursed her lips.

She can feel the pain of the baby's heart at the moment, "I will always be with you, just like when I was the most difficult, you have been with me."

Li Baoyi kept her tears quietly.

The baby has always been noisy.

Shui Miaomiao had never seen her look so silent, worried in her heart, and hugged Li Baoyi's shoulder.

Li Baoyi looked at the air indifferently and said to himself: "So, brother, when I disappeared for the first time, I ignored me and didn't return my phone, I decided not to want me, he came back this time, just Just settle me."

"Baby, don't be like this. If you are sad, you should cry out, just cry." Shui Miaomiao said distressedly.

"Now that I have decided to leave, why should I touch me, why should I tell me that I like me, and why should I tell me again that I was adopted." Li Baoyi was puzzled and his breathing became more and more rapid, he asked confusedly: "Why ?why?"

Shui Miaomiao hugged Li Baoyi tightly, "Baby, don't be sad, everything will be fine. Without Li Yue, you can live well."

Li Baoyi's arm was hanging, his eyebrows were puzzled, completely silent in his own thoughts, whispering, "Why, why."

Shui Miaomiao can't answer, just want to pass the warmth of his body to the baby.

A baby's righteousness, Li Yue treats her not only relatives, but also lovers and lovers.

This feeling is better than Ye Lingyi's not wanting her.

She was afraid that the baby would not think about it.

Li Baoyi stood indifferently without moving.

Shui Miaomiao hugged her for more than ten minutes, watching the baby still in a daze, and asked softly, "Baby, shall we go to dinner? I will invite you to eat delicious food."

Li Baoyi seemed to have settled in a strange way, his eyes didn't move.

"Baby, don't scare me." Shui Miaomiao was surprised to see that Li Baoyi hadn't responded. He shook Li Baoyi's arm and shook it, raising the decibel and shouting, "Baby."

But Li Baoyi still did not respond.

Shui Miaomiao was afraid, "Don't do this, baby, even if Li Yue is stupid, Li Yue will not come back. That man is not worth it. Baby, you wake up, you wake up."

Li Baoyi didn't speak in silence.


No matter what Shui Miaomiao shouted, Li Baoyi remained motionless.

Shui Miaomiao was helpless, wiped her tears, and said firmly: "Well, no matter what you do, I will accompany you."

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