Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 804: At a glance, it can be shaken

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

"That's right, the Shen's side now specifies the tiles you want. If you don't sell them to us, our business can't continue." Chen Qiang interjected next to him.

Mrs. Chen glared at Chen Qiang.

He is so big and old, how can he tell the truth?

Shui Miaomiao understood that the sentence that Shen Mochen said yesterday worked.

Chen Qiang, if they want to do business with Shen, they must use water tiles.

Today, they will change their normal behavior, so stifling her.

Can she not take their money?

As Shen Mochen said, he helped her solve it, and she found some trouble for herself, it was death, not so-called high, proud and arrogant.

Her guts have been worn away in the past days.

"I know, rest assured, Shui's business will not do nothing, I will let the salesperson over there to contact you." Shui Miao said softly.

Mrs. Chen let go of her mind, shrewd eyes locked on Shui Miaomiao, and asked gossip: "After all, what is your relationship with the president of the Shen family? He seems to take care of you."

Shui Miaomiao remembered what Shen Mochen said last.

He said: You are my ex-wife now, and your son is only your son. In the future, your affairs have nothing to do with me. There is no relationship between us.

Her mood was heavy.

Since there is no relationship between them, it is not good for her to accept his help for nothing, she does not want to owe him such a big favor.

All she can give is her body.

Shui Miaomiao said coldly to Mrs. Chen: "I have nothing to do with him. I have something to do. Let's go first."

Shui Miaomiao went out from Chenguang Decoration Company and pulled Shen Mochen's mobile phone number back into the white list and called him.

The phone was hung up at once.

Shui Miaomiao took a deep breath and called again.

This time, Shen Mochen answered, his voice was very low, implying some impatient cold, "What's the matter?"

"Where are you now?" Shui Miaomiao asked.

"Sheraton Hotel Room 806, are you coming?" Shen Mochen asked coldly, with a sneer, with a cool tone.

"Come here," Shui Miaomiao said, and hung up the phone.

Shen Mochen gave a hand, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the front with deep eyes.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen." Chang Kaiwen sitting next to Shen Mochen shouted.

Shen Mochen slowed down and looked at the computer screen.

On the other side of the screen, several bosses all looked at Shen Mochen, waiting for him to speak.

"Go on, where did you just say?" Shen Mochen asked Shen Sheng.

Huacheng Hanhui reported: "The Star of Tomorrow" will be premiered on the entire network this Saturday, and the script has been prepared. I have selected three and will wait for the final approval."

"Well. On our own APP platform, Shui Miaomiao, Zhang Mengran, Mengtian support rate is relatively high, Shui Miaomiao and Zhang Mengran are their own real data, we are 90% Go up...." Hua Chenghan continued to report.

Chang Kaiwen was so distracted when he saw President Shen.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang.

Shen Mochen's deep eyes looked at the door.

Chang Kaiwen got up and opened the door.

Shui Miaomiao stood at the door, she saw Shen Mochen was having a video conference, and walked in with her head blank.

Shen Mochen locked him and said to the screen: "First, let's rest for five minutes."

With that, Shen Mochen closed the computer.

Chang Kaiwen also quickly closed the computer.

Shen Mochen looked coldly at Shui Miaomiao and asked, "What's the matter?"

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