Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 885: a bolt from the blue

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Shui Miaomiao's eyes widened, the scene was too shocking, she was struck by lightning, and what surprised her even more was that the man behind was actually Lin Nanyu.

Shui Miaomiao covered his lips, closed the door, and walked pale towards the position of the deck.

She now knows why Lin Nanyu is tall, handsome, mature, steady, and has a kind personality. It is the type that many women like. He is such a senior grade but he is not married and still single.

It turned out that his orientation was male.

Does Shen Mochen know this? Does his family know?

If Lin Nanyu's favorite person is Shen Mochen! ! ! ! ! Then, it was explained whether the distress on the mountain yesterday.

Shen Mochen said that he had planted a psychedelic needle. Was it that Lin Nanyu thought of Shen Mochen and also blamed Li Sisi.

The truth of the matter was so shocking that she couldn't help it.

She felt that this matter should be told to Shen Mochen.

Shui Miaomiao trembled out of the phone from her bag, dialed it out, and the phone rang, and the phone was snatched away by her wide hand.

Lin Nanyu's face was green, and his phone was hung up by Yin Ying, holding Shui Miaomiao's hand forward.

Shui Miaomiao was afraid, knocking on Lin Nanyu's hand and shouting: "Lin Nanyu, you let me go, you let me go, save... Uh, uh, uh."

Lin Nanyu covered her lips and put her arm around her waist, leaning her body behind her, holding her to the 128 box.

Shui Miaomiao kicked her legs anxiously, trying to attract the attention of others.

But in this kind of place, everyone comes to have fun, and no one wants to be busy.

Shui Miaomiao was brought into 128 boxes.

Lin Nanyu slammed hard.

Shui Miaomiao was dropped on the sofa.

He turned around and locked the door, with Xiao Shi's anger in his red eyes, and said cruelly: "Do you want to tell Shen Mochen?"

Shui Miaomiao was clever, turned over from the sofa, hid behind the sofa, locked Lin Nanyu guardedly, and said with a trembling voice: "I don't say, you let me go."

Lin Nanyu snorted and locked her coolly, said coldly: "It's good if you come, you know, the trap in the cave was set by me, I didn't expect you to be so big."

Shui Miaomiao murmured in his heart and sank suddenly.

When Lin Nanyu spoke out bluntly about his crimes, then his killing intentions were very heavy, and she died soon afterwards.

"If you kill me, Shen Mochen will not let you go, he will soon be able to find your presence from here." Shui Miao Miao warned.

"He is almost dying, how do you think he can let me go?" Lin Nanyu said with confidence, grinning.

"Shen Mochen is dying, what does this sentence mean?" Shui Miaomiao asked worriedly.

"When he was in the cave, it was not the ecstasy needle, but the virus. The incubation period of the virus was one month. After one month, he began to have fever and convulsions. After another month, Qiqiao bleeds to death. Only me has the cure. Only me. Can save him." Lin Nanyu said with a bird of prey.

Shui Miaomiao came out from the back of the sofa calmly and asked with red eyes: "Why are you doing this? You are his dearest uncle, the person he trusts most, how can you do this?"

"I loved him for twenty-five years, and treated him as my man since I was sensible. I protected him and loved him. What did he return to me! Why can't I do this? I want to get him, except me, No one can defile him." Lin Nanyu said paranoidly with his **** eyes widened.

"You are his uncle." Shui Miaomiao said very uncomprehendingly.

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