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Chapter 909: Shen Shao, show mercy 4

Biquge, the fastest update to turn the window to commit crimes: the husband's new chapters are merciless

Shui Miaomiao was hesitant.

Wisdom is like him, maybe she says it, he can turn the tide.

However, she also worried that after she said it, Lin Nanyu would not give him the antidote, that is, she harmed him.

Think before and after.

Shui Miaomiao decided to be a villain first, then a gentleman.

"Shen Mochen, promise me, you don’t want to contact me within two months, we treat it as if you don’t know, you pretend to hate me, the kind you hate, let the world know that you hate me, and then, almost, I Come back to you, okay?" Shui Miao said ambiguously.

"What's the same time? What did those people use to threaten you to leave me? Yanyan's safety, your father's safety, or your adoptive mother's safety?" Shen Mochen speculated.

It's your safety!

"You do what I say anyway, no matter what happens, I always have you in your heart, so you don't want to give up yourself, take care of your body and don't worry me, okay?" Shui Miaomiao took his hand and pleaded. .

"Are you sure?" Shen Mochen asked, his chest undulating violently, and the flames burning in his eyes.

She couldn’t say anything. If Lin Nanyu knew that Lin Nanyu was anxious, she would not give him an antidote.

"Sorry." Shui Miaomiao stood up.

Shen Mochen then flicked, and the glass fell to the ground.

"Why are you both?

Lin Nanyu, you, the two closest people around me are threatened by people. You know a lot, but you don’t say it. Do you believe that I can help you? Why do you have to bear it alone, what kind of person am I in your eyes?

Incompetent, or coward! "Shen Mochen said angrily, his chest fluctuated violently because of an unstable mood.

"Shen Mochen, don't believe anyone around you, including me." Shui Miaomiao said, turning around.

Shen Mochen took Shui Miaomiao's hand a step further and narrowed Rui Rui's eyes, emitting a cold light, "What does this mean? You are alluding to my uncle, and since he came, you have changed your attitude, When you deliberately smashed his car, you didn’t have an emotional dispute with me, but you worried that he would be detrimental to me, so you deliberately spurned him, so, the person who threatened you was my uncle, Lin Nanyu?"

With such a judgment, Shen Mochen was also very surprised, widening Rui Rui's eyes, and looked at Shui Miaomiao's face inconceivably.

Shui Miaomiao thought badly.

Shen Mochen was too clever, she said nothing at all, he guessed that 80%.

Shen Mochen was too shocked, let go of Shui Miaomiao's hand, took a step back, and sat on the sofa. He looked suspiciously at the air in front of him, thoughtfully, frowning, and Ruiguang flooding in his eyes, sprinting, but, There are still some unthinkable things.

Shui Miaomiao was really afraid of him, and crouched in front of Shen Mochen, holding his hand.

Shen Mochen shook her hand away, there was no temperature in her eyes, and said coldly: "Go, I will not see you again, nor will I love you again."

Shui Miaomiao's heart twitched, and it seemed to have fallen into the bottomless abyss. The pain came so suddenly that without a little precaution, she was penetrated by the ice edge, so painful that she couldn't even make a sound.

"A woman who unites with others to deceive me to get a woman I don't want, a woman who doesn't trust me to get a woman I'm not uncommon, play me, treat me as a doll in your palm, who gave you the courage and courage, go! "Shen Mochen said sternly, the cold one seemed to come from hell.

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