Human Shackles

Chapter 193

“Xiaokai, you brat won’t tell me when you come to school, don’t you treat me as a friend!” A tall, stalwart man walked over in a hurry. Before people reached the loud voice like a broken gong.

Luo Kai looked back and smiled: “It’s not because you are too busy.”

This man is Tuoba Ye, walks up to him and pats Luo Kai hard on the shoulder: “Be busy. Fart, no matter how busy you are, let’s go.”

Several Mecha guards clearly knew Tuoba Ye, and hurriedly moved their huge body back a few steps, bowing: Instructor.”

Tuobaye ignored them and dragged Luo Kai into it.

Tuobaye is always undressed and always wears that greasy leather jacket on him. He looks like a sloppy tramp. The crowd in the square discusses spiritedly: “Who is that person?”


“It seems to be the chief Instructor of the Martial Arts Association, Tuoba Family’s Tuoba Ye!”

“Ah, isn’t that also the Martial Arts Grandmaster? This kid is really from Beijing University Student!”

Walking out of the dark level, the eyes suddenly open up, and a large swath of rolling mountains appear in the field of vision. Densely packed buildings are located among them. Some are built directly on the top of the mountain. The surrounding palaces are numerous, gold and jade in glorious splendor, imposing manner is extremely majestic, and it is not inferior to the Forbidden City in the previous life.

More importantly, Luo Kai feels that the gravitational force has increased, at least twice as heavy as the outside. Under this kind of gravity, ordinary persons may even have problems standing up. Could it be that the humans of this World have mastered it? The geomagnetic gravity?

Tuobaye likes Luo Kai’s surprised expression very much. This kid is always that peaceful expression. Now he is finally a bit human. Hehe smiled and said: “How about this? The school is still magnificent.”

“What’s the matter with gravity?” Luo Kai raised his hand. Under the influence of this gravity, his flexibility decreased significantly, and his movements were slightly stiff.

Tuobaye pointed to the pyramid-like building in the depths of the mountains, and said: “This is the magical function of the geomagnetic tower. Think about it, if you stay under this kind of gravity for three years and five years What will happen after loading?”

Luo Kai eyes shined, which is the same as weight training. Gravity will consolidate people’s musculoskeletal forces. Once they are free from the constraints, they will greatly improve their strength and flexibility. No wonder the martial arts cultivator is yearning for Beijing University, even if you live here, you will gradually increase your strength.

Tuobaye stared at Luo Kai for a while, then suddenly he said: “Xiaokai, how do I feel that you are a little different again?”

Luo Kai was caught by him I got used to it, touched my cheek instinctively, and hummed: “You are jealous of me, the more handsome I am.”

“Handsome shit, you guys should be like me!” Tuoba Ye A proud body.

The two moved towards the building group, chatting as they walked.

“Are your body refiner masters very busy?” Luo Kai asked with a smile. Since coming to Beijing, the three body refiner masters have hardly seen anyone.

“Ai, I’m so busy, my wife inside the house is arguing, and the martial arts club outside will not stop for a while.” Tuoba Ye sighed.

Luo Kai wanted to warn him not to mix in some mundane things, so he can’t speak at this time. For the body refiner masters of these Great Family, the greater the strength, the greater the responsibility, or their The origin is the cause, and now it is necessary to pay back the result.

Gradually approaching the building complex, the number of students began to increase, and there were Mecha guards patrolling everywhere. This is a university, which is stronger than the military camp, and the gravity is also increasing. The bigger they are, they are still on the edge of the school. The central location may have several times or even dozens of times the gravity.

Shangjing University upholds the elite system. Although the total human population in this era is far from being compared with previous lives , But there is still a population of 780 million, while Shangjing University has only 500 enrollment places each year. Almost all the students enrolled are talents from all over the Human Race. Almost most freshmen have the strength of body refiner, and a few do not have it. Other specialties.

At a glance, Luo Kai saw a student with wings. He was not a winged man relying on external equipment, but a real winged man, but he obviously couldn’t fly under this kind of gravity. , Shrugging his wings, with a frowning face, along the way, there are not a few students who have genetic mutations like this, and they are indeed much better than ordinary persons.

Tuoba Ye directly took Luo Kai moved towards an ash-gray teaching building, and came to the door of a classroom with a 101 sign. The classroom space is very large and densely packed are all students , A female Teacher in her thirties, with fair skin and beautiful and alluring face, was teaching on the podium, with a very detailed picture of the human body drawn on the board.

“Aren’t we supposed to report somewhere in the school office first?” Seeing Tuobaye about to rush into the classroom, Luo Kai hurriedly grabbed him. This old fellow is too unreliable. How many students go straight to the class before finishing the class.

“Why are you going to the school office, why do you want to listen to those Old Guys, that’s it.”

Tuobaye frivolous knocked on the door: “Beat Teacher , I will send you a good student!”

When the female Teacher saw him with a cold face, she walked to the door of the classroom angrily and said in a low voice: “Tuo Ba Ye, you come to harass me again, I’ll… I’ll find your father!”

Although the voice is small, everyone here is all sharp ears and keen eyes. The forty-fifty students in the classroom are all looking at it. Come here.

Tuobaye salivated his face and said, “That…no, I’m really here to give you a good student.” He said that he pulled Luo Kai out from behind.

Luo Kai can’t wait to strangle this old fellow, he can only smile: “Hello Teacher, my name is Luo Kai.”

“Are you Luo Kai?” Female Teacher As if he knew him, his anger was slightly restrained.

Luo Kai was stunned, nodded.

“New students have rules for new students. You have to choose your major first, and then someone will arrange the class for you.” The female Teacher’s expression returned to sternness and she placed an Expulsion Order.

Tuobaye said again: “Choose what class, Ou Ning, you can’t finish it with him.”

The female teacher coldly said: “The most important thing to be a person is to observe the rules. , My class does not allow students to be unruly!”

Tuobaye’s face is a bit unbearable, and his expression will go mad when he gets annoyed.

Luo Kai hurriedly grabbed him, moved towards the female teacher with a sorry smile, and left in a hurry.

Tuobaye kept chattering along the way: “This Niang Pi still hates me for abandoning her. If you marry her and become a wife, I will definitely spank her every day. You have to remember that women cannot I’m used to not having a room for three days…

Luo Kai ignored his nagging and found the school office. At this time, the enrollment was over. Fortunately, Tuoba Ye did have several points of face. After Luo Kai showed the hot stamping invitation letter, an old man with glasses took a distribution sheet and asked him to choose his major.

Just looked at this professional distribution sheet, but Luo Kai Some have big heads. There are so many branches of martial arts. There are dozens of martial arts of martial arts. Weapon-types are more complex and diverse. Cold weapons include blade, spear, sword, halberd, and battle axe. , And further subdivided, there are heavy sword and light sword in the sword technique, the Blade Technique also has the sharp knife and the big knife… There are also several hot weapons, including Gun Battle Technique, long-range sniper technique, and power machine. The gun is controlled by Mecha. There is no advanced positioning and aiming system in this era. It depends on the operator.

The elementalist course is at the bottom. The elementalist is clearly divided into categories. In addition to the energy of Five Elements, there is also light. Specialized courses for energy and dark energy.

bite off more than one can chew, the school stipulates that martial arts cultivator can only choose three types, one type for boxing and foot, one type for weapon-type, and one type for mechanical manipulation. .

This is the future development direction of body refiners. If others must consider carefully, Luo Kai doesn’t matter. He has already reached the realm where all the methods are accessible and he has chosen a heavy at random. With sword technique, under the guidance of Tuoba Ye, I chose “clutch martial arts” for boxing and foot, and Mecha for mechanical control.

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