I, A Soldier in the Field, A Ghost in the Smoke!

I, a soldier in the field, a ghost in the smoke Chapter 120

On the top of the mountain on the other side of Chen Yan's command, several soldiers in camouflage uniforms compared gestures with each other. Finally, a soldier stood in front of Yegor, who was wearing goggles, and reported:

"Captain! The target has been confirmed dead!"

"Very good!" Yegor said sternly.

Chen Yan's head was broken into pieces in his sniper scope, and the task the general entrusted to him was finally completed!

"I've reported my grudge for the last mission failure, Commander Chen, hum!" Yegor curled his lips in disdain, and connected his channel to the military.

"General, I have passed the scene of the target's death, and the death has been confirmed."

"Very good Captain, evacuate quickly, don't be..."

Before the communicator Necart finished speaking, Yegor shook his hand with a huge gunshot, and the upper body of the soldier standing in front of him suddenly exploded to pieces.

A broken rib even flew to Yegor's hand and plunged into the soil that he had photographed.


Yegor hung up the communication and shouted.

But there is no need for him to shout, the image of this poor soldier exploding has long been seen by other snipers, all at the same time shrinking behind the mud-filled bunker.

"Damn it! What's going on?!!!"

Yegor cursed loudly. He thought that he and others were seen by Chen Yan's figure, but as he secretly looked through the binoculars, the whole person was frightened.

He saw that familiar face behind the wall of the command headquarters, where the man was shooting at them with a huge sniper rifle!

"Isn't he dead?! Why is he still alive? Shouldn't... the one on the top of the mountain is a stand-in!!! Cunning mouse!"

Yegor briefly reasoned, and immediately found a reasonable explanation, that is, the'Chen Yan' they killed before was just a stand-in!

He just said, how could such a person with such a high level of tactics expose himself to the sun so easily. It turns out that there was a problem with their intelligence at the beginning. Chen Yan is still in the headquarters!!


The forest was filled with dull gunfire, and a sniper soldier hiding behind half a meter of mud was instantly beaten into a cloud of blood.

Yegor crawled on the ground and began to crawl to other places, while crawling, using short-frequency communication to inform the other soldiers.

"Everyone changes positions, our position may have been exposed!"

It is indeed a well-trained regular force. After hearing Yegor's order, the remaining undead snipers immediately began to change their positions.



A half-length stone in front of Yegor was cut in half instantly, and many of the broken stones flew into the air, and many of them were spilled on Yegor, making his forehead covered with cold sweat. Lie on the ground and dare not move.

Just now, he felt as if he had passed by death...

Seeing the broken stone in front of him, he also began to think about what kind of weapon would have such a huge power.

Because there is no explosive power, the grenade can be eliminated first, and it can snipe, and its power can break the boulder...

Yegor suddenly thought of a firearm, his pale lips opened slightly, and Zhan Zhan uttered a few words.

"This lunatic..."

Yes, Yegor thought of an anti-material rifle, a large-caliber sniper rifle designed to attack high-armor units!

The recoil of this gun is not as big as usual, and there was such a joke when this gun was developed.

'One shot on the left shoulder, one shot on the right shoulder, hold the medal, and heal from the rear'

Although it is a ridicule of the soldiers, there is no lack of them that can reflect the huge recoil of this type of sniper rifle. Even a strong trained soldier can only fire two shots. Lose combat effectiveness.

Yegor continued to crawl forward quickly, and he was thinking in his heart.

Counting the soldier whose upper body was first lost, and the soldier who turned into a cloud of blood, plus the blow that hit him instead of the boulder, he had fired three shots in total. ?

Just after Yegor arrived at the new bunker he found, two more gunshots were heard one after another, followed by a soldier's voice in his headset.

"Captain, he is changing bullets, my position cannot be fatal to him!"

"Captain, my position cannot be fatal!"

"You continue to observe, if he shows up, kill him!" Yegor quickly issued his order, and at the same time, he also set up his sniper rifle, glanced over the corner of the wall, just in time to see Chen lying on the ground. Yan's head.


With a cold snort, Yegor decisively pulled the trigger, and a bullet passed through the trunk and hit the head of Chen Yan who was lying on the ground to replace the bullet.

Through the sniper scope, Yegor saw Chen Yan kicking his legs on the ground. There was no other movement, and a pool of blood appeared on the ground.

"Huh..." Yegor leaned behind the bunker and took a deep breath. "Something unexpected happened, but it was still a successful task."

At this time, other snipers also saw the scene of Yegor killing Chen Yan, and one by one began to compliment them in the headset.

"The captain is really a sharpshooter, so he can't shoot any shots!"

"What sharpshooter, you are belittling the captain. The captain is clearly the number one sniper in the country. In three battles, Chu Yunfei, he fought accurately and quickly!"


Yegor ignored the joking coming from the headset one after another, nor did he scold the group of his own soldiers. He just wanted to dial back the communication and inform General Carter of everything on the scene.

Carter: "Captain, what is going on with you? Why did you hang up the communication?"

Yegor: "Sorry General, I didn't expect that the commander's substitute was killed the first time, and he himself was still hiding in the headquarters."

Carter was silent for a while and continued, "What about now?"

Yegor: "He has been killed by me, but we have lost two snipers with great potential."

"Only two snipers, as long as we can keep our plan, it will be worth it! You withdraw..."

Carter's words were not finished yet, and Yegor's communication heard a horrified voice of a soldier.

"Captain! Captain! That person! That person's body has disappeared!!"


No one collects the corpse, will the corpse disappear out of thin air?

After Yegor briefly stated that there was another emergency and hung up the communication, he looked through the telescope...

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