Not long after the party, the walkie-talkie on Qiangwei's waist rang. She picked it up and said I know after listening, then walked quickly to Mercer and whispered.

Our people detected the sudden appearance of demonic energy two kilometers to the east. Are you going to take a look?

Mercer looked at the people who were laughing and laughing, nodded slightly, and said, It's fine if I go alone. Leaving too much at once will make people suspicious, and I'm afraid it's the devil's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Liang Bing curled his lips and muttered: We don't do that kind of thing, and we didn't take any action tonight.

Only Mercer heard her words, the other two didn't hear her.

Hearing what she said, Mercer also knew to some extent what those demonic energies were. They must be self-mutating demons or something like that.

Qiangwei nodded, took out a small mobile phone from her body and handed it to Mercer.

If anything happens, please contact me immediately.

When I clicked it open, there was only one number inside, with the note Rose on it.

I'm going.

Mercer put away his hand. It was two kilometers away. He was afraid of missing something along the way, so he went directly to that place without using the space gem.

Qiangwei and the other three were confused when they saw Mercer running towards a dark part of the building.

Don't he have the ability to control space? Why are he going there? As soon as Liang Bing asked her question, the scene in front of her made her eyes widen.

When Qiangwei and Yan saw that scene, they were so shocked that they opened their red lips and couldn't say a word.

I saw a figure running vertically on the floor of the building in the dark night.

If they hadn't seen Mercer running to that place, they wouldn't have noticed such a person running on the side of the building in the night.

The most surprised person was Ryo Bing and Yan. Both of them had very strong combat systems and could analyze the opponent's abilities in an instant.

They did not analyze at all what calculation method Mercer used when running on the side of the building. In other words, he ran up by his own ability, rather than calculating and changing the spatial medium.

What the hell.

Liang Bing blurted out that this was the first time even she had seen this kind of running.

The night is rich.

There used to be sporadic street lights outside Huangshi City that could illuminate the road, but now all those street lights have been damaged. You can no longer see anything ten meters outside the city, and you can't even see your fingers.

Mercer stretched out his arms, and the black light dragged a long tail of light around him, and thunder and lightning surged from the soles of his feet.

Originally, this was just gliding that relied on altitude, but now it turned into a jet-like flight, leaving a dazzling lightning in the night sky.

When people on the ground saw it, they just thought it was a meteor streaking across. Only Qiangwei and the three women knew what the real form of lightning was.

A tank with a tattered appearance was bombarding the self-mutating demons in the sky.

But the mobility of this tank was still not as good as that of the demon. No matter how they fought, the demon could always dodge the shells.

The soldier in the tank shouted, There is no way to continue like this. Xiao Lun, you can fly, we will give you fire suppression, you go and give him the final blow!

In front of the tank stood a man wearing black armor holding a metal sword.

On his back were black wings like those of an angel, which were slowly flapping to lift him off the ground.

It's just that his trembling figure doesn't look very stable.

This warrior wearing black armor is none other than Ge Xiaolun of the Xiongbing Company, codenamed Galaxy Power, and will become the most powerful god in the known universe in the future.

It's just that Ge Xiaolun now has a beard all over his face and a wry smile on his face. Hearing the shouts from the people behind him, he could only respond vaguely.

Okay, okay, I'll go right away.

Even after saying this, the wings on his back were still swaying and he couldn't fly very high at all.

He doesn't know when he got these wings, and he doesn't know how to use them.

Ge Xiaolun swung the giant sword and flapped his wings vigorously, but he could not rise any higher.

Xiao Lun, the opponent is about to fly away from our fire range! The soldier in the tank shouted anxiously.

If the demon was allowed to run away now, his location would be exposed when he came back later.

Just when Ge Xiaolun was worried, a sound of thunder passed through the sky.

The demon didn't even have time to react before the sound of thunder penetrated his body, followed by a lightning explosion, turning his body into a blood mist.

While Ge Xiaolun was still dazed, an extremely disgusting voice sounded in his ears.

The hybrid between a human and a demon looks really disgusting.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, Ge Xiaolun saw the appearance of the visitor. It was a surprisingly good-looking Chinese face. What was even more attractive was the pair of blue and green eyes.

After smashing the mutated demon, Mercer patted his clothes. Fortunately, he had just used the power of space to form a gauze garment on his body, which isolated the blood mist, otherwise it would have been contaminated.

The demons from alien forces have released a curse on the earth. As long as you accept this curse, you will mutate on your own.

Neither demons nor humans think highly of these alien forms, which are neither humans nor ghosts.

At this time when aliens are invading the earth, it is the time when everyone should unite to resist foreign enemies, but a guy like this appears.

Who are you?

Seeing the sudden appearance of Mercer, Ge Xiaolun's eyes were full of vigilance. He did not put down the giant sword, but held it tightly.

Seeing this, the tank behind him turned its gun barrel around without hesitation and pointed it at Mercer.

Mercer didn't pay attention. This was a necessary vigilance. In this troubled world, it was better to take care of yourself.

He activated the Cloud Heaven in his body to analyze the person in front of him, and immediately learned the other person's full identity.

Ge Xiaolun was originally an ordinary college student, but he was inexplicably pulled into the Super Seminary and acquired the identity of Galaxy Power.

He was recently taken to an alien planet by Angel Yan, who was ambushed by demons and died in front of him.

Ge Xiaolun, on the other hand, was brought back to Earth by Yan using his remaining energy. He had no idea that Yan was still alive and had come to Earth.

So he always blamed himself for this incident, thinking that it was himself who killed Angel Yan and it was his own incompetence.

So he, a college student in his twenties, is now as unshaven as he is in his thirties, and he likes roses.

My name is Mercer. I am from Daxia. I come from Huangshi City in front of me. I have no ill intentions towards you.

The words were already prepared, Mercer said with a smile on his face.

What proof do you have? Ge Xiaolun asked.

He knew there was Yellowstone City ahead, but that didn't mean he believed that Mercer came from there.

And looking at his abilities, I have never heard of another super soldier with such abilities. It's impossible not to be on guard.

Well, I have a phone here. There must be someone on the phone you want to see. You can ask her to verify my identity.

Mercer took out the phone Qiangwei gave and handed it to Ge Xiaolun.

Ge Xiaolun took the phone dubiously and looked inside, Qiangwei? Do you know Qiangwei?

We just met him not long ago. Mercer shrugged.

Xiao Lun, what's going on? A Daxia warrior ran over from behind, looked at Mercer, and asked Ge Xiao Lun.

I...I'll make a call.

As soon as the call was connected, the voice of Ge Xiaolun's thoughts about this world came from the other end.

Hey, Mercer, how's the situation?

This question could confirm Mercer's identity. Ge Xiaolun believed that it was absolutely impossible for him to misremember Qiangwei's voice.

His throat rumbled, and Ge Xiaolun seemed to have made great preparations before he said, Qiangwei, it's me, I'm Xiaolun.

Xiao Lun, Xiao Lun? It's you, are you okay?

Qiangwei on the other end of the phone was stunned and asked quickly.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time.

The last time they met was on the aircraft carrier Juxia. At that time, they were still training for battle.

One day, Morgana used Rena, who had solar energy among them, to blow up the Grand Canyon.

As a result, the soldiers of the Xiongbing Company were scattered all over the world, and the alien gluttonous attack began.

In an instant, all life was reduced to ashes.

The soldiers of Xiongbing Company had no chance to contact each other, so they could only solve the immediate problem first.

This separation lasted for nearly a year.

It's me, it's me! Ge Xiaolun's voice was excited and trembling.

It turns out that demonic energy appeared in your place. Has Mercer solved it? Qiangwei asked.

Uh, it's settled... Ge Xiaolun looked at Mercer in surprise.

He could hear that Qiangwei's words contained a lot of trust in Mercer. Didn't Mercer say that they had just met her not long ago?

Okay, Mercer, can you hear me? Qiangwei asked.

Say it. Mercer responded.

I'll give you a coordinate. You take Ge Xiaolun and the people who came with him and teleport to this coordinate.


The conversation between the two was very concise, and the next moment, Mercer received a coordinate message in his mind.

As soon as Mercer raised his hand, Ge Xiaolun and the tank disappeared out of thin air, and he followed closely behind.

When several people appeared again, they were already in an open space in Huangshi City.

Looking at the bright lights around him, Ge Xiaolun was stunned and said in disbelief: Space-time gene?

This kind of ability can only be achieved by Rose's time and space genes.

No, she and I both have spatial abilities, but they are not the same. Mercer explained.

Before Ge Xiaolun had time to ask any more questions, he saw the figure who had been thinking about it day and night appearing not far away, as well as a person he would never have expected.

Qiangwei...and Yan?!

Seeing Yan actually standing with Qiangwei, Ge Xiaolun was greatly shocked.

Isn’t Yan dead? Why is he here?

It seems that she has recovered. What is going on?

Xiao Lun, why are you like this?

Seeing Ge Xiaolun's unshaven look, Qiangwei said.

That...that's not important. What's important is, Yan, why are you here? You're not...

Ge Xiaolun looked at Yan with all kinds of doubts in his heart.

Speaking of which, thanks to you, I used up the last of my energy to send you to Reina. She injected solar energy into you. I have a connection with you. I also benefited from it and absorbed a little. Only then can I come to on the earth.

Yan's lips curled up and he said.

This, what connection, why don't I know this?

Ge Xiaolun's expression was a little anxious, and his eyes kept moving on Qiangwei and Yan's faces. What kind of statement was this? It was as if the two of them had an affair.

Okay, let's not talk about these things. Let's take a rest first. It's been a hard journey.

Qiangwei didn't pay attention to this matter, but asked the soldiers who came with Ge Xiaolun to rest and eat something delicious.

During this period, the warriors who were wandering around basically ate dry food without nutrition. Some people even had no dry food and went back to eating tree bark.

The aroma of the food from the party had already wafted over, and when these soldiers smelled it, their stomachs rumbled.

This is, how come you have so much food here, and this method is not done casually. A stocky warrior said.

Mercer smiled faintly and said: This is related to my super power. If you are more specific, just ask them when you go to eat.

He was not interested in getting involved in what happened between Ge Xiaolun and Qiangwei. After he finished speaking, he left a few words and turned around and left.

I have a way to create a combat engine that belongs to our Daxia warriors. I will give specific information tomorrow.

Ah, so fast?! Qiangwei said in shock.

Liang Bing and Yan looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

How could it be possible that it took so long to research it?

Could it be related to the time when he suddenly left the room?

They didn't know where Mercer went during that time. When he came back, Mercer said this, what happened during the time when he disappeared.

Mercer came to the roof of the Heaven and Earth, looked down at everything that happened below, and murmured: Open the 'Cloud Heaven'.

[Yunxiao Tianting has been opened, please give instructions. 】

Create a blank template and set the effect first. The battle engine for the soldiers of Daxia to fight will increase in intensity with the soldiers' belief in fighting for the country and the people, and can realize what they think in their hearts. Thing, source of energy, Alex Mercer.”

[Okay, created. 】

A blank template popped up in front of Mercer.

[Engine name:]

[Engine effect: The intensity increases with the soldiers’ belief in fighting for the country and the people, and can manifest what they think in their hearts. 】

[Energy source: Alex Mercer]

This combat engine uses Yunxiao Tianting to create a basic template, and then adds the Reality Stone as the main body.

The two are connected, and as long as the user is determined, whatever they think in their mind can be realized.

It's just that the intensity naturally cannot modify the entire world or even the entire universe like the Reality Stone.

It can only allow the user to make changes on his own, which Mercer has already thought of.

Is there only a name left?

Every time it came time to choose a name, Mercer would be particularly entangled.

After all, this is something that will be used for a long time. Maybe the name of this combat engine will be resounding throughout the universe in the future.

If you don't name this kind of thing well, others will be embarrassed to pronounce it in the future.

After thinking for a moment, Mercer said slowly.

Just name it... Nantianmen!

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