Looking at Liang Bing who was silent, Angel Yan grasped his jade-white hand. She actually had the same idea and was also very interested in Mercer.

Originally, the Power of the Galaxy was supposed to be the strongest male god in the known universe, but now Mercer suddenly appeared, with strength that completely surpassed him.

If he doesn't cure himself, Yan feels that he is fully capable of killing himself and then going back to rule Angel Nebula.

At that time, the angels will usher in the dark ages again.

What about you, do you want to go too? Mercer asked after seeing Angel Yan's expression.

I want to go, but I can't go. Angel Yan shook his head.

Mercer asked: Why?

I know, it's because of the war between male angels and you female angels, right? Lianfeng said.

Angel Yan nodded.

Male angels? Are there any male angels? Mercer asked in confusion.

Liang Bing, who had been laughing next to her, the smile on her face faded a little after hearing this topic, and she took over the conversation.

Well, tens of thousands of years ago, angels also had male angels. At that time, they only regarded female angels as playthings, trampling and trampling them wantonly.

Liang Bing's voice was gritted. After saying the first part, he looked at Mercer when he said the next part, and his words changed.

If Brother Mercer wants to do something like that to my sister, you have to tell me in advance~

The elongated ending is full of imagination.

Mercer rolled his eyes and said shamelessly, Sister, I'm so young. You can't even compare to me.

Liang Bing said nonchalantly: So what, at least in terms of appearance and figure, I'm still in my prime!

Mercer was too lazy to talk to her about this, and then asked: To get down to business, what happened to the male angel?

It's over. We female angels fought back and finally dominated Tiancheng and drove out the male angels. Liang Bing said.

Mercer nodded in realization, but then he raised a finger and said, I have another question.

Liang Bing looked at him with a playful expression, You don't want to ask how we reproduce, do you?

His question was guessed by the other party without even saying it out loud. Mercer touched his head awkwardly and nodded again.

We select some outstanding women from various planets, and then give them the genes of angels. They first need to abstain from sex for a hundred years, and only after they lose their earthly desires can they become real angels.

Liang Bing's explanation made Mercer nodded in understanding, but Lian Feng became wary.

These can't be told by angels. Who are you? Explain your identity!

Lianfeng's voice was already a little harsh.

After sizing her up a few times, Liang Bing smiled and said, Angel's daughter, Liang Bing.

As early as the first time he met Lian Feng, Liang Bing introduced himself like this, but he only said his name and did not say that she was the daughter of an angel.

Now that he mentioned it again, all kinds of deeds combined, the name Liang Bing made a woman appear in Lianfeng's mind.

Lianfeng's shocked expression suddenly changed into sullen anger, and a silver-white wooden whip flashed in her palm.

I remember, Liang Bing, King Apocalypse from the Three Kings era of the City of Angels, and now Morgana!

The last name directly ignited everyone present.

Qiangwei's expression was even more incredibly horrified.

She had told herself before that she was the devil and Morgana, but Qiangwei only thought it was a joke, and now Lianfeng said such words.

She didn't think Lian Feng was joking, so the Liang Bing in front of her was really Morgana? !

Her identity was exposed. This was a scene that Liang Bing had expected. Her expression did not change much, and the previous smiling expression appeared on her face again.

So what if you know I am Morgana, are you going to kill me?


As soon as Liang Bing finished speaking, a sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded. Ling Feng waved the wooden whip in her palm and whipped Liang Bing.

One palm directly grasped the whip, and all the strength carried on it was invisible.

What is surprising is that the person who caught the whip was actually Mercer!

What are you doing? Lianfeng asked in shock and anger.

I said before that we have a deal with her. Don't do anything. If you have anything to say, talk to her.

Seeing the wooden whip in his hand, Mercer exclaimed, It's actually a magic whip?

The moment he held the whip, Yunxiaotianting analyzed its origin.

This god-beating whip is one of Jiang Ziya's weapons in Daxia mythology, and is specially used to beat the gods on the list of gods.

But in this super god universe, the god whip is a god-killing weapon, very powerful.

Lianfeng had lived for tens of thousands of years, so it was impossible for him not to have a handy weapon.

Although she is a commander, it does not mean that she cannot fight. Over tens of thousands of years, her fighting skills have been honed to perfection.

You know your stuff.

Lianfeng lashed hard, but the magic whip didn't move at all. His eyes were a little unbelievable. He couldn't get it back. How powerful was Mercer?

In fact, it's not that Mercer's power is great, it's because he used the power of space to hold the whip in the air just to take a good look.

And because the power of space is not a product of this world, no one present could detect this magical power. They only felt that Mercer was pulling too hard.

After just observing for a moment, Mercer unlocked the power of space and returned the whip to Lianfeng.

To tell you the truth, the deal I made with Liang Bing was that I would take her to my world, and she would let her demon army protect the earth, Mercer said.

We don't need people like this to protect us!

Ge Xiaolun, who had been silent, said angrily.

Do you know what she did? She asked her men, that sword demon, to kill so many people, and Yan almost died in her hands. You want me to forgive her so easily?!


The other party's passionate remarks were met with a faint nod from Mercer, and he continued.

If you don't accept it, that's okay, but with who you are now, that's not okay.

After saying that, he raised his right hand, slightly bent his fingers, and pinched Ge Xiaolun's neck directly from the air.

Why are you challenging me? The earth is so fragile now. I created the 'Nantianmen', destroyed Taotie, and let the demons turn enemies into friends to protect the earth. What did you do, ah? The power of the Galaxy!

As he spoke, Mercer's face became gloomy, and his originally gentle voice gradually became deeper.

He cares about those dead lives, those lost souls, yes, this is good, it means that he has a kind heart.

But to have a kind heart, he must also have the ability to protect living beings.

Unless Ge Xiaolun stood up directly now and had the ability to fight against those foreign gods, how could he resist what Mercer had done.

Full of passion and enthusiasm?

What a pity, this is not a world of brainless and passionate people.

Everyone is miserable. Although their heroic company has experienced large and small battles, they are still harder to die than ordinary soldiers.

An average soldier would die if he took one bullet.

Mercer didn't want so many soldiers to spend their lives accompanying Ge Xiaolun to grow up, and couldn't afford to wait.

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