Shadow Assassin, there are fifteen of my men. They will listen to you for the time being and go to eliminate Hydra. When the matter is over, tell them that they will come back.

Mercer smiled lightly.

He will definitely not do this kind of thing easily, just let his subordinates go.

He had the assassins of the League of Shadows for a long time, but he had never used them. In a battle of this level, it was very suitable for them to go.

The people present had more or less seen some big scenes and knew how extraordinary Mercer was, but when they actually saw him using his strange abilities, they still couldn't help but feel numb.

These are... people from the League of Assassins?!

When Natasha saw the costumes of these shadow assassins, she was silent for a few seconds and then said in shock.

Mercer smiled and nodded, saying: They are now called the Alliance of Shadows, but they are still assassins in essence.

Natasha, do you know them? Banner tilted his head and asked.

Yes. Natasha nodded and said, This is a killer alliance that appeared in the first half of the 19th century. It has a terrifying success rate of zero failure. Many major cases are related to them.

It's just that their whereabouts are really elusive. There are no images or photos. Only a few ancient books record their existence. I also met an assassin because of certain incidents. He was really strong.

As she said that, Natasha couldn't help but take a few more glances at the young man standing in front with a smile on his face. This young man seemed to bring them bigger surprises every time he appeared.

Natasha's skills are among the top three in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., and the opponents she praises are really not ordinary people.

I know them too. Winter Soldier Rogers also took over.

I once performed a mission with them. This is a team that is full of action. There will be no mistakes at all. They don't have the brainwashing methods of Hydra, but their obedience is not weaker than that kind of brainwashing. It's really Don’t know how.”

Listening to Rogers' emotional words, which were clearly words of admiration, made them feel an unstoppable chill rising from the soles of their feet.

In order to wash away the things that Hydra instilled in Rogers' mind, SHIELD worked hard.

How do you find people like this? Their abilities are so powerful. No wonder they have never failed since their establishment.

Hawkeye looked at the fifteen people standing there silently. No one spoke, but just standing there quietly, there was a permeating murderous intention spreading out.

No. Mercer smiled and shook his head. What he said made their scalps tingle: I gave them this ability recently. Their previous achievements were all obtained by themselves.


Everyone looked at each other, especially Natasha, Hawkeye, Carter and Rogers, who were particularly familiar with this kind of thing. They felt it was outrageous.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a killer organization that can change the world structure. Rogers swallowed with difficulty and said.

If the assassins go out in full force to solve something, even the head of a certain country can easily solve it, Natasha said.

This was not without precedent. The ancient books she had read recorded the inexplicable disappearance of a powerful royal prince a few centuries ago.

Because this was such a big fuss at the time, no one knew who had seen the backs of these assassins, and combined information from many sources before writing them into books.

However, if it is not actually seen, to most people, this is just a myth.

You obey Hill's mission to annihilate Hydra. After that, send someone back to report to me. Mercer said to the shadow assassins.


The fifteen people responded in unison, without elongation or hesitation. They were so neat that one wonders if they had been filmed and practiced in advance.

Let's go.

Mercer waved his hand, and the shadow assassins said nothing, turning into shadows and blending into the darkness again.

The hall that was originally filled with murderous intent due to their arrival disappeared now, and the atmosphere became relaxed again.

Mercer and Liang Bing found an empty sofa and sat down. Looking at everyone who was still immersed in the shock caused by the Shadow Assassin, he clapped his hands and said, I'm back to my senses. I'm still in a daze!

Oh. Stark reacted first and praised: You have given us too many surprises. I have never thought that I am so lucky today that we are friends instead of enemies.

Several other people nodded approvingly at these words. Not to mention Mercer's own strength, just letting these shadow assassins take action, whether they can survive smoothly is a huge problem.

By the way, Mercer, besides the reactor, I have something else I want to show you this time.

Stark walked to Mercer mysteriously and glanced at Banner not far away.


This familiar occasion gave Mercer a strong sense of déjà vu.

Stark said: Isn't this the last time I went to Asgard with you? I was really amazed. There are really very high-level technological civilizations outside the earth. If such a civilization invades the earth, the earth will be destroyed. It’s really not possible to stop it.”

Mercer nodded in agreement.

The technological level of the earth can only barely reach the middle level in the entire universe, and this is only because of people like Stark who can develop cross-era technology, otherwise it would not even be at the middle level.

So, do you want to show me what you have done now? Mercer asked.


Stark smiled, took out a transparent mobile phone from his arms, clicked on it, and a page like an LCD screen popped up.

He continued: This is an autonomous life robot jointly developed by Banner and I. I call him Ultron. If it can be successfully developed, I believe it can solve the current problems of the earth.


Mercer was shocked. This was really to create Ultron.

But now Stark and Banner's progress has stalled on building the body. On the one hand, they can't find a suitable body material, and on the other hand, they don't have enough ideological core.

They don't have the Mind Stone in their hands. In Mercer's memory, the Ultron of the movie universe...or Vision, is the product of the fusion of Stark, Banner, Jarvis, and the Mind Stone.

Now that the most important soul gem is missing, it means that the core is missing.

So, it hasn't been done yet? Mercer asked knowingly.

There is a core element missing. Stark shook his head regretfully and said: The energy supply can be completely used with the energy of the Kyber Crystal, but the core of his consciousness, even if it is made, may only be a stronger one. It’s just a robot.”

At this point, Stark's meaning was very clear, he just wanted to ask Mercer for help.

They are all smart people and there is no need to speak too clearly.

Telling Mercer about the half-finished Ultron meant that Mercer would also help.

Stark looked at Mercer expectantly. The latter did not reject him directly, or pretended not to know what he was going to do, but showed a thoughtful expression.

This proves that he knows that he wants help, and he seems to have a way!

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