Looking at the dirt on the autumn water, Mercer transferred a burst of energy to the knife, shaking away the dirt on it.

A grunting sound suddenly came from beside him. Mercer turned around and saw a creature on all fours climbing down from the stairs.

Mercer didn't see the zombie's appearance clearly until it walked in front of him.

This zombie has a lizard-like body with four legs, and the bare lizard head has a zombie-like ferocious look, making the already uncomfortable appearance even more terrifying.

Mercer frowned, recognizing the identity of this thing at a glance.

Dr. Lizard, I didn't expect that such a thing would be teleported here.

This humanoid lizard is one of Spider-Man's mortal enemies, and it turned out like this when he was experimented on.


Mercer, a clean and tidy meatball, is extremely attractive to Dr. Zombie Lizard.

A low cry came from its mouth, it opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Mercer.

With such a ferocious look, a normal person would definitely be frightened and unable to react for a long time, but in Mercer's eyes, it was just a walking piece of tofu.

The autumn water in his hand drew an arc, directly cutting off the limbs of the human lizard, losing its limbs, and causing it to slide over without any support.

Small granulations sprouted from the smooth cut surface and began to heal quickly.

Recovering by itself? It's still too slow.

Mercer stepped forward and stepped on its head, directly crushing Dr. Zombie Lizard's forehead.

If you cut off the limbs, it will recover, but if you crush the head, it will not recover.

Mercer didn't pay much attention to this kind of side dish. He looked up into the sky and saw that the main dish was in the sky.

The zombie Wanda in the air also noticed Mercer on the ground. It would be better to say that her eyes were always on Mercer.

After all, I came to this world just for Mercer. No matter how strong others are, they can't be stronger than Mercer, who has jumped hundreds or thousands of universes alone.

In the previous world, Zombie Wanda was the absolute overlord, and no one dared to confront it.

However, now that she saw Mercer, she also felt a great threat.

This is a fear that comes from deep inside her heart and can threaten her life.

Is this the human being who has traveled through multiple universes? It looks really delicious.

Wanda is worthy of being a top zombie hero, and her speech is smoother than other zombies, without the discontinuity they have at all.

Mercer on the ground looked at Wanda in the sky and smiled slightly, then raised his foot and stepped forward, walking up the invisible steps into the air.

He walked dozens of meters with every step, and a strong blast of wind was generated under his feet.

The zombies directly below were turned into pieces of meat on the ground by the blast, and they didn't even have time to react.

Why, aren't you just here for me? I'm right in front of you, why don't you come and enjoy it?

Mercer faced Zombie Wanda and spread out his hands in a welcoming gesture. If he hadn't been holding autumn water in his hands, it would have been like that.

Now when she came to Wanda, she did not dare to approach him directly. Instead, she floated and looked at him quietly.

Although Mercer stood in the air, he did not emit any strong momentum.

Standing there indifferently, the corpse didn't dare to approach casually.

When the two were confronting each other, a burst of wind came from the side and hit Mercer.

Mercer didn't even look back, an invisible hand directly clamped down on the figure.

Stark turned into a corpse, there hasn't been any change...

Mercer didn't even need to look back to know who the figure behind him was.

The choked zombie Stark did not panic. Instead, he showed a charming smile because he was close to Mercer.

Mercer's invisible hand condensed with the power of space was about to crush it directly, but he felt something crawling out of the opponent's body and crawling towards him.

The power of space condensed into a wall around him, blocking the attack of those things, and at the same time solidifying them, allowing him to see their appearance clearly.

Those were a lot of extremely tiny bugs, mechanical bugs.

Mercer couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this thing.

This is a nanomechanical bug carrying a zombie virus! No wonder there are so many infected zombie heroes.

Mercer has a space gem, and he can detect nano bugs like this no matter how small they are.

But the same cannot be said for other superheroes. Unless there is corresponding technological detection for such small things, their arrival will not be noticed at all.

Seeing that Mercer could even detect nano bugs, the zombie Stark looked a little panicked.

What kind of sensory ability is this? Even nanoscale bugs can feel it.

At this time, Zombie Stark had no power to resist.

Compared with Mercer, its level is still too low.

Instead of crushing it, Mercer fixed it and threw it backwards, directly to the black-armored figure in the distance, allowing the latter to absorb it.

Even if Stark becomes a zombie, his knowledge will still exist, and this cannot be wasted.

Seeing that Mercer casually killed one of his generals, Zombie Wanda did not show any displeasure on his face. Instead, he said slightly excitedly.

You are indeed different from those mediocre people. Your ability is very powerful. You should be using... space gems now, right?

You are quite discerning, and you actually noticed it.

Mercer smiled and did not hide the matter.

But I can feel that your space gem is much more powerful than the space gems in the universe I am in and this universe.

Wanda said.

Is there such a thing?

Bao Bao was still fighting, but Mercer started chatting with Wanda completely regardless.

After all, Mercer may be the only one to absorb the Infinity Stones.

No one else told him what the strength of the Infinity Stones in other universes was.

However, it is a Marvel universe dominated by anime what if, so it is not surprising that the settings of all parties have been strengthened.

After all, Loki, the melee mage who has been ridiculed, has become a truly powerful mage.

It’s not surprising that a divine object like the Infinity Stones has become stronger.

So, isn't this more attractive to you? Why don't you come and eat it? Mercer said with a smile.

He was not afraid of Wanda in front of him at all, and even wanted to have a fight as soon as possible. Wanda in front of him should be the opponent at the same stage who could best test his strength.

The moment I saw you, I wasn't going to do anything. I smelled the scent of the Mind Stone on you, right?

Zombie Wanda continued.

So what? Mercer said.

If that's the case, I want to ask you to save someone. Zombie Wanda said.

You, a zombie, asked me to save someone? It's really funny. Mercer said, he already had a vague idea of ​​who she wanted to save.

Yes, I think only you can save him, my husband, Vision.

Following Wanda's words, Mercer was not surprised. In her universe, Vision was also her husband.

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