In such a place that human technology can never reach, with such a huge cocoon, anyone would be shocked.

The current depth is already at the beginning of the inner core, a world of high-temperature magma.

There is red magma everywhere, but in this ghost place, a huge sphere is separated, and meridian-like light connects from it to the surrounding areas.

Looks... like a fetus?

The power of space condensed into a human shape, and Mercer's consciousness attached to it and became a clone.

There is no air here, but there is a very powerful energy that has been continuously input into this cocoon.

Mercer reached out and wanted to touch it, but the cocoon seemed to feel it and vibrated several times like resistance.

Mercer, who was on the ground, felt that the intensity of the earthquake suddenly increased.

This guy can feel my presence, is he alive?

Mercer looked at the giant cocoon in front of him in surprise. He looked up and saw four shining holes that looked like eyes.

He flew up, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the power of space spread out, covering the entire golden cocoon to explore the situation inside.

The giant golden cocoon could detect the emergence of the power of space, but could not stop its spread. It struggled to no avail, and had no choice but to let it explore its entire body.

A few seconds later, Mercer opened his eyes in shock. This was really a life, a humanoid life!

He has the same limbs as humans, but the surface of his body is not muscle tissue like the human body, but a layer of thick golden armor, which seems to be his body muscles.

The shining holes that Mercer just saw were his eyes.

Considering that the other party may not understand human language, a bright yellow energy wave swayed forward from Mercer's forehead, forming a conscious connection with the other party's brain.

Who are you? Relying on the effect of the Mind Stone, Mercer asked the other party.

The golden eyes stayed on Mercer for a long time, and with the language conversion of the mind gem, a word full of ancient atmosphere echoed directly in Mercer's mind.

The God Group.

A simple word brought great shock to Mercer.

He knew a little about the Celestials, a kind of cosmic god clan that towered over many planets. Each normal god started at the single universe level.

With a huge body of tens of thousands of meters and no upper limit, even if they don't use any ability to attack, just a palm and a punch are the power to directly destroy the race for the life of many planets.

One punch can deflect the orbit of a planet, and punching it hard can directly shatter a planet.

To them, a planet like the Earth is just a ball of dirt the size of a basketball.

Mercer has never heard of the existence of gods within the earth. It seems that he is absorbing nutrients from the earth?

His repeated glances made the god feel a little uncomfortable, but now he couldn't break out of the cocoon, he could only make the surroundings vibrate like his heartbeat speeding up.

The god in front of him is not very powerful. He is still in the incubation stage. Even if he emerges from his cocoon, he will be just a tougher tank and does not possess any powerful divine power.

But even if there is such an existence, it is impossible for humans to defeat him.

Even if you bomb him with a nuclear bomb, it won't cause him much damage.

You must have been around for a long time, right? Are these veins your absorbing the life of this planet?

Mercer sat down cross-legged and started talking to him like an old friend.

The god can clearly feel that the person in front of him is one of those tiny creatures on the ground, but the other person's body contains a variety of terrifying powers.

It was so strong that he even felt that even if he was fully grown, he might not be the opponent's opponent.

The fact that he can come to this place so casually and talk to himself in this energy body attitude also proves that he is not afraid of himself.

Due to various reasons, this god had no choice but to reply honestly.

I do not live by absorbing life, but by life consciousness. When the life of a planet reaches its peak, I can break out of the cocoon.

Break out of the cocoon?

Mercer repeated this word several times, and his expression gradually became serious. If this huge cocoon in front of him completely matures and breaks through, then the surface of the earth will not be as simple as an earthquake.

Just like an egg hatching a chick, the moment it breaks out of the eggshell, the eggshell breaks into pieces.

Faced with this situation, all living things on the earth will die, and they are simply unable to withstand it.

Rely on life consciousness...

Noticing this part of the other party's words, Mercer suddenly thought of Thanos.

Thanos in the movie universe wants to use the Infinity Stones to directly wipe out half of all life because there are too many creatures in the universe and the planet cannot afford it.

It's unfair to the half of the lives that were wiped out, but isn't this saving humanity and even the earth?

If a normal god comes, the chances of Earth's Avengers winning against him are too small.

Translated into animals, it was equivalent to a group of ordinary ants running to bite Stark, who was wearing steel armor. Even if his teeth chipped, it would be impossible to cause any harm to him.

The Emotional Thanos is still here to do good things?

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