Thanks to the great Lord Mercer, otherwise our lives would have been in danger.

Hao walked directly to Mercer, wiped his right hand, stretched it out in front of Mercer, and said.

My name is Liu Hao, hello, you are younger than I thought.

Hello, hello. Mercer smiled and shook his hand.

After briefly greeting a few people, Mercer turned his attention to Sun Wukong and smiled.

Great Sage, this is the first time we have met.

You know me? Sun Wukong asked in surprise.

Mercer nodded with a smile and said: Who among us in Great Xia doesn't know that you, the Monkey King, are the idol in the hearts of many children?

Within a few words, Sun Wukong was embarrassed to praise him.

He came with murderous intent, but it ended without even a fight.

When Sun Wukong took a closer look, Mercer didn't have any obvious features as he imagined.

For example, if he is arrogant and arrogant, he can create such a system. If he is such a person, Sun Wukong would not be surprised.

He had long been prepared to not get along with the other party. Didn't he have the same relationship with Rena, the captain of the Xiongbing Company?

But looking at it now, Mercer's language is not offensive at all, but has an indescribable affinity. Is it because he is handsome?

I just disturbed a few people. I just wanted to see what level of combat effectiveness our Daxia warriors have reached before I let them test it.

Mercer smiled apologetically, because he could see that the four huge sky blades just now would consume a lot of money for them.

No, we have long wanted to try the 'Mingguang Formation Breaking Knife', and thank you for giving us this opportunity to use it. Liu Jia said with a smile.

Mercer smiled and nodded.

He flicked his fingers, and a ray of light popped out from his fingertips, split into four rays and shot toward Liu Jia and the others.

None of them could react, and the light disappeared into their bodies.

[Liu Jia, Liu Yang, Liu Hao, Liu Ming, system update, upgraded to second generation super warriors! 】

In the blink of an eye, the four first-generation super warriors were directly upgraded to second-generation super warriors by Mercer!

By the way, there's also this.

Mercer raised his hand, and four silvery masses were produced out of thin air. According to the weapons he had seen used by Liu Jia and the others, he turned them into the shape of Mo Dao, and threw the Mo Dao to Liu Jia and the others.

Do a good job, I'll take good care of you.

Looking at the weapon in his hand, the comfortable grip and the cold light flashing on the blade, it must be a good weapon.

This, this is so embarrassing.

Liu Jia said blankly, he was not being polite, he really felt this was inappropriate.

Such a thing was suddenly given, and even Liu Hao, the most cheerful and active among the four of them, was embarrassed to take it.

It's okay, just take it. I might kill the gods one day. I might ask you for help later. Mercer smiled, Of course, this is your personal matter, not the heroic company.

The strength of the four of them, even in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is higher than that of Iron Man. They are weaker than Thor by a certain distance, but they are still very strong.

Liu Jia and his brothers looked at each other, their hands holding the weapons tightened, and Liu Jia spoke on behalf of them.

Then we will accept it. If you need anything from our four brothers, just ask us and we will do our best to assist you!

Mercer patted Liu Jia on the shoulder and walked directly past them.

Great Sage, let's go back and talk. This is not the place to talk.

Sun Wukong glanced at those people, nodded silently, and flew back on the somersault cloud again.

As soon as I came out, I went back directly.

Mercer and Ganata walked through the air and followed Sun Wukong directly.

Watching Mercer leave, Liu Jia and his brothers silently moved closer and saluted Mercer.

The speed of the three of them cut through the sky. Sun Wukong kept flying in front of them with a vague intention of competing with Mercer.

They can't keep up, right?

Sun Wukong thought so in his heart. When he looked back, he found that Mercer and Ganata were following him with natural expressions, only one body distance away.

What's wrong, are you tired?

Mercer's chuckle sounded clearly in Sun Wukong's ears.

Upon seeing this, Sun Wukong stopped hiding and accelerated directly to the central command room, with Mercer and the others quickly following suit.

Arriving at the central command room, seeing Mercer walking behind Sun Wukong, the staff on both sides cast surprised glances.

The alarm just now was caused by the strong man brought by this boy. Although they didn't know how to solve it, they were surprised to see Sun Wukong actually bring him in now.

This was especially because Ganata next to him had long purple hair reaching her waist and was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. The simple combination perfectly showed off her figure.

Obviously, beautiful women attracted more attention than handsome men. Only a few people who had known Mercer's identity for a long time put their legs together and saluted him.

Mercer smiled and nodded in response to other people's salutes. Just such an action made his favorability soar in the hearts of these staff members.

At the end, a double metal door opened, and Lianfeng stood inside looking at the Mercers who walked in with a smile on their faces.

How's it going? Is it developing well?

Lianfeng knew the reason why Moser came, so he asked.

Not bad, better than I expected.

Mercer nodded.

Liu Jia's people are particularly good. I have upgraded their divine bodies to the second generation. You can arrange their positions again.

Second generation?

Lianfeng was a little surprised.

Did you upgrade those four people to the second generation divine body so easily?

It's less than five minutes until the end of the matter.

Can you upgrade others to the second generation divine body so quickly? Lianfeng asked.


Mercer blinked, and lines of data appeared in his retina, and he said.

If I wanted to, I could create an army of fourth-generation divine super warriors in a single thought, but you can't.

The reason why Mercer can say this is because creating a third-generation and above super soldier requires a huge amount of stellar energy to drive it.

In the current super-god universe, even the three peak forces cannot control multiple stars at once.

But Mercer is different. He now indirectly has the power of millions of stars.

For the creation of super soldiers, it is simple.

It's just that we didn't help this earth mass-produce super soldiers, it was also for their development.

No matter how many Mercers there are, it is an external force, not their own improvement. Civilization needs to progress on its own.

What do you need when you come this time? Lianfeng asked him.

It's okay, I'll just build a space link and use this universe as a transit point for me to travel from my universe to another universe. Mercer chuckled.

The surroundings, which were not too noisy to begin with, suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes turned to Mercer.

What did he just say?

As a way station between two universes?

Originally they thought Mercer was also a resident of some planet, but now it's better, he is actually a person from another universe.

This made the people on Earth, who had just accepted extraterrestrial high technology, begin to doubt the world again.

They actually met people from other universes!

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