I Am a Summoning Master

Chapter 133: Ai Tuo's talent

Chapter 133 The love of Ai Tuo

Working code, it is very painful... Dear students, not the uncle is not to force, the uncle has limited mental strength... Also, how many students have not joined the group today? Do you know the group number? Join 呗! Remember the ticket! Popularity is too bad! How many votes did you have for a few thousand classmates? Uncle doesn't understand...

"Since you are a nobleman, should you know the spirit of the nobility?"

Without waiting for him to speak, Hall continued to play the role of his mouth.

"The so-called aristocratic spirit is firstly the cultivation of culture, resisting the temptation of materialism, not taking pleasure as the purpose of life. Second, the responsibility of society, strict self-discipline, cherishing honor, taking responsibility for society and the state. Third, the soul of freedom. Independent will, dare to say no in front of power and money. And intellectual and moral autonomy can transcend fashion and trends, and not be enslaved by political power and the opinions of the majority."

I have to say that they all know what Hall said, but where is the noble now?

After the rise of magic, many magicians can become nobles. You must know that a magician can be a talented person. That is to say, it may be like the aristocrat in front of him, or he may be like a countryman...

But the real aristocrats need to be trained for many years!

"And you? An opening is ridicule, there is no cultural education, and the clothes on the body show your pursuit of materialism and strength. As an aristocrat, you have not cherished your honor and ridicule others! You Is this still a nobleman!"

Hall suddenly screamed, and the people present were stunned. After a long time, a line of people suddenly clap their hands.

"Good! It’s good to say! This is the van of a nobleman!"


With his clap, the people present were all clapping their hands, and this situation made the people on the stage and behind them curious.

A middle-aged man sitting on the stage had already recognized Hall through his description. He immediately told the people next to him, and the man heard the words immediately and respectfully, and then quickly walked down.

And Nosia, they also saw this situation. Although they couldn’t hear what Hall said, but the scores Hall was surrounded, they immediately became nervous.

"Ano, is he okay?"

Dark three heard a grin. "Do not worry, Nicole, Arno. Who is he? You still don't know? It is estimated that there is a little conflict, rest assured, here is where they can't fight!"

Both Arnold and Nicole are the pseudonyms of Hall and Nosia. This is what they said. I still use this name during this time. Before I find my sister, I avoid being discovered by someone who knows...

"But..." Nosia hesitated.

"Reassure, even if it is a quarrel, then they can compare with Arnold, remember the mage who was hurt by his lessons?"

Well, when everyone heard about the Darkwich, they remembered that Hall was so powerful that everyone in the weapon calmed down and waited for the development of the situation.

Sure enough, it is not expected.

The man who was accused of being red-faced by Hall was afraid to start here, but he was pointing his finger at Hall Road.

"You, you dare to marry me, do you know who I am?"

Hall really has no patience with this second item. Just want to talk, but it seems that these people don’t understand what they just said, so he changed his mouth.

"Sorry, I am not your father, so I don't know who you are!"


The first thing I laughed was Edo. He didn't think Hall's words were so sharp.

Not your father...

That's it! The meaning of the words I said before is somewhat clear.

As Edo laughed, more and more people understood the meaning of this, and suddenly lined up here except Hall and the man, everyone laughed.

"Oh... you give me waiting, I..."

Waiting for him to continue to threaten, there was a sudden screaming voice "Shut up, quiet! Don't you want to test it? Whoever cancels the registration!"

Ok! Since all of the above were spoken, the people present quickly took back the laughter and continued to line up, but everyone’s shoulders were still shaking.

Seeing Hall’s contempt for shaking his head, “Laughter is too low!”

"You give me waiting!" After the people looked at Ai Tuo and Hall, they secretly recorded their looks.

The so-called test is very simple, that is, three ball-like things, there are some scales on it, just put the hand on it.

Ai Tuo is in front and Hall is behind.

"Mr. Arnold, we are in trouble now, but the aristocrat of Mars City!" Ai Tuo smiled, and then encouraged. "But as long as we enter the Magic Academy, everything can be solved, come on!"

Hall heard a smile, but he had a system space, and he thought he was no worse than anyone.

So he is very good at entering the Magic Academy.

"Well refueling!"

Aito nodded and then took a deep breath and went up.

The first test was talented, before Hall was far away, so he didn't see it clearly, but it's fine now.

I saw Ai Tu's hand on the ball, followed by a wave of volatility from the inside of the ball, and then Hall saw a slight change in the scale next to it.

A liquid substance suddenly emerged from the undirected, Hall found that Ai Tuo did not have any excitement~ www.readwn.com~ I thought about it when I thought about it, I guess I should have tested this before.

Sure enough, the mysterious liquid in the ball was more than qualified, medium, and when it was good, there was a slight change in the face of the Lord below.

"What happened, you..." He wanted to say something, but he suddenly found that the liquid actually exceeded the good and reached excellent!

"Excellent... I didn't expect to have another excellent one!" The staff suddenly exclaimed when he saw the scale staying firmly above the excellent one.

Then I quickly registered the information, and respectfully invited Ai Tuo to go to the other side to test the affinity of magic elements.

As Aituo touched the second ball, a yellow element came out directly.

“Excellent talent, high affinity for earth elements!”

Although Ai Tuo is not a fascinating team, it is worth the teacher's surprise because of his high affinity and excellent talent.

The situation here was dark and they saw it clearly. Lisa Bubu said with some surprise that "that guy has succeeded? The talent is excellent, the soil element is high affinity, it is not bad!"

“Congratulations!” With the congratulations of the staff, Ai Tuo quickly filled out some information for him, and then he looked at Hall and said, “Ano, I am successful! You have to cheer!”

Hall gave a slight nod to smile, and the Lord showed a disdainful expression, but he was embarrassed in his heart.

Ai Tuo did not leave directly. He wanted to see that Hall was unsuccessful. The staff did not refuse this request. There was no major event. Why should he offend a future master? www.readwn.com~ Welcome The majority of book friends visit and read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are available at ~www.readwn.com~

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