I am Crazy About Money in Football

Chapter 476: I, Ye Feng, pay the money and hurry to buy people!

Robben saw the empty, unconscious running position, but he also knows that many times the players who pass the ball can not necessarily see this empty.

But no one thought that Ye Feng's pass really arrived, and it was just right, so ecstasy.

Robben got the ball. In the cheers of the fans, there was no need to make any adjustments at all. He was so comfortable that every pore in his body wanted to groan.

Not offside!

The next thing came naturally, there is no suspense, even if Robben is not a decent striker, but such a single pole will never make a mistake.

Easily put the ball into the Dortmund goal, the score has been rewritten in an instant.


Bayern took the lead at the Allianz Arena!

In the explosive Allianz, Robben howled and started a crazy sprint. The excitement was like scoring a goal in the World Cup final.

The Bayern players were also extremely excited and rushed in the direction of Robben, preparing to celebrate together.

Although Robben's popularity has not been very good before, but on the field, everyone is a comrade in arms, where will there be personal emotional inclusions!

What's more, everyone can see Robben's change.

Not to mention, this time the party can explain the problem very well!

Well, the quality of the tender molds at the party is good.

Instead of rushing to Robben, Ye Feng shook his fist in place, venting his excitement.

Although assists are not as much money as goals, football is not a one-person game.

Moreover, when it is impossible to score a goal, is it not too nice to take an assist?

But Ye Feng does not go to Robben, does not mean that Robben will not come to Ye Feng.

After a big celebration on the sidelines, Robben ran to Ye Feng again to thank Ye Feng for his assist.

"Your pass is very beautiful, it seems to make me meet the hottest girl in the nightclub!"

But Robben could not hug Ye Feng, Ye Feng already pushed him away in disgust.


Still, as always, don't give Robben face.

Of course, unlike before, Ye Feng's state is more like a joke with his brother.

Robben heard the familiar "Go!" and felt it all at once!

There is a taste!

He has always envied the feelings of Robben and Erwa several of them, after all, they grew up together from the youth training camp, envy can not envy.

However, Robben now felt that Ye Feng was laughing and scolding at himself, and he was really in the same state as when they got along.

After all, Robben didn't see a few people in the dressing room slamming Ye Feng on the ground.

Don't look at this as a curse, but this is a scolding between brothers!

Scold well!

Unconsciously, Robben has moved a little towards the direction of shaking m.


The score has been rewritten, and the most uncomfortable now must be Dortmund.

The Dort players on the court had a horrified expression, and were just scored. It was psychologically unbearable for a while.

Obviously Bayern does not have much advantage, but Dortmund's frontcourt is more threatening, but in the blink of an eye, a fast break allows Bayern to take the lead. It seems that such a long struggle has become useless.

Ye Feng's sudden forward insertion is too threatening!

Even more frightening is that he can not only shoot himself, but can also use his ecstasy to assist his teammates, making him unclear and unpredictable.

At present, in the world football, although Ye Feng's straight ball is not as good as his heavy artillery shot, he can definitely rank in the top few. Among the specially made straight plug highlights, he is definitely on the list.

For Ye Feng's all-around, everyone is numb.

After all, taking the Bundesliga Golden Boots and the World Cup Golden Boots as an all-round midfielder is already the most incredible thing in the world.

Then there is another ecstasy scalpel straight, it seems no big deal.

Unlike the horrors of Dort players on the court, Dort head coach Klopp on the sidelines was a bit ugly.

Dortmund and Bayern are different!

Although Dortmund is currently ranked second in the standings, it seems likely to impact the championship, but they are still very different from Bayern.

In terms of tactical style, Bayern hopes to take the lead first, and then win the game with less cost, but even if Bayern is ahead of the opponent, then Bayern's overall ability is easy to overturn.

But Dortmund's tactics are very restrictive. Their kicking method pays more attention to speed and space. The attack is barely okay, but if they are behind, they can only play positions. The effect is destined to be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the situation behind is definitely the last thing Klopp wants to see, especially the opponent is a master such as Bayern.

Dortmund is now behind, and their probability of winning has dropped a lot.

In the next game, even if Klopp did not want to, he would only let the players put a lot of pressure on it, hoping to be able to equalize the game and reverse the game.

Compared with Klopp's dark complexion, Klinsmann next door was relaxed with a pleasurable expression.

At present, public opinion generally compares him to Klopp, saying that they are the most outstanding young men in the Bundesliga football.

But Klinsmann did not think so, he felt that Klopp had no way to compare with himself.

I have coached the German national team, but also led the German team to the World Cup semi-finals!

His coaching at Bayern was also smooth and smooth. Although the champion did not win a few, it was Bayern's overall decline, not his own responsibility.

Last season, he also led Bayern into the Champions League final!

Can Klopp have the honor of wool?

The most successful one seems to be to take Mainz to upgrade from Bundesliga to Bundesliga, and then did not win a championship in Dortmund.

What qualifications does he have to compare with himself!

In this direct conversation, Bayern is now leading again. Klopp is anxiously ant on the hot pot beside him, but he sits firmly on the Diaoyutai and stands tall!

"If there are any other open-minded reporters who will compare themselves to Klopp when asking questions, I will definitely not accept his interview!"

Klinsmann was proud in his heart.

Ye Feng certainly doesn't know Klinsmann's idea. If he knows, he will definitely give Klinsmann a big glance.

What level of yourself do you have in your heart?

Is it credit for Bayern to lead the goal?

Bayern is tactically suppressed, why can't you see it?

When it comes to tactical coaching ability, the two of you really can't be compared, because you can't compete with Kloppby at all.

I have to say that Klopp is also a favorite coach of Ye Feng. Although he has not played under Klopp, Ye Feng will be greatly restricted every time he plays with Dortmund, and Dortmund's play is actually very unique.

Ye Feng did not know who could take charge of Bayern after Klinsmann left Bayern.

If it was Heinks, then Ye Feng must be willing, but the old man is now happy to coach the German national team, how can it not be possible to leave the German national team coach and coach Bayern.

Except for Heynckes, Ye Feng has few head coaches in Germany, and Klopp happens to be one of them.

In fact, Klopp is also good at coaching Bayern.

At least Ye Feng thinks so.


Celebrating for a long time, the game finally started with the intervention of the referee.

After the trailing Dortmund kicked off, needless to say, he directly launched a wave of onslaught. Klopp's team is not easy to say, but the fighting spirit is certainly not lacking.

In the face of a fierce Dot, Bayern's strategy must be to avoid its edge, and it is not afraid of Dot, it is really not necessary to bear with Dot at this time.

Obviously you can win the game with less cost, so why do you have to work hard!

Now, Bayern has long been familiar with how to play after taking the lead, and it is not greasy!

All players return to their own half, compressing space to build a defense line, so that Dortmund's attack can't get up fast, slowly kill Dortmund's fighting spirit, and then seize the opportunity is a wave of fast attack, this formulation is enough to make Dortmund uncomfortable. .

Klopp's eyes are about to be green on the sidelines. This is obviously Dortmund's lead, but now it is used by opponents to deal with himself. How can it be uncomfortable!

But there is no way, who will let Bayern take the lead!

In desperation, Klopp can only make adjustments and start to allow players on the field to play positions that they are not very good at attacking, which is also the thing that they practice less in training.

Of course, Dortmund is not bad enough to play well, after all, their midfield configuration is also fully capable of playing positions.

Both Sahin and Goetze are core players capable of organizing an offensive. Coupled with two centers in the frontcourt, Lewandowski and Barrios, positional offense can also be a threat.

Not to mention, just passing the ball on the side, two strikers into the penalty area, can make Bayern's defense uncomfortable.

Dortmund's playing style has changed, but desperately reduced the pace of the attack, increased the number of passes, and strived to hit the attack to Bayern's threat zone.

But to say that the most happy at this time, it must be Ye Feng.

Because his chance to brush money came again!

If Dortmund played a fast break, then he was really not easy to find a chance to steal and destroy Dortmund's attack, but now Dortmund is playing a position. If you don't play again, do you have to forget my identity as a defensive midfielder?

So, the violent Ye Feng appeared again, his figure almost covered the entire midfield.

After a few minutes, Sha Xin collapsed!

Facing a full-fire Ye Feng, just like the previous few times, Sha Xin couldn't get rid of the abused fate. He wished to dig a pit and bury it, perhaps this would not attract Ye Feng's attention.

Now that Sha Xin is in front of Ye Feng, he doesn't dare to do any action at all. Do you dare to believe it?

Regardless of whether Sha Xin is a breakthrough or a pass, Ye Feng has a way to let him return without success, and what makes Sha Xin most depressed is that Ye Feng's ubiquitous physical confrontation is about to break up his small body.

When Ye Feng once again picked up the ball in Sha Xin's back and shoved it away with his body, Sha Xin cried!


Do you have to disassemble me into parts?

Every time I met Ye Feng, it seemed that I had peeled a layer of skin in hell. This feeling was really terrible.

In any case, Sha Xin can only keep retreating in order to get a little breathing space in Ye Feng's defense, otherwise he will really suffocate.

"You come to organize, it's up to you!" Sha Xin found an opportunity to hug Goetze, looking like a predecessor carrying a junior.

However, Goetze will be fooled?

He was not the ignorant rookie who had just moved from the second team to the first team.

He had a direct conversation with Ye Feng on the field, and even became a national teammate. We may not know Ye Feng's power.

He knew that Sha Xin was definitely not well-intentioned!

Your acting skills are too bad!

It's not awkward for labor and capital to ask for it!

Seeing Getzer shaking his head and refusing, Sha Xin cried.

Do young people really don’t know what it means to respect the elderly and love the young?

Don’t you know what responsibility is?

Shouldn’t you be happy to vow to share with Ye Feng?

You have no future like this, you know?

However, regardless of what Sahin said, Goetze didn't do anything, and you couldn't really kill him, so in the end some things still had to be done by Saxin.

At this time, Sha Xin was as tragic as a death row prisoner about to go to the execution ground.

Indeed, if you die, you will have a hundred. The most feared thing is to face Ye Feng's life is better than death.

Ye Feng looked at Sha Xin who had retreated to the back line, and the corner of his mouth could not help but lifted a touch of arc.

Are you so afraid of me?


Master is lonely!

Because of Shahin's retreat and Goetze's perfunctory, Dortmund's position offensive effect was greatly reduced, and he could not make a threat on the front.

In desperation, Dortmund can only use the side wing to create a threat in the offense.

Fortunately, the two centers are powerful, facing Bayern's two central defenders without falling, and the high-altitude ball is a threat.

If Lewandowski and Barrios were not there, I'm afraid Dortmund was not even qualified to threaten the Bayern striker.

At this time, the weakness of the Bayern defender line was exposed again.

Because Van Bitten is out, the two central defenders starting today are actually Bad Steuble and Timošchuk.

Bad Steuber's physical confrontation was almost uncomfortable, and it was uncomfortable to be eaten by Barrios.

Although Timoshchuk is strong, his height is a little lower, and he is easily bullied in the face of Lewandowski.

This is a bit embarrassing!

Even Klinsmann, who is a bit of a bastard, can't help scratching his head. If Bayern will not introduce a central defender, I am afraid that the big thunder on the back line will be detonated sooner or later.

Not to mention Klinsmann, fans who follow Bayern know this.

I don't know what Bayern's top executives think about it. They just don't buy a central defender.

Sometimes Ye Feng is troubled, if not, he can only push himself to the position of central defender.

Did you let a Golden Globe winner be a defender?

Is Bayern just that wayward?

No way, who left Bayern no one!

Sometimes Ye Feng wants to go to the Bayern Big Three in person and then pat the money on their faces.

"I, Ye Feng, pay the money, hurry and buy someone!"


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