I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 12 Gwen Stacy and Campus Protests

Chapter 12 Gwen Stacy and Campus Protests

When Raymond Xu left the house, he ignored Gwen Stacy who was sitting in the dining room. The young professor just locked the door and turned on the external security system again. He knew that even so, Miss Ghost Spider would have a way to leave this apartment.

In addition, he did not want people to see the "Flower of the High Mountain" from Empire State University leaving his apartment wearing his own clothes. In that case, the Academic Ethics Committee would probably talk to him soon - of course, before that, they I'm afraid I have to queue behind the media queue in front of Professor Xu's apartment.

A white elite girl majoring in STEM and the youngest Asian tenured professor at a private Ivy League school are suspected of living together. He can probably use his reputation to solve the feeding problem of at least a thousand unscrupulous reporters.

The professor went to the garage to pick up the car. Today he had a meeting with Miss Virginia Pepper Potts - the draft of the universal launcher for the "Jericho" missile has come out, and he needs "Pepper" to put this thing Passed to Tony Stark, I heard that he just won the U.S. military's Nobel Prize.

Suddenly, the phone that the professor had left on the passenger seat vibrated. He took advantage of the red light and glanced at the message - Stark had gone to Afghanistan to show the top brass of the US military the power of the "Jericho" missile.

The professor thought for a while, turned the steering wheel twice and a half, turned back, and at the same time connected himself to the headphones and dialed the number of his friend Nathaniel Wade.

"Hey Nathan, busy?"

Nathaniel Wade was pounding his right leg prosthesis and waiting for the system self-check in the IARPA core computer room. When he saw the mobile phone next to him vibrating and the screen lighting up, he hung the headphones on his ears and replied: " What's the matter, you old boy, what do you mean when a beautiful girl comes into your home?"

"Ahem...I'll explain this to you later. Can you access the personal computer of Stark Industries DCEO (Deputy CEO) Obadiah Stanely?"

If Raymond Xu has reached the limit in traditional manufacturing, then as the deputy director and de facto head of IARPA’s Analytical Research Department, Nathaniel Wade has reached an unparalleled level in the new computer field. Achievable - This is unreachable by no one, including now Tony Stark. Together, and with enough money, it won't be a problem to overpower the current playboy version of Tony Stark.

The problem is that neither of them has money, or not that much money.

Nathaniel Wade, who is in charge of an entire automated machine room at IARPA, made a living by providing network security services to large companies, including Stark Industries, before joining the company. The automated computer room under his command is not a fancy artificial intelligence assistant like Jarvis today. In fact, this computer room can conduct a complete analysis of a website based on just a simple URL, and can find global information within a few hours. Any web server vulnerability.

Nathaniel Wade himself is known as the omniscient and omnipotent in the computer industry. It is said that he himself claimed that "as long as there are loopholes in the program, they can be found."

For him, the NSA, the National Security Agency of the United States, has been coveting it for a long time, but he actually refused on the grounds that he was "too result-oriented and lacked the spirit of innovation." To be more specific, he believed that "the NSA always asked him to do boring work." children rather than exciting scientific research.”

The original words are - "Are you willing to screw screws for the rest of your life? In my opinion, their life is just this difficult."

Raymond Xu is certainly one of the best in the computer field, but when he has such a good friend, he is more willing to leave the troublesome computer work to his friend and focus on the areas he is better at.

Raymond speculated that now that Tony Stark has gone to Afghanistan, he will probably be captured by the Ten Rings Gang soon, and the Ark Reactor will come out in a while, although Stark Industries will be shut down because of the weapons department. The stock price plummeted, but after Tony announced that he was Iron Man, Stark Industries' stock price would rise again, so that the subsequent Avengers would smash, smash, loot and burn an entire city without any pressure.

Most time travelers are used to buying some stocks to make a profit, and a few will go to Afghanistan to try to fish out Tony Stark and Dr. Ethan - but Professor Xu looks down on the former, and doesn't want to do or can't do the latter. , therefore, he has another ingenious plan:

"We will discuss the specific matters when we meet." Professor Xu knew that even in 2008, Nick Fury's eyes and ears might be everywhere, and he did not want to provoke a behemoth like SHIELD when his career was just starting.

----Dividing line----

Gwen Stacy was not surprised that Raymond locked the door. After she quietly climbed out of the window, she climbed down from the other side of the building while no one was around, and then returned as if nothing happened. School, and by the way, she also found her spare suit - she had felt that she needed this a long time ago, but she didn't expect to use it now.

Gwen felt relieved when she returned to campus - at least after being overwhelmed by many peers who looked like her, the girl's strong insecurity faded a little. That white mask is her badge and the only boundary between her as a student and as a superhero. When this boundary is broken, the first thing she feels is the fear that her life has been violated.

"Protest! War mongers get out of campus!"

Gwen Stacy, who was hurriedly walking through the crowd with her book in her arms, didn't pay attention to this small parade at first. In American universities, students who are full and have nothing to do can often be regarded as gathering together for a parade. A team building activity.

"Raymond, no! Raymond, no!"

Hearing this name, Gwen came back to her senses. The girl turned around in surprise, only to find that the banner held by the students in the parade was the portrait of Professor Raymond Xu taken from the school's official website—— There is a big, red cross on it.

"Hey." Gwen quietly stopped a boy who was following the parade, "Classmates, why are you protesting against him?"

The boy who was wearing an armband and shouting saw that the person asking him was a beautiful blond girl, and patiently explained to her: "Raymond Xu is the director of the Stark Industries weapons research and development department. As we all know, Tony Stark Grams is a warmonger who kills children, pregnant women and the elderly, and Empire State University does not need a professor like that."

"In addition!" After seeing that there seemed to be hope for Ragwin to join the group, a girl also walked out of the parade and explained to Gwen: "Raymond Xu has participated in many US military projects. Through him, Hand-modified or newly built weapons are becoming a sharp sword for military expansion. If Stark is the mastermind, then he is the most effective accomplice!"

"Is that so?" Gwen frowned, with complicated emotions in her eyes, but she just responded absently: "Hmm, he should indeed bear responsibility."

"But Empire State University succumbed to Stark's money and actually gave a person a tenured professorship when he was twenty-four years old. There is no reason for us to tolerate a warmonger who becomes us through the revolving door and insider trading. Teacher!" The girl became more and more excited as she spoke, and the freckles on her face seemed to sway with her excited face. The spittle spattered so much that Gwen had to distance herself.

"Classmate, you should join our protest. We plan to go to the principal's office to protest today."

"No." Gwen waved her hand, raised her brows, and reluctantly refused: "I still have classes, and I'm afraid I won't be able to do it today."

Thinking of the embarrassing scene of having all her privacy revealed while having breakfast with the professor in the morning, Gwen felt an inexplicable discomfort in her heart and secretly determined to stay away from this unidentified professor.

"Then you can reschedule, you can contact me..."

Just when the boy took out a label from nowhere and wrote the contact information of their organization, and the girl smiled and held Gwen's hand, dragging her to talk nonsense and delaying time, Raymond who was driving the car... Xu Zheng was coming from the road next to him.

The flow of students in front of him made him slow down the car, so naturally, he noticed the back of Gwen Stacy who was being blocked by a man and a woman - the girl's back was quite easy to recognize, in order to facilitate movement , she always wears tight pants on her lower body, showing off her toned calf muscle curves, and her upper body is wrapped in loose clothes.

Raymond lowered the window and was about to say hello to Gwen when he realized that there was a team of more than a dozen students protesting against him not far away. Professor Xu, who was used to this situation, didn't want to involve Gwen in this trouble, so he wanted to raise the car window again——

"Look!" the girl next to Gwen shouted, her voice so sharp that Gwen couldn't help but tilt her ears, "That warmonger is right there!"

The parade suddenly changed direction like a frightened herd of animals, and students joined in, waving various banners and posters, blocking Professor Xu's car.

Professor Xu in the car covered his forehead helplessly. He felt that he might need to get a new license plate.

The boys and girls beside Gwen also ran over. The boy just thrust the contact information he had scribbled down into her hand before he ran away. Then the blonde girl looked at the white car that was surrounded by the crowd and couldn't move with a complex expression, her eyebrows furrowed into an inverted figure eight.

At this time, Raymond in the car looked up and saw that on the poster held by the students, there were two pig heads riding bombs, with photos of himself and Stark on it; another poster Above, a missile warhead protrudes from the middle of Tony Stark's lower body, with the words "Smaller, faster, and worse" written on it, and his own image is even more ugly. The professor couldn't help but feel happy and raised his phone to take a photo.

"Hey!" In the procession of loudly questioning the professor, a girl patted another girl on the shoulder, pointed to the roof not far away and said, "Isn't that Spider-Woman?"

"Huh?" Another girl turned her head. If in the eyes of these young college students who are deeply influenced by liberal ideas, Tony Stark and Raymond Xu are warmongers. Spider-Woman, who saved lives and injured people in the city, is undoubtedly a hero to the people.

"Look, Spider-Woman!"

Gwen Stacey, who was standing on the high roof with cross steps, glanced at the crowd below. They had given up on besieging Professor Xu every day and were pouring in her direction. The girl shook her head, her mouth turning to the right with infinite helplessness.

The recommended seats will be available for PK at 6pm today, so I’m asking for votes like crazy. Whether it’s a recommended ticket or a monthly ticket, the more the merrier! This is the last battle of the week~

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