I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 15 Meeting Pepper Potts

Chapter 15 Meeting Pepper Potts

Raymond first returned to the laboratory and informed his graduate students that Gwen Stacy would join his research group, and incidentally arranged a workstation for Gwen. Everyone in the research team was excited that a "beautiful girl" would join them. Apart from scientific research, these old scientific researchers who usually picked their feet and chatted asked for leave one after another, saying that they wanted to go home to take a shower and change clothes. clothing.

Therefore, Raymond, who had long disliked these rough guys, once again expressed his narcissistic admiration for his decision to recruit Gwen.

Then, regardless of the whispers of these rough-and-tumble researchers, the professor drove home, changed into a black suit without a tie, packed up his appearance, booked a flight, and set off to La Jolla, California. The journey of the Stark family.

That's the beautiful Razor Mansion from the movie - where Pepper Potts now lives.

After a long flight and traveling on the road, when Raymond saw Pepper Potts, she was wearing black clothes, and the woman's eyes were red - Raymond knew that she was thinking about him. Boss Tony Stark is worried.

To be honest, Raymond is not sure what kind of relationship between Pepper and Tony is at this stage - it's not like a couple, it's not like a live-in partner, it's not like a boss and an employee, anyway, Tony Star Ke is quite inexplicable, and his life - in Professor Xu's opinion - has also been quite inexplicable.

"Professor Xu." Although she looked like she had just cried, the capable Pepper Potts still shook hands with him generously and invited him in. In her impression, Raymond Xu always wore meticulous suits, dressed meticulously, and did things meticulously. Except that Tony often said that "Raymond's work is too boring", her impression of this young genius was actually Pretty good.

Raymond shook hands with the woman with a slightly sad face, and his tone was equally heavy: "I was very shocked after hearing about Tony's accident, so I wanted to take a look and see if I could help."

Raymond almost broke Pepper's guard with just one sentence. The woman smiled helplessly, as if she was mocking herself: "It's true that a friend in need is a friend indeed. All the executives of Stark Industries ran to Vice President Obadiah Stan. Go there and act like Tony is dead."

As the two entered the door, Pepper continued: "The military has not given up searching, but everyone seems to be prepared that Obadiah will take over as president. I don't like this... Professor Xu, To be honest, you were the only one who came over to check on Tony after his accident.”

Although this was regarded as a successful political speculation, Raymond couldn't help but sigh like Pepper and lamented the harshness of the world. But in the final analysis, when Stark disappeared, at least his bodyguard and his sister never gave up on him and kept insisting on looking for him - if he had that day, who else would care except that bastard Nathan? ?

In anticipation, a pair of aqua blue eyes flashed through the professor's mind and disappeared before he could think clearly.

"I have always admired Tony academically and regard him as my role model." Raymond said some beautiful words suitable for this occasion, and also comforted Pepper: "Don't worry, he will be fine."

Yes, not only is it okay, but it will also bring about a new era of human technology - the professor said in his heart.

"Colonel Rhodes called me. He said that he was searching for Tony in Afghanistan...but he didn't get any effective information." Pepper Potts sat on the sofa, poured a cup of coffee, and handed the coffee to Raymond. Virtue. The woman finally frowned and shook her head, "But the strange thing is that no organization has claimed responsibility for this. It's too quiet."

"It's a little unusually quiet." Raymond took the coffee with both hands, took a sip and continued: "It's also unusually quiet inside Stark Industries."

Little Pepper's eyes lit up - what she just said was to test Raymond, but to her surprise, Raymond took the initiative and pointed out her worries. Pepper's ability to later become the CEO of Sterk Industries and allow Tony to spend money freely on the Avengers without worrying about logistics proves her sense of smell and ability.

"I don't know much about what's going on in the company. I'm just Tony's personal assistant." Pepper decided to continue to show off his flaws and show off his stupidity. "It should be a good thing if the company doesn't cause trouble at this time, right?"

"No way." Raymond could naturally see that Pepper was pretending to be stupid, but he decided to pick up what the other party said, "Tony Stark is, after all, the CEO of Stark Industries and has absolute control. The largest shareholder, and now he is missing, even if we put aside the impact of the stock decline on the confidence of other shareholders, the possible personnel turmoil is enough to make people in the company panic."

"Uncle Obadiah is more capable, maybe?" When the other party reached this point, Pepper was naturally delighted - it seemed that although Tony was out of control in the company, there were still loyal ministers willing to protect him at critical moments.

"But Obadiah is only the DCEO, and he is not without action." Raymond sighed, "He is currently planning to reorganize various departments of Stark Industries, which involves large-scale transfers and layoffs of personnel. .”

"Ah? I don't know at all..." Little Pepper was confused. These things Professor Xu said are the secrets of Stark Industries. It's just because Raymond himself is a senior executive of Stark Industries. One can obtain the information.

"That's probably because Obadiah didn't tell you..." Raymond shook his head, "After all, you are just Tony's personal assistant and have nothing to do with his company's affairs."

Pepper Potts lowered his head to drink coffee, and the two were silent for a while - in this seemingly awkward silence, the atmosphere of mutual testing was revealed. Pepper was testing whether Raymond was speculating, trying to hedge his bets, or whether he was here. He is indeed loyal to Tony, and is also testing whether Raymond can trust him and regard himself as "a person useful to Tony's career."

Raymond is testing whether Pepper Potts can trust him and accept the truth, accepting the fact that Uncle Obadiah, one of Tony Stark's most trusted people, actually wanted to kill him.

After a long time, Pepper Potts broke the silence first: "But Tony still needs someone to tell him the truth when he comes back."

Peppa emphasized the word "truth" so much that even the stupidest person could understand her hint.

"Okay." Raymond breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Pepper's ability to say this at least gave him the qualification to "tell the truth". Now he at least got the ticket to this power game. . So, he made his words clearer: "Obadiah is planning to reorganize Stark Industries. He recently transferred people from various departments around in the name of normal personnel arrangements. The original leaders of each department The organization was disrupted; in addition, he also stuffed many of his people into the weapons research and development department on the pretext of strengthening cooperation with the military."

"Obadiah is reorganizing the company?" Pepper immediately realized this.

What is management? Management is to allow people to serve as leaders who are loyal to themselves, can convince their subordinates, and can complete the tasks they are responsible for, and maintain a smooth communication chain from top to bottom. When Stark was in office, no matter how much of a jerk he was to the outside world, he at least knew that there should be some handy people in the company that he could use.

Now Obadiah wants to disorganize these people and transfer them to positions they are not familiar with at all.

Therefore, everyone can see what this Tony Stark's close partner is going to do.

Pepper Potts frowned, but she tried not to appear too worried. After Tony Stark disappeared unexpectedly, she lost almost all external intelligence sources for a while. If Raymond hadn't come over today, she wouldn't have even known that Obadiah was planning to usurp the throne.

Just as Little Pepper continued to plan what to say, Professor Xu's pocket suddenly heard a "buzz-buzz-" sound. The professor looked apologetic to Little Pepper and took out his cell phone. It was a familiar number - —Obadiah’s office.

Raymond turned on the phone hands-free and put it on the table. Pepper Potts clearly saw the name of Secretary Obadiah on the screen:

"Professor Xu." A familiar voice came from the mobile phone. The other person spoke without emotion and seemed very cold: "President Obadiah Stane hopes that you can take a job in the newly established new energy department."

"What about my project in the weapons research and development department?" Raymond looked at Pepper and asked at the phone screen.

"All handed over, you can't take anything away." The other party's voice was still as cold as a robot, "However, if you agree to this condition, you can directly lead the entire new energy research and development department, and President Stan promises to transfer you The stocks in hand increased by 50%."

Raymond Xu understood that this was Obadiah's move to seize power, and it finally came to him. He glanced meaningfully at Pepper Potts next to him, knowing that his next reaction would determine his status in the heart of "Iron Man" and even his status in the "Avengers" in the future.

He thought for a moment and decided to give a very American answer:

"Fuck you!"

Pepper Potts' heart just rose to her throat. After Professor Xu's "FY" came out smoothly, she felt a little relieved. He is now only Tony's personal assistant, and cannot participate in the struggle for power within the company due to emotion or reason - but Raymond Xu is different, even though he was just a "look-alike" launched by Stark in order to cope with Congress. , and he actually holds considerable weight within the company.

Before Tony comes back - and Pepper firmly believes that Tony will come back - Raymond is her biggest supporter.

If I make a wish in the new week, I hope to get another hundred recommendation votes this week~ Hehe

In addition, there is a strong opposition to the "will of the universe", so this line can actually be cut.

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