I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 25 The Chair of Power

"Xu, your speech is good, and the Office of the Director of Intelligence is optimistic about you." Gwen heard the weak voice in the receiver, and she didn't know if Xu knew that his senses were much sharper than ordinary people, but in any case, he answered in front of him. The phone call is also a form of trust.

"Oh?" Gwen saw Raymond pretending to be surprised, "Then what did your superior say?"

"The turmoil in Stark Industries needs to come to an end." On the other end of the phone, Nathan tried his best to use obscure language to avoid using his words as a reason for the federal executive branch to interfere in personnel changes in private companies——

But Raymond knows very well, and Gwen also knows very well that since Stark Industry is still in turmoil under the current ACEO (acting CEO), naturally he will not be the one who is qualified to bring it to an end!

Although it was easy for Gwen to interpret this meaning, she was still a little surprised - was the government actually interfering with Stark Industries? But then the girl thought about it and thought of the close relationship between Stark Industries and the US military, and she no longer felt strange.

"I can't comment on the more detailed situation." Nathan blocked the space for Xu to ask further questions in advance, taking the initiative of leaking secrets, or informal briefings, into his own hands, "But what I can tell you is that all measures are in place. has been adopted, relevant procedures are being advanced in an orderly manner, it is expected that the current turbulent climate will be improved, and an environment conducive to the stable development of Stark Industries is being shaped."

Raymond was a little surprised. He knew that this old friend usually only said fifty percent of his words, but he could let him speak to this point. It was hard to imagine how many people there were in the government and how many resources were used. , doing this.

"But you should also know that after saying that, you have to take care of your own safety. Although many powerful friends are watching you, unexpectedly..." Nathan paused and changed the word: " It’s hard to guard against hidden arrows.”

Raymond subconsciously glanced at Gwen next to him, and Gwen also frowned and looked at his professor in confusion - did he want him to protect his safety? Should I...

Shoot! Gwen, it is your duty to protect ordinary people! ——The girl scolded herself in the end, and then easily ended this little entanglement.

"I understand, but for the sake of my roommates, tell me, what exactly is the arrangement above?"

There was a period of silence. Just when this silence made Raymond and Gwen feel embarrassed, Nathan on the other side of the phone finally decided to reveal one more piece of news:

"According to an unofficial source who wishes to remain anonymous, the secretary of the Stark Industries board of directors has made an exchange with a powerful and influential person living in the West Wing about electing you as CEO. Opinions, whether Tony Stark himself is alive or not.

"Hey." Gwen watched Raymond put down the phone, tilted his head to the right, and made a standard smile - but anyone could see the coping and hypocrisy in that smile, "Congratulations, you are going to be the chief executive. Executive officer."

She used the full spelling of the abbreviation CEO.

"Gwen." Raymond turned around. Gwen watched the professor show such confusion in front of him for the first time. He tried to explain to himself: "The incident happened suddenly. I didn't have time to explain it clearly to you. I just Can we arrange it like this first..."

As he spoke, the professor walked towards the tea table in the office, and then without looking back he asked Gwen who was standing by the door: "Tea or coffee?"

Gwen knew that Raymond liked to drink tea. In the past, she would be more in tune with the locals on this kind of issue, but today she just responded with a calm face, polite and thoughtful, and she was completely different from her usual self: "Coffee" ,Thanks."

Raymond poured two cups of coffee and put them on the table, then sat down and invited Gwen to sit on the sofa on the other side. Facing his student, Raymond was actually a little embarrassed at this time, and he gently rubbed the thumb and index finger of his left hand. Gwen was sitting on another sofa, elegantly sipping the high-end coffee in the professor's office, her expression unchanged at all, as if the teacher-student relationship between the two had been reversed.

He could fully expect that with Gwen's intelligence combined with her own concealment, how bad the girl could think of this matter - with Gwen's sensitivity to crime, she would definitely doubt what she was going to do with Spider-Man. , so he added another sentence, adding his biggest worry: "I'm sorry for involving you in such a complicated and dangerous matter."

Gwen looked at the nervous professor, and couldn't help but feel a little shaken in her heart. Of course she could see that the other person was so nervous precisely because he cared about her own feelings and about herself - in fact, what she came for today was nothing. To explain, all we need is his attitude.

But Gwen felt that she needed to further confirm these.

"I am..." "Why..." After a long silence, the two of them spoke at the same time. It goes without saying that Raymond was nervous and embarrassed, but Gwen, who was pretending to be calm, felt panic for a moment when she said the words. It betrayed her emotional background. The two looked at each other awkwardly, and finally the blonde girl calmly pointed out the key to the matter, breaking all the embarrassment and silence:

"Raymond, you didn't do anything illegal and hide it from me. This is not a mistake. If this is a misunderstanding, we just need to speak clearly."

For a moment, the twenty-four-year-old professor looked at the twenty-year-old girl in front of him and felt that a lot of his two human years had been spent on a dog - Gwen Stacy's transparency and bigness. Founder is her charm, and it is a blessing to be her friend.

Raymond's body relaxed, he took a deep breath, leaned on the back of the sofa, and then took a sip of coffee: "I'm sorry, Gwen, this is indeed not a crime, but I'm still sorry for you. When you got involved, I was more or less selfish."

Gwen Stacy was not angry when she heard this. The girl's eyes were as calm as water, even with some encouragement - Gwen understood that everyone will have communication errors, omissions of information, and emotions. Concealing something is not something unforgivable. On the contrary, she even expects the other party to be honest and truthful.

And because Raymond in front of him knew that it was Gwen Stacy who was sitting in front of him and listening to all this, and not anyone else, he had more desire to communicate and the courage to be honest.

"I know you are the Ghost Spider-Man, and I personally have..." The professor chose the most honest and neutral words, "Let's put it this way, 'political ambitions', I will inevitably think of making you my student, and even establishing Friendship will benefit me a lot, so it is better to say that my help to you is inherently political speculation."

"You don't have to say that, Raymond..." Although the other party said this matter very harshly, Gwen's heart was as cold as an icy lake but it warmed up - the other party could say this, but it confirmed it for Gwen He had a sufficiently important position in his heart, and a deep-minded person like Raymond would not open his heart to anyone.

The girl who was a little touched in her heart took over the words: "Obadiah is in contact with Kingpin, which shows that he is not clean, and you are doing it at this time. Although the method may not be fair, it is the most important thing to do." —You did nothing wrong, even from Spider-Man’s perspective.”

When Raymond was about to speak, Gwen sat up straight, her eyebrows stretched, and her face smiled: "Even if you want to engage in this political speculation, if you really want to prevent people like Obadiah from taking over the overall situation, then Spider Woman will also protect you."

...a moment of silence...

"Gwen..." After listening to the speech of the blond girl in front of him, Raymond fell silent at first, and then felt suffocated by surprise.

Even as a time traveler, even if he sat in front of the superheroes in these comic book movies, he never thought that Gwen Stacy was... He couldn't describe it. From Gwen, he felt more than just... The personal heroism of the American superhero also made her feel the chivalrous spirit of his ideal. For a moment, Raymond was actually deeply attracted by the softly smiling blond girl in front of him.

After a long time, he said the next sentence: "Thank you, Gwen. Frankly speaking, you gave me more courage to face the next thing... Although it is not my job to be the CEO of Stark Industries now. That's my intention, but as an ordinary person, to accomplish something, I must need a chair, a chair with at least a higher status than Nick Fury."

"Wait..." Gwen stopped the professor's confession in time, "Who is Nick Fury?"

"Uh..." Raymond covered his forehead. He realized that he had overdone it in his excitement - but now he and Gwen had been honest with each other. He thought briefly and replied: "The current head of a secret agent department. He is in charge of superheroes, supervillains and aliens."

"Then let me sort it out..." Gwen stretched out a finger, as if it could help her to sort out her thoughts: "You need to use Stark Industries as a springboard to gain greater power to help you complete some things. '?"

At this point, the blonde girl frowned again: "What's going on?"

"To make things the way they should be." Raymond replied briefly, "To make people with power and wealth take responsibility instead of putting the responsibility on girls like you; to avoid And to eliminate some regrets, in order to prevent people like me from eating other people's human blood buns and continuing to live in a state of intoxication with a zero-responsibility class attitude, and in order to protect the justice you insist on from another level."

"It sounds a bit macho." Gwen chuckled, "Raymond, it seems that you are indeed a self-righteous person, but what you said sounds very good, and it is a goal worth striving for."

"So -" Gwen Stacy stood up and stretched out her hand to Raymond Xu: "I will do mine, you will do yours, and I will wait for you to fulfill your promise!"

This chapter can be said to be a very important heart-to-heart conversation in the early stage. I thought about it many times when I was writing it, especially what Gwen should say and how to respond.

The end result is very good. She is a person who knows that she is being used, but is willing to continue to protect the professor as long as the purpose of the use is good. This also makes the professor feel at ease and willing to be honest with Gwen.

However, can communication solve all problems?

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