I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 59 Turning Point

Gwen Stacey raised her head suddenly, only to see Raymond Xu's strange eyes - she seemed to be unable to find the enthusiasm, the hope, or even the strangeness in his eyes. In the past, when he looked at her, he always had that warmth.

The warmth that she once enjoyed but wanted to break away from, only to realize that she couldn't live without it until it disappeared...

The girl tried to wipe her eyes that were blurred by tears with her hands, eager to see her familiar mentor clearly again, but found that after the fate fell, the familiarity had been burned away by pain, leaving only the cold unfamiliarity.

Today, Raymond was wearing a navy blue suit. The custom-made suit made the professor's tall figure even more prominent. He put on his gold-rimmed glasses again, thinned his hair neatly and applied hairspray. The eyes looking at Gwen Stacy were cold, as if they had never known each other before.

The girl spoke softly, and there was still a trace of hope in her question - or perhaps her last trace of unwillingness:

"Why...are you going to meet King Bin's secretary and adopted daughter...what are you doing?"

Raymond responded to Gwen with a tone of sarcasm and ridicule - a tone he would never use to himself. The professor’s answer was extremely business-like:

"You speak of the law, right, Miss Spider?"

Gwen did not nod, but pursed her lips tighter and frowned:

"Wilson Fisk is a famous businessman, philanthropist, founder of the Fisk Charitable Foundation, sponsor of many United States Representatives and Senators, one of the important collaborators of Stark Industries, and..."

Raymond's last note was raised, which fully demonstrated the professor's frivolity and nonchalance in his questioning: "A candidate for mayor of New York City, right?"

Spider-Woman, who was holding a white mask in her hand, did not answer his question, but just lowered her head further, waiting for Raymond to give her final judgment on her and their relationship:

"Excuse me, Miss Spider, is there any law that prohibits me from having three meals and watching three movies with the adopted daughter of a famous businessman, philanthropist, sponsor of the Senate and House of Representatives, and a New York City mayoral candidate?"

After saying that, Raymond looked at Gwen who lowered her head with an aggressive look, as if forcing the blond girl into a corner still couldn't relieve his anger, so he continued to use the most harmful words to Gwen Stacey. His tone and language said:

"Or do you think your ridiculous frame-up really has any legal effect?"

"That's not a frame-up!" Gwen tried to argue with Raymond. "Wilson Fisk is working with senior officials to try to extract ingredients from addictive drugs to create a potion that can strengthen the human body, and he is at the Veterans Hospital. China is experimenting with this drug.”

"Evidence?" Raymond's response became shorter and shorter, and his tone became more impatient and thorny. "Without evidence, this is considered slander, Miss Spider."

"Raymond——" Gwen raised her head with a tearful expression, the girl's voice trembled, she hoped to bring the familiar mentor back to her side——no matter in what capacity. So she trembled and said:

"You weren't like this before, don't be like this, okay?"

"Please call me Professor Xu, Miss." As if he was not shaken by Gwen's plea at all, Raymond took two steps closer and lifted Gwen Stacy's chin with his right index finger provocatively: " I am your mentor and your boss.”

Then regardless of Gwen slamming his hand down, or the sadness and despair revealed in the girl's eyes, the professor just laughed and turned around:

"And... not everyone will accompany you to play house childishly for the rest of your life, Miss Spider."

Her eyes were filled with tears. The girl closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she found that the place where she was confronting the professor had changed from an office with bright and clean windows to an unknown space with only black and white. Raymond was standing there. On the edge of the black abyss, he looked at himself with a smile, and that smile almost made her think that the Raymond Xu of the past was back...

Then the professor stepped back step by step.

Behind him, in the black abyss, thousands of hands stretched out, grabbed his back, dragged his legs, and covered his face - until Gwen Stacy could only see clearly the smiling man The corner of the mouth that once brought me warmth, once made me feel at ease, and once made me want to kiss her.

"No!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Hey? Why not?"

With tears in her eyes, Gwen raised her head again, saw Raymond approaching her, saw his somewhat concerned eyes, and most importantly...

She saw the unyieldingness and strength in his eyes again.

Gwen Stacy, who instantly understood that she had almost been dragged to hell by her complicated thoughts, came back to her senses. She almost immediately understood that it was just a fantasy of hers - but its content made people who had never been afraid of evil and terror Spider-Woman almost became heartbroken and heartbroken because of this.

She was panting heavily, her chest heaving. When she suddenly came back to her senses from the nightmare just now, and saw Raymond Xu in front of her who still cared about her, the blonde girl felt that the hot and intense emotions of pain and joy when she woke up almost suffocated her.

She took a few steps back, repositioned Raymond Xu in the blurred mosaic of vision, and saw clearly again - he was wearing casual casual clothes, a little slovenly, he simply combed his hair, and wore only the most ordinary clothes. casual glasses...

Gwen opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she found that nothing came out.

But Spider-Woman has never been a character who opens her mouth in a daze. After Gwen Stacy decided to release her emotions, no one could stop her for any reason——

She raised her wrist and used spider silk to catch him, both familiar and unfamiliar, in front of her. Then the girl's body suddenly moved forward, opened her arms, and hugged the somewhat astonished Raymond.

The girl exerted further force, almost pressing her mentor into her arms. But she just felt that this was not enough, this was not enough, she just wanted to use more force, just to keep him by her side, as if this way he would not change or leave...

"Hey..." Raymond's voice was a little hoarse, "You... be gentler... I... I'm going... out of breath!"

Under Spider-Woman's almost full embrace, the innocent professor used his last strength to whisper for help to the girl hugging him, and then he bared his teeth and could no longer say a word. The professor's arms were almost pressed into Gwen's body.

Hearing Raymond Xu's weak cry for help, Gwen came back to her senses from her crazy fantasy and almost collapsed emotions. She realized that she was still Raymond Xu's intern and realized that nothing could happen now. Didn't happen.

As if there were springs on Raymond's body, the blond girl suddenly bounced out of the professor's chest. Then she awkwardly held her left hand and her right hand and hung them in front of her body. She lowered her head and sat uneasily, not daring to look directly into Raymond's eyes.

Raymond Xu, who had just been suddenly pulled into the arms of Gwen Stacey for a hug, also regained consciousness after a moment of confusion. Although the professor has always been admonished by teacher's ethics, he should always be aware and careful not to let himself be obsessed with this independent and strong, brave and kind-hearted person, who is emotionally simple and persistent, but sometimes selfish, caring about personal affairs, and has a bad temper. Rock and roll girl, but he also knew in his heart...

I know that my care for Gwen Stacy is not all out of the teacher's love for the students.

When did you fall in love with Gwen? In an instant, the professor began to reflect on the origin story of such an unexpected relationship:

Gwen Stacy's heroic behavior, her bravery and kindness in fighting against evil alone, her determination to become withdrawn and risk everything, were only the reasons why Raymond Xu fell in love with her, but it did not Not why Raymond fell in love with her.

The reason why he fell in love with her can be traced back to the frank conversation he had after his speech, when Gwen Stacy suddenly realized that the distance between them had widened. He said he initially approached her just to use her, to use her powers to protect her.

Then she said: Even if you are going to engage in this political speculation, if you really want to prevent people like Obadiah from taking over the overall situation, then Spider-Woman will protect you.

Yes, even if she is used, even if the use itself means harm, she said, as long as it is for the overall situation, I am willing to make such a sacrifice, I am willing to disregard past grudges, and I am willing to protect you - protect everyone with good intentions. The person who misses.

It was at that moment that Raymond Xu realized that Gwen Stacy was not a character in comics, animations or movies. She had her persistence and bravery, her principles and justice - she would uphold At first, I smiled to myself and said, "We have the same purpose and are like-minded, so even though I can't understand your methods, I will try my best to protect you."

Damn—Raymond's breathing quickened—what a good girl!

However, Raymond Xu never expected that Gwen Stacy would almost confess to herself in such a situation, in such an emotion, and in such a way.

Ren is an emotional blockhead. Looking at Gwen Stacy who is crying in her trembling voice and with tears on her cheeks, she can clearly guess that her respect for her is not just the respect between teachers and students. Yearning - she seems to have regarded herself as an important person in her life.

Raymond was a little happy - he almost raised the corners of his mouth with a smile - but then he thought about his identity as a teacher and the high voltage line in American society in this regard. The professor seemed a little hesitant and ultimately did not show any emotion. .

Now Raymond is not at the point where he can be careless, so he hesitates and stays still - this is for her good, and also to protect himself.

"I understand your worries." Raymond held Gwen Stacy's slender wrist with one hand and raised three fingers with the other hand:

"I swear to you, I will always be this me!"

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