I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 79 Spider’s Interview

At the same time that Raymond Xu was in contact with the Spear Bureau from the mysterious country, Gwen Stacy finally figured out how to recruit Spider-Woman volunteers——

Since it’s recruitment, let’s have an interview!

The girl put on the battle suit with confidence. Recently, Raymond gave her another gadget - a voice changer. With this thing, she finally no longer had to hold her throat and speak in a low voice.

The girl was swaying back and forth with spider silk in the abandoned construction site. She had already posted the interview location of the Spider Woman volunteer on the forum. It was still several hours before the interview started, but Gwen couldn't hold back and had already arrived first.

The girl suddenly pulled off her mask and opened her hood to let the wind blow, revealing her golden hair. Over the past few months, Gwen had ignored her golden hair and allowed them to grow wildly, with pink highlights at the end. Her blond hair has grown long enough to cover her shoulders.

The wind blew the girl's blond hair rippling between the buildings, making her look particularly heroic.

Gwen became more and more nervous - this was the first time that she, as Spider-Woman, was interviewing volunteers who were willing to serve a "just cause"... But when Gwen thought about it carefully, she felt that this was not why she was nervous.

For some reason, after Raymond left, the girl always felt empty in her heart. Every day when she opened the office door to make tea for herself, she would always feel disappointed when looking at the empty office chair.

She didn't know when she developed the habit of drinking tea. But now, every morning when Gwen arrives at the lab, the first thing she does is make herself a cup of tea — whether it’s black or green — using the Raymond Tea Bar Maker.

Perhaps it was because, in the steaming aroma of tea, Gwen Stacy could always seem to see the black-haired figure wearing glasses turning his head and smiling at her - his smile was so warm that Gwen Stacy couldn't help but Admit it, she has never seen such a warm smile.

The girl whose heartstrings were disturbed seemed particularly troubled, and even Gwen Stacy, who was always confident in the past and believed that she could withstand the pressure, began to worry about gains and losses——

"I'm just an undergraduate, and I'm about to fail..." Gwen sighed, "He is a genius professor and the CEO of Stark Industries. Am I worthy of him?"

Thinking of this, Gwen's troubles became even more aggravated. The girl even began to talk to herself, asking her childhood sweetheart who was already in the other side of heaven: "Peter... what do you think I should do?"

"Peter..." The blond girl seemed to wake up suddenly. She suddenly understood the problem that she had not thought about for three years, "Do you think so too?"

The girl trembled all over, and she almost fell from the tall building. In panic, she turned out her wrist, shot out the spider silk, and stuck it to the upper floor before hanging herself.

Gwen Stacy, who was still, suddenly realized a terrible fact:

He once thought he was special. Peter Parker lost his life because he wanted to become another himself. It was precisely because she felt that this special thing was a hard-won gift that she cherished it doubly, worked harder, and tried to do something.

In the girl's subconscious mind, this specialness has always been valuable.

But she never seemed to have imagined how much pressure this specialness would put on Peter Parker, who had a particularly low self-esteem in her midtown high school!

Gwen Stacy suddenly woke up:

When facing Raymond Xu, I would feel such inferiority for no reason when I was in love with him. This is true for Gwen Stacy, who has been independent, self-reliant and self-loving since she was a child. So what happened to Peter Parker, who was autistic and bullied all the way to high school?

Continuing to think about it only made the girl feel desperate. She had been escaping for the past few years and comforting herself with her own reasons. But it was not until she fell into a situation similar to Peter that she realized what Peter was like at that time. What are you facing!

At that time, he was the one who was liked, enjoying Peter Parker's care unscrupulously, and taking pride in his own specialness, but he never imagined how much effort he had put in to chase him.

Gwen and Peter have always been first and second in their class in high school. For the talented girl Gwen Stacy, it is easy to get the first place in high school courses, but for the mediocre Peter Parker, This means hard work day and night.

Gwen thought that she couldn't sleep at two o'clock at night, so she called Peter, but he picked up the phone immediately - he explained that he couldn't sleep either...

But now that I think about it, the boy was just putting in extra effort to catch up with the girl who was too dazzling.

Gwen also thought that she liked music, so Peter had several music appreciation books on his bookshelf; she liked gymnastics, and for a while Peter watched various gymnastics championships every day... Even his hobby of photography was all for himself. Just cultivated!

"Love someone..." The blond girl lowered her eyebrows and said dejectedly: "Is this necessary?"

Gwen Stacy once thought that her view of love was impregnable, but when a young girl in love really fell in love with someone, she realized that those so-called impregnable ideas were just a childish fantasy of a girl.

In the face of true feelings, those so-called views on love are like a dike riddled with holes facing a once-in-a-thousand-year flood.

This made her feel at a loss - but, almost subconsciously, when Gwen Stacy felt powerless in front of Raymond Xu, she could face it with another identity at any time:

Spider-Woman's identity.

Raymond Xu's social status is what Gwen Stacy needs to look up to, but Gwen Stacy's superhero status is also what Raymond Xu, an ordinary human being, needs to look up to.

If there is any way for Gwen to make up for her inferiority complex in front of her sweetheart, it would be to do Spider-Woman's job - detect every piece of criminal information and complete every mission.

Gwen, who was hanging in the air, took out her mobile phone. The interviewer sent a message saying that she had arrived. Gwen swung into the building where the outer wall had not yet been sealed.

Before the interviewer came up, the blond girl took care of her appearance and then sat upright on the folding chair behind the folding table.

The girl thought for a while, whether she should lean back and lean on the back of the chair to show off her superhero style, or put her hands on the table and push her upper body forward to show her pressure on the interviewer——

These are all messy things she learned when she was interviewing graduate students in Redmond.

Gwen thought for a while and finally figured out that by putting her hands on the table and pushing her upper body forward, in addition to showing the pressure on the subject, she could also show that she attached great importance to the interview.

For Gwen Stacey, who still doesn't know how to organize and how to screen talents, taking on the role of temporary human resources director is too overwhelming.

The blond girl has been learning how to use spider silk to dance ballet between skyscrapers since she was fourteen or fifteen years old, stealing tracking and anti-tracking skills from her father - but after so many years, she has never learned to herself Form a "fan group" and "select fan leaders."

The interview process was lackluster. Even if Gwen Stacy recalled it twenty years later, she would find the scene shockingly embarrassing——

There are roughly three categories of people who come:

For the first type of person, the question Gwen prepared was "Why do you want to volunteer for Spider-Woman?"

A will-o'-the-wisp boy with a punk haircut, a leather jacket, and a messy modified motorcycle said, "My family is rich anyway, and I have nothing to do. Helping Spider-Woman is very exciting, but money can't buy it!"

A nervous middle-aged woman carrying a bag said, "Spider Woman helped me get my bag back from the robber. I want to use my free time to help her. Besides, it's also about helping people."

The most outrageous thing was a Latino man in his thirties who was dressed normally. After hearing the question, the man just looked at Gwen and smiled. After laughing so hard that Gwen's hair stood up, he suddenly looked like... Crazy, overturned the chair, climbed over the table and rushed towards Gwen!

"Miss Spider! I love you! I love you!!"

Of course, Gwen, who had a spider sense to protect her body, was not successfully attacked. The girl turned around in the air and landed firmly on the ground. She watched the man throw himself on the chair she was sitting on, and then licked the back and cushions of the chair.

While licking, he muttered as if he was forgetful: "Miss Spider... the taste of sister..."

It ended up making Gwen feel a little nauseous. The girl spent a lot of effort to finally suppress the waves of digestion in her stomach——

Then, the girl, whose stomach was quite burned, had to pinch her nose and tie up the pervert, and then hung it with spider silk at the gate of the unfinished construction site.

After Gwen came back from the interview, she received a lot of applause from the interviewers in line - for the girl who had just been harassed by a pervert, this was just the right comfort.

After Gwen sat down leisurely, she put away some of the nausea and discomfort in her heart and tried to adjust herself back to her state - but when she asked the next question, maybe she didn't notice that her voice changed a little:

"What do you think of Spider-Woman's... behavior?"

Gwen paused before adding "behavior" after the original question - the pervert just now really frightened the girl, so much so that she now felt suspiciously that the prospective volunteer in front of her would do something to her. Commentary on tights, body shape, etc.

"Uh..." The shrinking young black man in front of him looked at the masked vigilante Gwen Stacy, who was quite oppressive to him, and asked weakly: "I don't know, I just want to know, Does this job pay? I really have nowhere to go..."

Then Gwen covered her face: "Sorry no, next one!"

"Sister Spider!" The next person was a young woman, probably the same age as Gwen herself. I saw her waving her mobile phone to her excitedly: "Can I add you on Skype? I have already booked a suite for the night. Can my sister do it?"

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