I Am Gwen's Spider-Man Mentor

Chapter 91 There is no escape

After a long time, the two released their embrace.

"What happened?" Raymond looked at the lost girl in front of him and asked her seriously: "Why did you fire the gun?"

The professor's tone was a little harsh - hurting the police was no small matter, although he could now help Gwen block the arrest warrant on the grounds of "smoke reaction" or "incomplete chain of evidence".

But...he still needed to ask the girl what exactly happened at that time.

"I..." After hearing Raymond's question, the blond girl gasped violently. Gwen Stacy, who had just dealt with Nick Fury without being humble or arrogant, was finally unavoidable in front of the person she trusted most. The ground broke, "It's me... I shouldn't have..."

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Raymond whispered against the girl's hair in the same tiny voice, as if fear disturbed the bird named Gwen Stacy that landed on his shoulder. .

After saying that, he stood up again, holding the shoulders of the tearful girl with both hands, and their eyes met, but Gwen, who was immersed in self-blame, said nothing. Maybe there were too many emotions that came up all at once, and the girl's brain shut down. She just looked at Raymond at this time, opened her lips slightly, but found that she couldn't say anything.

Raymond didn't give the girl a chance to hesitate any longer. He pulled the weeping girl into his arms.

The girl felt his strong heartbeat and finally calmed down. She buried her head deeply on Raymond's shoulder and whispered softly in a voice that she could hardly hear: "I'm sorry..."

"At that time... the situation was very chaotic. There was a Latino. He grabbed the gun and wanted to shoot me. I dodged, but the police officer, he..." The girl spoke upside down and the situation was confusing. She later added A lot of self-blame:

"It's all my fault! It's all my fault! This thing shouldn't have happened! It's all my fault! I shouldn't have been distracted at that time!"

"Gwen..." Raymond tried to use the calmness of his voice to help Gwen calm down, "This is not your fault!"

"No...no..." The girl gently pushed away Raymond's arms, but she still hadn't recovered from the shock, so she subconsciously clenched Raymond's sleeves with her hands, her eyes sparkling with tears. Looking up at his mentor: "It's my fault, if I hadn't used spider silk... used spider silk to grab the gun..."

"The Latino, grabbed the policeman's gun, grabbed the gun with a thread, dodged, and shot..." Raymond pieced together the fragments of facts described by the girl in his mind, and then he asked softly: "Is that true? When you used the spider silk to grab the gun, the gun went off?"

Gwen was stunned in front of Raymond. After a long while, the blonde girl nodded with difficulty.

Raymond stood there and thought for a while before he solemnly said to the girl: "It's not your fault. Accidents like gun discharges are inevitable, and the hand that finally pulled the trigger was not innocent."

"But I..." The girl wanted to argue, but was interrupted by Raymond:

"this is not your fault!"

Gwen had never seen Raymond like this. It was almost the first time that he showed the authority of a superior in front of him, emphasizing to himself like a general giving orders to soldiers:

"This matter is that the police officer failed to keep his gun properly, which led to the gun being robbed. When you tried to help him seize the gun, you failed to stop the criminal suspect from shooting the police officer. This is not your fault!"

After saying that, it seemed that he felt that his tone towards Gwen was a little harsh, so Raymond softened his tone - he knew what Gwen was worried about, and Gwen was almost driven crazy once by the death of Peter Parker. Wen Stacy does not want to and cannot bear the life of another person anymore:

"My friends in the intelligence agency told me that you ran too fast and the officer did not die. He was sent to the hospital in time."

Raymond took a deep breath and looked directly into Gwen's dull blue eyes. He decided to hide the news that the policeman had not been released from the ICU yet.

He knew that he had to give the girl a conclusion now, otherwise Gwen, who was always self-doubting, would definitely drive herself crazy: "Fortunately among the misfortunes, he has turned the corner and is fine."

The girl was stunned, and a feeling of relief suddenly came to her heart. A variety of emotions were mixed together, and tears finally slipped out of the corners of her eyes and burst down the embankment. Gwen held Raymond's arm tightly, her eyes were full of joy and unbelievable shock after the disaster——

"Really? Really? Is he really okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Raymond ruffled Gwen's blond hair and confirmed to the girl softly: "The NYPD's suspicions are mainly directed at the Latino boy and illegal drugs..."

Of course, what Raymond said was not entirely true - the intelligence synchronized between Nathan and himself just mentioned that the spider silk left by Gwen at the scene had naturally degraded before the laboratory personnel and forensic doctors arrived, so , due to the vague evidence, there is a lot of controversy within the NYPD about this matter!

One party believed that the "masked vigilante" who had been famous for a long time, had good cooperation with the NYPD many times, and even saved many police officers himself would never shoot and attack (cough) the police. But the other deceased at the scene, that The Latino boy who died of cardiac arrest due to being high also had gun smoke reaction on his hand.

Therefore, when Spider-Woman was trying to assist the police, she failed to stop the suspect from shooting, resulting in hitting the patrol officer - which of course she cannot blame.

But the other group, the group that had been hostile to Gwen for a long time, believed that this was a conspiracy between Spider Woman and the Latino boy. After the addict attacked the police, Spider Woman killed him.

It's just that the latter really couldn't get any evidence, and there were quite a few fans of Spider-Woman in the NYPD, so the latter could only talk about it - this is why the NYPD failed to issue the arrest warrant for Spider-Woman. important reasons.

The girl looked at Raymond in front of her. Tonight was almost as absurd as the night Peter Parker died. She lowered her head suddenly and said, "I'm sorry, I was all impulsive today."

Raymond raised his eyebrows. He didn't realize what the girl meant -

"If it weren't for meeting Dr. Zhao and you..." The blond girl lowered her head. She gritted her teeth and struggled to say the second half of the sentence: "I wouldn't be... so... impulsive today!"

"I always seem to be unable to control these things..." The girl blamed herself, panicked, and trembled. "When Gwen Stacy's mood fluctuates, Spider Woman will make mistakes, and Spider Woman will make mistakes..."

There was a cry in her voice: "Someone will pay the price!"

"Peter is like this, and it will be like this this time..." Gwen's arms trembled and she clenched her fists, "I don't know what to do..."

"Hey!" Raymond woke up Gwen, who was blaming herself, "You are Gwen Stacy, and then you are Spider-Woman."

"This also means that you have to be Gwen Stacy first before you can be Spider-Woman and play this role well. Escaping the identity of Gwen Stacy will not make Spider-Woman better. good!"

"You became Spider-Woman, not Spider-Woman who stole your soul!"

Gwen raised her head and met Raymond's eyes that always made her feel reassured with tears in her eyes - he said that running away from Gwen Stacy's identity would not make Spider-Woman any better!

Spider-Woman was misunderstood and ambushed by the Punisher, rescued by Kingpin and taunted by him, failed to save the patrolman from gunpoint, and was approached by a mysterious agency calling itself "S.H.I.E.L.D."...

Gwen Stacy and Helen Zhao had a "blow-in" encounter in the ward. Because of the closeness between Dr. Zhao and Raymond, they impulsively tried to play the role of Spider-Woman...

Spider-Woman won't do any better by running away from her identity as Gwen Stacy...

With tears in her eyes and a trembling voice, Gwen finally realized that the girl who claimed to be responsible was actually using the identity of Spider-Woman to evade the emotions and responsibilities that belonged to Gwen Stacy - and every time she evaded, In fact, they are causing more serious consequences!

"Gwen..." Raymond's voice softened again, "This kind of thing can't happen again in the future, okay?"

——But, how can it not happen?

Since becoming Spider-Woman, Gwen has only felt that everything around her is out of control like a derailed train——

First, the car named Peter Parker crashed into the abyss, and then the two cars, Ben Parker and May Parker, disappeared. Then, the car named George Stacy, which was most closely connected to him, also disappeared. Go on a rampage...

She seemed unable to hold onto anything around her, let alone anyone around her——

This sense of fear made Spider-Woman focus, but it made Gwen Stacy retreat to the deepest part of her heart, hiding under the shell of Spider-Woman, escaping in a self-righteous way, but bravely thinking that she could do it this way. If you do your job well, you can protect everyone!

But now the bloody fact hit her in the face like a slap, leaving red palm marks - all this was just her deceiving herself!

If in all the things around me, I have a choice besides escaping; if there is only one thing I can control, if in all her emotions and feelings, Gwen Stacy is If there was one thing she could still do well...

Raymond took the girl's slender hand in time, and his palm was warm and strong.

The girl couldn't help but raise her head and seriously looked at the young face of the person in front of her.

As the "omnipotent" Spider-Woman, only others have always relied on her, and when she encounters something, the only one she can rely on is herself.

Gwen has always been like this, living a lonely and ununderstood life. She is also used to solving all the troubles she encounters by herself. Her relationship with everyone is always separated by a thin mask.

Until one day, a guy named Raymond Xu suddenly broke into her life——

Gwen didn't know when her bond with him started to get deeper and deeper. When did she break the glass of the professor's house and break into his house to ask for help? Or did he calmly expose himself and become the first person in the universe to know her second identity? Or maybe it was from the first time he called his name...

Gwen felt like her mind was in a mess. The "pregnancy incident", being sneered at by Kingpin, "suspected of assaulting the police", being visited by a mysterious agency... none of these things had ever happened to Gwen before. She couldn't solve it with a simple fight like before. Everything made her feel powerless and exhausted physically and mentally.

But whenever Gwen felt helpless, there was always a pair of hands behind her back to support her.

She looked at Raymond who was smiling warmly at her, and she realized that she had been protected time and time again by such a person with no superpowers, helping her solve one problem after another.

She had obviously agreed that she would protect him, but it seemed that every time she encountered difficulties, he stood up and stood in front of her.

I don’t know since when, Spider-Woman, who has always been a loner and relied on spider silk and fists to solve problems, gradually dropped her guard against him, and even unknowingly began to rely on this "uninvited guest" who broke into her life.

Gwen raised her head and met Raymond's burning gaze - If I had faced my feelings earlier, wouldn't I have been so impulsive? Does this mean this will never happen?

Soon, soon

Also, thank you to the boss of Midnight Wei Liang Xia Liushang for the reward!

Also, please thank the author’s girlfriend for changing this chapter into a big chapter of 3K5, applause!

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