I Am In Marvel

Chapter 161: Guru

Chapter 161 Guru

Saca Star, the main city of Saka.

Dark clouds and small black holes all over the sky, after the night, it is dark and empty like an abyss. There is not even a glimmer of hope for the morning sun, and even the light that shines slightly on the surface is swallowed up in the black hole.

All kinds of singular buildings with patchwork and high-tech features are crowded in the main city. At this time, the neon lights are shining and dazzling.

On the main street with bright lights, blue-skinned aliens, stone people composed of brown stones, fish heads with scales, big eyes with big eyes and small heads, etc., creatures from different planets break the racial boundaries, The passionate street carnival is like not being happy during the day.

"The Saka Stars is a planet without life, so there is no Aboriginal. The basics here are ethnic creatures from all over the universe. Lost and fallen here. The survivors have become locals."

The white wave of the little man explained that a pair of claws grabbed a heavy sack that was five times larger than himself, and put it on the thin shoulders, dragging forward with a little difficulty.

Next to the tall Kyle dagger, he has put on a hood wallet and jeans, carrying a military backpack with four laser guns.

"General spacecraft can't pull out the wormhole sag of Saqa Star, so the creatures entering here, like entering the cage of the planet, can't escape from life all over again. Plus the food resources are poor and expensive, the competitive pressure of survival is huge, even the locals are I don’t know if I was killed by other scavengers in the wild, so I will have a free carnival at night."

Baibo sighed, taking Kyle around the busy main street, walking the remote path, from the desolate wilderness edge, going deep into the city.

The brows were slightly wrinkled, and Kyle's footsteps suddenly stopped and looked at the corner of the building behind him. He seemed to notice his strangeness. White wave put down the sack and asked: "Mr. Kyle, what happened?"

"Someone is following us." Kyle said exactly.

His five senses are all above the extraordinary level of human beings, more acute than some beasts, and the enemy's tracking is too rough and random, it is difficult to not notice.

"Are you sure?" Baibo’s bear face changed slightly and whispered: "Don't wear the identity card of the scavenger."

Kyle nodded and reached into his pocket, pinning the identity card of the scavenger who had been killed before, not on his left chest.

He just put on his identity card, and the other party seems to know that he has revealed his whereabouts. He sneered and sneaked out of the hutong.

Kyle looked at the shadow and the pupil contracted. It was a big-eyed alien, with the size of an adult's fist, occupying a third of the cyan face, staring at the eyes of both of them. Keep turning.

"White wave, you have a lot of gains today." Big eyes smirked and said.

"It's you, what do you follow me?" Bai Bo's face was filled with disgust, and the claws touched the back of the laser gun, and said coldly: "If this is not the city, I have already thoroughly blown your eyes." ”

"You can't be so lucky every day, remember, don't be discovered in the wild, otherwise I must taste the taste of your meat." Big eyes said, the saliva flowed out from the mouth, and the big tongue quickly sucked back. The blue eyeball turned to look at Kyle, and said with a good intention: "He, is it new? What planet is coming?"

"It's none of your business! Kyle, let's go." White wave snorted, turned and waved, and the two claws grabbed the sack and walked away.

Kyle glanced at the big eyes and recorded its ugly appearance, which kept up with the pace of the white wave.

Behind him, there was still a scream of screaming big eyes: "Hey, don't let me see you in the wild, otherwise I will make you a good meal."

"Don't worry about it, no one dares to do it in the main city of Saka." White wave ignored the warning behind him and said while walking.

"Is it because of this identity card? Is there a rule and a rule here?" Kyle pointed to the identity card on his left chest.

"The scavenger identity card, this is one of the guarantees for the survival of the natives of this planet. The most important thing is... you see!" White wave suddenly looked up, and it happened that a disc ship flew over 50 meters, under the spacecraft. The lights are constantly scanning the streets below.

Kelly sent the silver-shaped disc spacecraft quickly away. This floating spacecraft can be much more advanced than the Earth World War II era, that is, KWanda has not yet reached this level of technology.

Baibo reminded him: "This is the supervisory guard of the main city of Saka. In the garbage dumps in the wild, you can do whatever you want, and killing people is a common practice. In the main city, it is an absolute safe area. No form of fighting is allowed. And robbing, otherwise the consequences will be worse than death."

Kyle clearly nodded, his eyes flashed brightly, and this sentence has another meaning, that is, as long as it is not discovered by the supervisor.

"Since as a guide, there is one of the most important things I want to remind you. This is also a rule that all creatures coming to the Saka star must understand clearly."

The white wave aggravated the tone, dragging the heavy sacks, speeding up the pace, taking Kyle through the edge of the main city, after the corner of a street, the eyes were dignified and directed forward.

Kyle also stopped and looked up. It was a strange building towering in the jungle, and at the end of the visual, the center of the main city, one far more than any other building, was about ten times taller. The building stands out.

The front of the central building, with holographic projection technology, maintains a projection of a middle-aged man hundreds of meters high. He wears magnificent and elegant clothes and looks down on the main city and even the entire planet.

Dozens of disc spacecrafts, centered on the portrait of the central building, continue to circulate and spread the lights.

"He was the first, the first lost life. It has only been known to survive for millions of years. It is the only master who developed the building Saqa Star, the supreme master. The name 'Gao Tianzun', the local people here are generally respected He is a 'master'!"

White Wave lowered his head and said, "Everything is hiss on this planet, the ruler who guards the supervision, the most incomprehensible existence - no one."

"Gao Tianzun, Master." Kyle pondered, blue eyes reveal a deep meaning, feeling that the ultimate goal of coming here has been settled.

Bai Bo didn't know Kyle's thoughts and warned again: "If you want to live here, don't try to contact him. The master is a veteran of the universe, moody and difficult to get along with."

"Reassured, I am not that stupid." Kyle calmed and smiled.

He certainly won't touch the guru until he has enough confidence. But when you have the confidence, or the body can't support it, then say it.

As a cosmic veteran, Gao Tianzun, there may be a suitable ability card that can be extracted.

(End of this chapter)

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