I am Noble

00223 Handicap Is Just Guy

Today, half of Mount Baekdu was Chinese territory. It was because North Korea was sold to China before the United Republic of Korea. The South Korean government tried in many ways to reclaim half of the mountain, but the PRC did not give a single glance.

China, as well as Mount Baekdu, had considerable interest in the old North Korean territory. It was like a mine. That's why the government didn't develop North Korea. The more North Korea develops, the more the Chinese will be fed.

However, the relationship between South Korea and China was now at its worst because of the issues of foreign interests and Baekdu Mountain sold by North Korea in the past. It's okay to think that half-day emotions are more severe than half-day emotions. The problem with China is now closely related to profits.

“I heard about 2,000 radars were deployed in China near Baekdu Mountain. It might be more than that. ”

“There are a lot of people in China. 2,000 people... ”

In Korea, a large amount of radar is usually 500 people. However, there were 2,000 Chinese who were arrested in the vicinity. Because of its large population, there seems to be a difference from the basic number of radars.

“But Jill's better off with us. ”

Although only 39 people are on this side, Jill is not even comparable to the Chinese attackers. Moreover, they were all armed with Class S defense and reinforcement equipment. Defensive abilities, firepower, and unmatched.

Su Kyung Ung arrives at the operational area and notices that the situation at the site is more serious than he thought. The lava spilled from Mount Baekdu has turned the nearby area into the land of the dead.

Baekdu Mountain has become a completely living active volcano, and is still spouting lava intermittently. This made it impossible to access the site without using the air.

"Diplomacy is a serious problem. ”

“Diplomacy? ”

“We have a complaint from the Chinese government. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested against the Chinese government and is now in a state of diplomatic opposition. If you don't do it right, you might end up dragging this problem to the U.N. ”

“What seems to be the problem? ”

“Half of Mount Baekdu is Chinese territory. Depending on where the monster lives on the mountain, diplomacy matters. ”

Understanding and the situation itself makes sense, but it was hard to accept. Shouldn't we hit the beast first? Anyone would think that.

“Anyway, the old people who are politicians.... ”

Ji-woong kicked his tongue out loud. A monster explodes a volcano and damages people, but I don't understand that it's being fought by a power struggle.

“So Janice can't do it right away? ”

Secretary Park, who was sent by the government, replied embarrassingly.

“Yes, you'll have to wait. ”

“For how long?”

“That's good for us……. ”

“What are you doing that way? If you were here for your country by splitting up your free time, would you let me do the right thing, or would you let me waste my time on nothing? ”

“It's no big deal. The problem of exterminating monsters is an important issue of pride between countries, especially having a profound impact on future diplomatic relations in the middle……. ”

“Deputy Secretary Park doesn't seem to know, but diplomacy matters later. You're right to deal with monsters first. ”

Vice Minister Park seemed to accept but did not back down.

“You're right. But you have to understand, it's also political. ”

“You're not thinking this, are you? I don't know what's going on with those adults because I'm too young. They don't want to understand. Don't they look at me like that? ”

Vice Minister Park, who had been stabbed properly, almost collapsed his face, but he could barely stand it. This is nothing but a word.

“I know that's the case. I understand the causality of why it happened. ”

Vice Minister Park was a little upset. No, that's not a problem, is it? What's not to like?

“But if diplomacy is the case, then of course you should think about solving it in a hurry, how frustrating would it be for us if you were still so desperate? I can't stand the incompetence. ”

In other words, it means that it is frustrating and unfit to be supportive without being able to do the work. However, I was frustrated because I didn't understand the character of the deputy secretary even though I spoke openly. However, Park was embarrassed to understand what Susu Ung meant and changed his face color.

“That labor costs a fortune. Clean up your diplomacy quickly so you can fight. ”

“But the difference between the Chinese side and the Chinese side is so big and so sensitive……. ”

“You pay expensive taxes to solve things like that in your country. ”

After saying that, Yu Yu Woong flicked his finger.

“Oh, I don't pay taxes. You don't get to say that, do you? ”

“Oh, no. That's not true."

“But it's in the best interest of the country to exempt from taxes, and I didn't mean to. And you pay all the indirect taxes, no direct taxes. ”

Secretary Park decided that he would never come out of this position from now on. This is tougher than the chairman of the treasury. I have no idea what to say or where to spread it.

* * *

I didn't bring Brownie to the raid. It seems that there is no Jeong Hyoju, because I was wondering if Brownie would listen well. Losing control of Brownie during the Raid is a disaster.

Janice waited three more days. A fierce diplomatic workshop is on its way, although it was not reported in the media. The crew complained about it in a number of ways.

“Let's get rid of him first. What diplomatic dispute? ”

“China's not stopping them for long. My country wants to discuss other issues after killing monsters, but China doesn't concede. ”

To be honest, she didn't believe it. The president he met was not so innocent and just. He was a man with a snail in his own way. Would he give up such an important diplomatic issue?

‘It's better that way. ’

It is annoying to wait three days for diplomatic conflicts between the two countries, and it is true that this situation is frustrating. But it was better than having his president step back like a fool in front of China.

I heard from the government that there are two main issues with monster diplomacy disputes. One is a matter of national self-esteem due to the defense of the land. In other words, a monster who appears in his own land must be defeated by his own power. South Korea and China divide Mount Baekdu in half and make it their territory, creating a sharp tension relationship.

And the other was the ownership of the beast. The blue crystals are worth hundreds of billions more. If you think about the additional profit, the trillion goes by. It was an unforgivable matter for the country.

“Did you go to school? Why, don't you go outside and rest at home. ”

It's okay. It's not like you're running around. It's not that hard.

“But you have to be careful because you're a pregnancy early. You're not driving yourself, are you? Don't you drive. ”

Knight Kim is driving me these days.

On seeing the first child, Jeong Hyojoo was also very concerned. However, he was not relieved. I think I'll be relieved if I go home and watch it 24 hours a day.

When are you going to do Raid?

“I don't know. I guess I'll just have to make a decision once the two countries are defeated and roasted." ”

In fact, neither side will back down.

“I know that. I get it. But the diplomatic department seems to be a little incompetent at this sort of thing. ”

I think my eyes are too high while playing with you, Anshul.

“It's not like that. They're thinking the same thing about me. ”

Yeong-woong stood by the military base near Baekdu Mountain, teasing with Jeong Hyo-ju on the phone whenever he had a chance. This is bad. It's only been three days, and I miss my wife already.

The army commander and his soldiers were tense as he stayed at the base. This is in a sense worse than the president's march. Moreover, it is said to stay until the operation is over, not just once.

Peek, Peek, Peek!

The siren buzzes while you're chattering.

“Wait, I think something happened. I'll call you back. ”

Did not a monster appear?

“Oh, no way. ”

He did not, but he still did not know. Yeong-woong quickly hung up his phone and left the office. It was originally used by the general commander of the unit and was specifically assigned to him.

However, as soon as I left the palace, I ran into a messenger.

“Code red! Code red!”

“Code Red? What's that?”

“A monster has appeared! Baekdu Mountain is now emitting a huge amount of lava! ”

“That's why it's Code Red. Let's just say the monster's out. By the way, the army. ”

The world's first domesticated Red Mob is supposed to be a Korean name, insisting on the name "Jindodge Dog." What code red is the alert for the appearance of monsters? If I just push one side firmly, what will happen?

However, there was an emergency throughout the unit. The helicopter squadron is in a hurry to start. Janice's resting crew jumped out of the barracks in gear. Jang Tae-jun checked personnel inspection and combat readiness status and informed that everything was fine.

“All aboard. Let's go dig up some gold. ”

Let's go dig up some gold. It was a joke between the Janice crew. The Blue Crystal is more expensive than gold, so he said he was going to get the Red Mob for gold.

All aboard the helicopter fleet. A fleet of helicopters took off and flew towards Mount Baekdu. Far away, the red lava poured down like a flood and swallowed everything in the earth. I could barely see the animals running away in shock.

“Lava is no joke. ”

“Wouldn't lava matter if you got a shield? ”

“But if there's a monster, where is he? ”

When Yuli asked, Jang Tae-jun checked the information and answered.

“We have confirmed with a high-sensitivity camera that an object presumed to be a monster has erupted from the crater. And then I lost track, but I wouldn't have left Mt. Baekdu. ”

“Write! Look at that! ”

Then Kungen was surprised and cried out. Yeong-woong's eyes turn toward the side she pointed at. At the same time, an urgent report came up from the command control room.

Radar Response! Something big is approaching fast!

“The rocks!”

It's a little exaggerated, and a hunchback rock is flying in. There can't be wings, so what happened? After all, Yusuf immediately hit the broad barricade without any time to think.

Ka River!

The rock that hit the wide-area shield fell down, sparking a flame. And I was swept away by the lava flowing like a flood. Janice's men swept their hearts with the expression that they had endured for ten years.

“What's that? How does a rock fly through the sky? ”

“Could it have been caused by the explosion? ”

“I didn't hear any explosions like that. Did someone throw it at you? ”

"Goal Found! Goal Found!"

Emergency reports coming in from the lead helicopter. Immediately, video material came through the link system. It was a high-sensitivity camera that captured the image of a giant monster walking on lava voluntarily.

“Gorillas? Monkeys? ”

The distance makes it impossible to determine its size, but at least it doesn't seem to be as small as the other Red Mobs. The discovery is late because of red skin like lava. Yeong-woong rolled up his arms as if it had gone well.

“Great! Let's go get him! ”

No! The point of the monster is across the border! That's Chinese territory!

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I was just depressed because I'm one year older tomorrow, so I didn't write. I'm a sensible, chic urban man. Phew.

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