I am Noble

Return of the King 00582

“That's enough. Go back first. ”

“Professor, are you sure you're okay? ”

“Fool, I've outlived you. I don't need your help anymore. I'm not an old man with dementia. ”

“No, that's not what I meant……. ”

A few days ago, Garen witnessed a miracle. I saw something beyond my wildest doubt that there was a God.

Professor Nitro, who swallowed the blue crystals, became really young. The crooked waist was stretched, wrinkles were faded, and the white-haired hair turned into a fluffy, shiny blonde. The white and even teeth were new, and the eyes overflowed with routine.

When I first met Nitro, he was already over 60 years old. Garen had never seen a knit as a young man. It's like a photograph. You might have looked for it somewhere, but I wasn't really curious about the image of Eun Sang's youth.

Anyway, Garen was greatly moved. Professor Nitro, who was so weak that he could no longer study, was finally able to participate in the study. I can start again with you. may start the study. I was so happy and overwhelmed.

…… until you see the side effects of the medication.

“Without a proxy, how can you dispose of a professor's property? Think about the age of the professor you're looking at! ”

The elixir of youth was still top secret to the general public. Of course, the federal government and several key senior figures knew that Jeong Hyojoo had provided the medicine to Professor Nitro. This will soon spread to other country codes. The medication has been proven effective.

Professor Nitro decided to spend his second life in Korea and was preparing for immigration, including disposing of all his assets. The problem is that I cannot do it myself. You can pretend to be your agent, but you can't even do that.


“You've grown too young. ”

He returned to the age of 16.

* * *

“Is that true? ”

“Yeah, you've gotten so young. ”

“Oh, well, then we won't have a problem selling. ”

Demonstrate the efficacy of the drug and never demonstrate it for a normal market. However, she did not intend to get permission from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety as an elixir of youth. It's a medicine that can only be sold to Giant Symbols anyway.All you have to do is gain their trust. And trust is enough once.

“But what does he do? You're gonna go to America on your own? ”

“Professor Garren's money. He's the one who let Professor Garen in now. ”

“Why didn't I know? ”

“Nuclear physics is so unpopular. But no matter what anyone says, he's always been obsessed with nuclear physics. ”

“Then you must be good. ”

“Yes, Professor Garren was also confident in that. ”

After hearing what Jeong Hyojoo did to prove the effectiveness of the medicine, Yeong-woong didn't say much. I made a fair deal with the people who are doing it tomorrow, and I paid them well. Ordinary people didn't know what to think, but it was enough for him not to go beyond the standards of his conscience.

By now, there should have been news of the symbols staying in Seoul. The U.S. government already knew, so they should have known sooner or later.

“Will it get loud now? ”

I confirmed that the elixir is normal in humans as well, and that there are no side effects. There is no more hesitation.

The problem is that Sookmyung is not very active in selling the elixir. The symbols will also know that. I'm sick and tired of Yusuf's behavior. They analyze and dig.

The first person to cut the tape was also King Saudi. He wanted to contact the secretarial office directly and talk to Yusuf. However, Yu Yu-woong responded to the call because he was still a king. The two of them interrupted the translator and talked.

“I'd like to buy an elixir of youth. We'd like to meet in person and talk. ”

“Very well.”

It was not something to avoid, so Yusuf responded happily. You have to cut off the right start to get comfortable. The king of the Saudis is a perfect match for him. If you follow the Saudi king in his ways, no one else will say.

In less than thirty minutes, the Saudi king came with an attendant. It's going to take some getting ready for the king's march, but he's a little nervous. Less than a month ago, he looked a few years older already. He must have suffered a lot if he didn't get the elixir.

“I hear you've confirmed the efficacy and safety of your medication. Congratulations."

The information was fast. If even King Saudi knows what happened in the United States, it would be better if he knew all the codes.

Yeongwoong said in a bold manner.

“We don't have enough cases to get a full license. ”

“Are you trying to get a full permit? ”

“No, I don't plan on making a public announcement right now. ”

“Of course, it's not something anyone can buy. ”

Only the cost of manufacturing is over 500 billion medicines. Ordinary people can't buy if they want to. Moreover, it is a miracle material that is returned to the perfect proprietary product, to the youth everyone dreams of.

“How much is youth worth to His Majesty? ”

Young-woong asks. The king's gaze subsides a little. I felt that the air had changed completely.


The king thought carefully again. How much should I call you? How much do I need to call it?

At the end of the year, he craved youth and health. Heavy womanhood, he continued to pick up his young and pretty concubine even though his erection was not good. I coveted the bodies of my concubines every day and chased a thirst that was not filled. I don't know how angry I've been for years whenever my old and sick body doesn't listen well.

If he could be young, so that he could start his life again, he could do anything. I was able to sell my soul to the devil.

“It's all the same. We can do anything. ”


“Isn't it possible to live life all over again? It's nothing compared to any material value. Especially for an old man who barely lives like me. Perhaps if you don't understand this desperation, it's a young child or a foolish person who has never really considered the value of youth. ”

The Saudi king openly expressed his true intentions. He showed neither add nor subtract the thirst he had.

Yeong-woong is not a negotiator. He has nothing to lose. If they don't like it, they refuse to negotiate at all. Do not let them oppose the planting of such a person. If it makes you feel bad, you can stop the deal.

Yeong-woong pulled out the case lid. A blue, glowing crystal lies within. The Saudi king swallowed dry saliva. I started beating like my heart was bursting.

“The price is all public property. ”

“My entire fortune? Published?”

Surprisingly, the entire fortune was slightly flawed by King Saudi, but there was no more reaction. Rather, it even appeared that the word 'public’ was notorious for its coldness. So the king is a king after all.

“I have my own network of information. They want all the public property that belongs to His Majesty. Maybe 150 trillion dollars. You know, you can't just play around on a property list. ”

“It's going to take a long time to cash in that much wealth. ”

“You don't have to do that. You just hand it over as it is. Ah, except for the palace where His Majesty resides. But you can't take away the house you've lived in for so long. ”

The king slowly clapped his hands and laughed. I was about to be robbed, but he laughed.

“Is that all? ”


“Very well. Let's write the contract. ”

“There's no need for that. because you're going to do great. ”

The king who looked into Yu Woong's eyes was indeed impressed and small. I have such confidence because I am full of strength. You might even want to get out of here once in a while. To set an example of what happens when a promise is broken.

“What if I don't do it, or if I cheat on my property? ”

“Then we'll seize not only the public property, but the real entire property. ”

“Haha, the distribution is so scary. ”

“If you keep your fortune hidden, you'll be able to continue the life you've enjoyed. I thought it was going to be 10 billion dollars. ”

Giant symbols have hidden treasures. Of course, it is not compared to public property, but it is an amount that exceeds the imagination of ordinary people. In some cases, their hidden property may be greater than their open property. However, Yusuf was not willing to make a deal with them. It means he's that badly corrupt, and there's no reason to contact them.

“The boys are going crazy. ”

“That's the King's personal matter. If it's expensive, you don't have to buy it. ”

The king unhesitates to reach for the blue crystal. I held it in my hand and swallowed it.

At that moment, the king's whole body was engulfed in light. In a bright glow, he shivered all over. A miraculous change occurred. He did not miss everything and looked straight at it.

Hair and teeth fall out, and the skin of the entire body is peeling off, with the snake taking off its guilt. Skeleton changes and body size changes naturally. Wrinkles disappear and regular eyes return.

Finally, when the change had ended and the light had stopped, there sat a young and healthy young man who was twenty years old in front of him. The young king stares down at his hands and feet, dumbfounded for a moment, and quickly looks into the mirror.

“Finally, finally, I am! ”

He clenches his fist tightly and summons his whole body. This gesture is understated, but I can see a little how pleased he is now. When an old man in his 90s becomes a 20-year-old, how strong the impulse will be.

The king looked back at Yeouiong. His eyes are slightly wet. My voice was trembling.

“Thank you, thank you very much. ”

“Please keep your promise. ”

“Of course. Who would dare break a promise made to Janice?" ”

* * *

The Saudi king hurried back to his home country to fulfill his promise. This was also told to the symbols who were gathering in Seoul. They saw that the Saudi king had become younger. When the person who got what they desperately wanted actually came out, they became more urgent.

“How much did he say? ”

“Well, the Saudi king doesn't speak outside, so we don't know at this time. ”

The Saudi king was one of the most wealthy symbols in Seoul. The royal family's total wealth was 150 trillion dollars. Hidden property is only a bounty on a $10 billion scale. I have no reason to hide my property.

Soon after, however, the terms of the deal were revealed. The Saudi king handed over the entire royal family fortune to Yusuf, except for the palace. I handed over all of my public property, including overseas real estate, antiques, cash, securities, etc.

“All the publicly available property? ”

The symbols are appalled, but the surprise does not end there. A press retribution in Europe that followed the Saudi king's visit to the Mansion of the Black Stone East was denied the deal itself. He was a corrupt tyrant who actively cooperated with former dictators to form enormous wealth and hide more than half of it.

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"I only sell to people I like."

"There's no such thing!"

"You can make it and eat it, or like me."

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