I Am Not A Machinist Chapter 28


Chapter 28 officially begins

Even if the liberal arts score is not important in the eyes of these special recruits, Lin Yuan is indeed in the martial arts score surpassed Wu Di.

This is a hard truth.

Wu Di had a sad face:

"Forget it."

"Hey, how did you get 300 points in the test?"

This Lu Zhun teacher had already asked the question before, and Lin Yuan truthfully replied:

"The last three items are full marks."

Wu Di was surprised:

" The examiner has a perfect score in the test?"

Lin Yuanp also nodded, "en." Two people

"Damn...how did you do it?">

Together, they began to communicate with each other about the assessment process.

Wu Di achieved three perfect scores, namely spiritual power, speed and Spirit Seed.

Lin Yuan also achieved three full marks, Spirit Seed, Combat and Examiner.


With the martial arts test going on, countless people in Qingshan City are paying attention to the talent’s martial arts test in real time.

Especially after this year's talent has reached the top martial arts Academy, there will be a lot of exposure opportunities in the TV media in the future, and the people of Qingshan City will definitely support the martial arts genius in their hometown.

As the martial arts test results of each academy gradually come out, the biggest winner this year is undoubtedly Qingshan No.1 Middle School!

"Loscam will definitely be the champion of the martial arts exam this year, but not necessarily the champion of the martial arts."

"I heard that there are a lot of seedlings in No. 1 Middle School this year, and there are eight Level 3 Martial Artists."


"Yeah, the grades should be coming out soon."

On the fast-moving subway, Lin Shouyi, who was coming home from get off work, kept refreshing the campus network of Qingshan No. 1 Middle School, waiting for Lin Yuan Wu. Exam results.

After the exam, Lin Yuan, Wu Di, and several Academy leaders prepared to participate in the interview.

Lin Shouyi was not contacted immediately.

Generally speaking, the exam that ends at 7:30 pm can be checked by the school at 8:00.

"Come out!"

Suddenly, let out a low cry sounded in the subway. In this world where martial arts prevail, even ordinary people are very concerned about martial arts.

Lin Shouyi quickly refreshed, and suddenly, two shocking posters on the homepage of Qingshan No. 1 Middle School came into Lin Shouyi's eyes!

"Congratulations to our school Lu Kai, who scored 345.00 points in the martial arts test, ranked first in the martial arts test in Qingshan City, and won the first prize in the martial arts test! 》

"Congratulations to our ten-line Martial Artist Lin Yuan for making history! With a total score of 451.87 points, the city's total score of martial arts is tenth! "

"Lin Yuan!"

Lin Shouyi saw the familiar teenager on the poster, his hand shook, and the phone fell to the ground with a clatter.

A few office workers around were also eagerly discussing:

"Lin Yuan? Is that Lin Yuan?"

"Fuck! Ten-pulse Martial Artist 451 points?"


Lin Shouyi quickly picked up his phone in a panic and clicked on the poster.

This poster is even more eye-catching than the poster of the No. 1 winner of the Loscam martial arts exam!

A full score of 150 in liberal arts, and a 300-point special entry in the martial arts exam, such a score instantly made it into the top three on the Qingshan Topics List!

Lin Shouyi was completely sluggish when he saw this result.

As a father, he doesn't even know his son's true strength, but one can imagine how failed his father was!

On the official website of Qingshan No. 1 Middle School, there is also a link, which is an interview with the candidates of No. 1 Middle School.

Lin Shouyi hurriedly clicked in, just in time to see Lin Yuan being interviewed by the media.


Media Room.

The five student representatives of Qingshan City were sitting on both sides, and the three sitting in the middle were Zhao Shicai, the principal of No. .

These five students have just achieved good results, Loscam, Lin Yuan, Wu Di, Jiang Yuxuan, and Pei Xi.

Jiang Yining, who Wu Di was thinking about, went back straight after finishing his martial arts exam.

The principal, Zhao Shicai, smiled and announced the good results of the first high school martial arts college entrance examination.

Jiang Yining, ranked second in the city's martial arts, four students from No. 1 High School entered the top ten, and Lin Yuan was the tenth.

Wu Kao, Loscam and Jiang Yuxuan ranked first and second respectively!

“pa pa pa pa pa!”

There was warm applause in the media room, and then the official media of the Budo Association turned the topic to Loscam and Lin Yuan, these two people. Especially Lin Yuan.

Zhao Shicai personally handed the microphone to Lin Yuan with an encouraging smile.

"Thanks to the cultivation of No. 1 Middle School, Teacher Li, Teacher Lu, and Old Yang of basic martial arts."

"They are all for me..."

Lin Yuan's official words to the extreme made several leaders frequently nodded.

In Lin Yuan's experience, the cultivation success of basic martial arts is the key point.

Naturally aroused the curiosity of the media.

Lin Yuan repeated word for word what the previous leaders taught him:

"Basic Martial Arts is the foundation of Martial Artist, and several basic Martial Artist teachers in the first Very serious and responsible."

"Even a civilian Martial Artist without resources is not without a chance to be admitted to the top ten in martial arts."

Li Jinnan smiled even more, and looked at the principal At a glance, I saw the satisfaction in the latter's eyes.

The rise of a civilian Martial Artist like Lin Yuan will definitely bring a whirlwind to the entire No. 1 Middle School!

Faced with the last question, Lin Yuan said: "Don't waste time."

"Also One is not to be influenced by some media attention."

"The previous reports about my family were completely conjecture, and I hope these rumors can stop there."


When Lin Shouyi on the subway heard Lin Yuan's words, tears slowly flowed from the corners of his eyes.

When Lin Shouyi got home, Zhao Lan sat in front of the TV with a blank expression.

The many quarrels with Lin Shouyi also made her look haggard.

"Did you see it?"

Lin Shouyi sat on the sofa and moved towards Zhao Lan asked.

Just now, he took the last sentence of Lin Yuan and sent it directly to Zhao Lan's mobile phone.

Zhao Lan was a little silent, and after a long time, he slowly said three words: "I'm sorry."

Lin Shouyifaintly sighed:

"I'm sorry. As I told you, Lin Yuan is not such a child."

The previous reports did have a great negative impact on the lives of Lin Shouyi and Zhao Lan.

At that time, Lin Yuan had been focusing on preparing for the martial arts college entrance examination and did not come forward to clarify.

It also made Zhao Lan suspect that Lin Yuan deliberately disclosed the news.

Lin Shouyi looked towards Zhao Lan, "Calm down, he doesn't need to apologize."

"Don't bother him is the best apology."


Lin Yuan really doesn't need Zhao Lan's apology.

In his heart anyway, Zhao Lan had nothing to do with him.

After the exclusive interview, Lin Yuan and Wu Di went to the villa to change their clothes, and they were ready to go out and hang out with their brothers!

This time in the martial arts exam, several of them got good grades, and even Song Cheng broke through himself.

"Hurry up, Song Cheng and the others have been waiting for a long time."

"Just now my father called me a sum of money, and today I will treat you!"

Wu Di patted his chest and said boldly.

Even though Fang Zixin is a child of the Aristocratic Family, he has a lot of resources, but when it comes to money, he is actually far less generous than Wu Di.

This time Wu Di performed well in the martial arts exam. Wu Dafu was overjoyed when he saw that Wu Di ranked 13th in the city in total, and immediately transferred a large sum of money to Wu Di as a host!

At the moment when the college entrance examination is over, the Marital Arts Path of all young generation officially begins.

(end of this chapter)

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