I am Quaresma

Chapter 554: Looking forward to the second half

   Barcelona dumbfounded!


   was originally changed to a three-back formation because of the backward score, there was more space on the defense line, and now Ye Feng broke through Zambrotta.


   In other words, no one can stop Quaresma in this corridor!


Puyol sat in the middle of the road and moved quickly laterally to make up for the defense, but Quaresma did not give him such an opportunity. When he blocked him in front of Quaresma, he had already completed a violent breakthrough and directly Break through the blockade and burst into the small restricted area.


   Then, there was another direct dialogue between Quaresma and Valdes!


   If Valdes is the most hated star in world football, then I am afraid it is really Quares Ma.


  Don't look at Quaresma after being swept out by Barcelona, ​​there are actually few real encounters with Barcelona. However, these few encounters have all destroyed Valdes.


   Quaresma is not only the nemesis of Barcelona, ​​Messi's nemesis, but also his Valdes' nemesis.


However, under the tremendous aura of Quaresma, Valdes’s pitifulness seems so insignificant. After all, there are too many goalkeepers who have been ravaged by Quaresma. Valdes is just one of them, far away Not so special.


   Moreover, this is a crime of non-war!


   There is a saying in the world football, as long as Quaresma comes out, then he already has a 1:0 halo, which means that if his opponent's goalkeeper only throws a ball, it is really not a shame.


   And now, Valdes is more miserable.


   The first half has been slammed into three, and now the first half is not over, Quaresma actually once again struck, the most likely thing is that he still can not keep the goal.


  He really feels like he beeped his dog now. If the time goes back, then he will choose to pretend to be ill and avoid this starter, so that the substitute goalkeeper will tremble under the whims of Quaresma!


  While Valdes was cranky, although his pace was not slow, Quaresma could easily complete a shot, and once Valdes could only look at the shot again.




   The score has come to a shocking number, and this number, I am afraid that Barcelona has never felt it!


   Perhaps, Barcelona only experienced similar bitterness in the ancient times, and the fans who were in person at that time may have entered the coffin now.


   This has been the dark period of Barcelona for half a century!


   After scoring, Quaresma roared with passion, just like the arrival of a **** and demon, what brought Camp Nou was not the gospel, but the destruction he had seen, and it was already painful.


   Teammates rushed madly to Quaresma. At this time, they were probably more excited than Quaresma. Even Raul could not control his emotions a little, and he was rarely urged.


   "You are crazy!"


   "Damn, are you taking drugs?"


   "Are you really planning to kill Barcelona?"


   "Almost enough, it's time to give me an assist!"


   Teammates surround Quaresma. Although they have everything in their mouths, their expressions are extremely excited. If they are not worried that the game is not over, I am afraid they have to throw Quaresma into the sky!


  Quaresma was surrounded by his teammates, standing proudly on the spot and looking around. The extremely sharp eyes were like a judgment, letting the eyes go where no one dared to straighten his front.


  The Barcelona fans in the stands lost their voice again, not because they did not want to boo quaresma, but they seemed to have lost the ability to boo, and the whole person was silly by quaresma.


   The Barcelona players on the field are even more at a loss. At this level of the game, I am afraid that no one can maintain the original fighting spirit, let alone that Barcelona does not have a few players with strong mental attributes.


  Rijkaard stood on the court, his mind collapsed and he didn't know where to put it. He didn't even dare to take a step because he was afraid that he would fall there directly because of his physical disharmony.


   The game was already over, and for the rest of the time, it was just that Real Madrid tortured Barcelona one by one, just as if Barcelona had been tied to the death penalty and let anyone slaughter.


   This time, no one celebrated Real Madrid's unscrupulous nonsense, and even the referee was unwilling to disturb them. After all, the game has reached such a degree that it makes no sense to say anything.


  Do you still think that the current state of the Barcelona can still complete a major reversal of Real Madrid?


   Even the most loyal Barcelona fans should have a consciousness that Barcelona is dead!


   Many Barcelona fans in the stands burst into tears. The team’s current appearance made them extremely distressed, but tears did not solve the problem, and Quaresma was not a very compassionate person.


   Perhaps these tears should not have shed. The tears of the Barcelona fans were for the Barcelona club.


   The game restarted, but I don’t know why, Quaresma felt that his opponent had turned into a soulless walking dead.


   No more resistance!


  If it was not the referee who immediately blew the whistle at the end of the first half, I'm afraid Quaresma and his Real Madrid have once again penetrated the Barcelona gate.


When    walked off the court, Quaresma walked to the referee and said with a sneer: "Actually, the stoppage time has not yet arrived!"


   Then, the referee's expression brightened.


   "Are you really going to kill them?"


  Of course ~www.readwn.com~ The referee just wondered in his heart, but it is impossible to really say it, so he said, "Time is up, no problem!"


   Quaresma's expression shrugs playfully, and no longer speaks. After all, Barcelona is already bad enough, and the referee may have begun to sympathize with Barcelona.


   Replaced by any opponent who is so torn by himself, I am afraid that bystanders will not bear it. As for the referee, how could he be indifferent.




   As long as it is not biased, do you think I am two minutes away?


   Quaresma knows that if Barcelona cannot make effective adjustments in the second half, then this game will probably become a Barcelona nightmare!


  Quaresma remembers that the worst loss in Barcelona's history was a 12:1 beat by Bilbao. This score is simply an anecdote!


  Although it is unlikely to play such a score, but in the situation where Barcelona has collapsed, Quaresma is confident to play a score that will make Barcelona forever shame. Even double-digit scores are not impossible.


   If such a shameful score really appears in this era, then the whole world football will have a big earthquake!


  More importantly, Quaresma didn't mind creating an earthquake at all.


   So, he is looking forward to the second half too!



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