Society is a big society, and schools are small societies. One of the characteristics of society is that it is good at forgetting. Yesterday's hot news has become a hot search today. Naturally, the High School Affiliated to Normal University, as a high school, is not as complex as a college, with a complex structure that can be called a "small society." However, if a piece of news is digested in such a school, it will not be repeated for a long time. Lift. Most students at the Normal University are very busy. In addition to studying every day, they also have to accept a lot of information. Interesting things come to mind one after another. They may have left a very deep impression at the time, but they will soon be forgotten.

Only the strange news that happens in the fields that each of them is interested in may pay too much attention. For example, sports students will be curious about which class the guy who smashed the backboard is a sports student... In such a school, for most students, a student smashing a backboard is far less sensational than a certain competition big shot being selected. He joined the provincial team and was recommended to Tsinghua University.

The aftermath of this incident gradually subsided and basically did not affect Yi Yang's daily life.

Some nights, I still miss the group of friends in Qinghe, the sworn brothers and sisters. I usually call them from time to time.

Contact is a very important thing. Some relationships gradually fade away because there is less contact...but the impact is not just as simple as "fading away".

We used to be two playmates who were good friends with each other and could talk to each other sincerely. But because we have less contact later, I gradually feel that he was not so sincere to me back then... In fact, he spoke very forcefully back then, and he just liked me. Cards, etc... that image gradually blurred. Maybe one day, there will be an opportunity to get together and chat again, and when we talk about those years, we suddenly realize...the relationship is real, but the contact has faded, and the relationship is also rusty.

I just had a phone call with Luo Bing. He has adapted well to the new environment. This time on the phone, I could clearly feel some changes in Luo Bing... His voice had become much deeper. Some people are like this. From a baby voice to a deep male voice, there seems to be no transition. One day, they suddenly change. Luo Bing said that when he was talking to his mother, the first word of a certain word was still a boy's voice, but the next second his voice changed. He was confused at the time, and his mother was also stunned.

Yi Yang could probably imagine that scene and couldn't help laughing.

Luo Bing's change was a change in his voice. According to Luo Bing himself, he grew by more than ten centimeters during the summer vacation and is now 1.75 meters tall. Then he said proudly: "Next time we meet, I can scare you!"

Yi Yang couldn't help but recall the Luo Bing he saw the night before he was reborn in his previous life. I chatted with Luo Bing for a while and listened to him talk a lot about his experiences in No. 1 Middle School. From my own insights, I could clearly feel that in an environment where learning is good and everything is taken care of, what you gain is not only knowledge, but also knowledge. confidence. Although in Qinghe Middle School, Luo Bing did not lack self-confidence, but that kind of self-confidence was only for learning. When communicating with others, she still felt a little bit reluctant to let go... But at this time, Luo Bing's words had begun to reflect a kind of confidence. Confidence, a kind of calmness.

The majestic Luo Bing in the previous life gradually overlapped with the image of Luo Bing on the other end of the phone.

It's good. Yi Yang is sincerely happy for him.

Naturally, I also chatted with Luo Bing about some learning experiences. Regarding the current situation in Yiyang, Luo Bing's suggestion is similar to his own idea. In short, you must learn at least one subject to compete. In such a key middle school, not learning to compete is equivalent to joining a cavalry company but asking to be an infantryman. Same. Compared with many ordinary high schools, the biggest advantage of key high schools is the teachers and experience in competition.

On the phone, Luo Bing would also ask about other people's situations. Yi Yang could feel that although Luo Bing rarely took the initiative to call other brothers and sisters, Luo Bing cherished that frivolous and ignorant experience in his heart.

"Zhao Qiang, he is in the second team now and has a hard time. He works very hard, but there is hope... He is already playing some games. He sent me a photo last time. He is much stronger than when he was in junior high school. , now he’s 1.95 meters tall!”

"Well... Luo Luoyue has also entered the competition pit. She is trying out the biology competition. How should I put it, according to her, she still wants to study science. She is in Heyang High School, where the pressure is relatively high, and the school has only started for a week. , I have already taken two tests, and her scores were lower than when she entered school, and she felt very depressed. I tried to enlighten her for a long time, oh, just tell her about my mental journey when I was at the end of my career..."

Phone calls like these keep in touch with them at a relatively high frequency. Everyone will think of Yi Yang and their "big brother" when they change, what they are going through, what they think, when they are in trouble, and have no one to talk to. Talk to them, analyze them calmly, and tell them calmly what they should do.

Everyone has their own troubles and gradually finds their own direction.

Not long after Ning Zhixin entered high school, she made up her mind to study liberal arts. Her ideal surprised Yi Yang a little, which was to be a reporter...but not an ordinary reporter, but a military reporter. Just because one day she She had this impulse after seeing a reporter on the military channel who was very cool when introducing weapons. Yi Yang couldn't imagine what kind of scene it would be like for the always quiet Ning Zhixin to introduce a gun, and he couldn't help laughing.

The love between Zhang Bushou and Zhou Zhou is going smoothly. Love should not be the main theme of high school students, but this matter does not seem to be particularly difficult for the two of them to accept. Yi Yang would ask Zhang Bushou some gossip when he had time, such as where he was with Zhou Zhou? Did you kiss? Has it gone a step further... Zhang Bushou on the other end of the phone was shocked. In the end, he shyly said that he was still holding hands... Yi Yang was disappointed.

Everyone has troubles, and for most troubles, Yi Yang can give some useful suggestions from his own perspective...but there are exceptions. For example, Qiu Guoran. One day, she called and asked a strange question, which Yi Yang couldn't answer...

"What should I do if I fall in love with a girl?"

"Isn't this...not good?"

"That's why I asked you..."

Strongly suppressing the shock in his heart, Yi Yang forced himself to ask: "Are you secretly in love?"


"Then let's fall in love first..."

"You don't think I'm abnormal, do you?"

"Well, I think this is normal."

"I only told you, you have to keep it a secret!"


Yi Yang hung up the phone, feeling very emotional. No one knows what will happen to everyone in a few years. But then I thought about it, it was actually quite interesting that after not seeing each other for a while, everyone took on a different look and surprised each other when they met again.

Compared to them, my life actually seems less exciting. Of course, after all, it hadn’t been long since school started, so a lot of things happened that seemed abnormal. However, he still told a few people about smashing a backboard, which made everyone laugh. Then one day, Ma Siyu asked him if he had any friends in this school, like them in junior high school.

This question really bothered Yi Yang.

Compared with junior high school, although the study schedule at the High School Affiliated to Normal University can be said to be relaxed and there should be more time to make friends and so on, this is not the case. Most of the students here are very busy, and everyone has a clear purpose and clear direction. Moreover, at this age and environment, teenagers and girls have begun to have a "circle consciousness", either they are walking together with people they met after participating in a certain competition together, or they are walking together because their parents work in government agencies, or they are both walking together. Those who are determined to study abroad after graduating from TOEFL and IELTS...

Yi Yang does not belong to a certain circle. He does not have a special position for himself. Sometimes if you think about it, what he does most of the time is more like following the crowd.

The teaching progress at the High School Affiliated to Normal University is very fast, because the main class time is a little less than that in ordinary schools, but the teaching progress will not slow down because of this, and it is even slightly faster than that in ordinary high schools. And it is assumed here that you are better than ordinary high school students, so it is also assumed that you have mastered some knowledge that may need to be learned. This troubled Yi Yang a few days ago, because there are often similar scenes: the teacher said that because of A, so C, and the B link in it was a common sense logical relationship by default. If no student took the initiative to propose it, then Just omitted.

People's common sense cannot communicate with each other.

For example, for a student who has studied in high school, it is common sense that the Anshi Rebellion occurred in the Tang Dynasty, but for a primary school student, this is not common sense. When encountering similar problems, Yi Yang doesn't care about other people's eyes. He will take the initiative to stand up and ask, why is A so C? What happened to B during this period?

Naturally, some classmates would look at him strangely during this period, but he didn't care. The teacher would answer the questions patiently, but as time went by, Yi Yang realized that this could not always be the case... The solution was to preview.

A more in-depth preview.

Although the High School Affiliated to Normal University has a lot of time at its disposal, it also has a lot of homework. Yi Yang spent most of his spare time on homework, preview and review. He didn't envy others who had a smooth freshman year of high school, but just did his own thing silently.

After a while, he couldn't even name half of the classmates in the class.

But in fact there are still a few familiar people.

Wang Sangning is naturally the most familiar with her. After all, they are at the same table and have a relationship with Jiang Lili.

Interactions with her were not frequent. During class time, he would listen carefully to the lectures and take notes. Occasionally, he would be in a daze and feel a lot of guilt. Naturally, he would have no time to pay attention to Wang Sangning. Occasionally, he would turn around to look at her and find that she was also taking notes seriously. , which surprised him.

After the main class time, Wang Sangning went to train. I heard that she was the most promising track and field student in the school this year, and the coach was keeping a close eye on her. Only during the break between classes can we have the opportunity to chat.

In this tiny gap of time, from each other's few words, small interactions and small scenes, the previously thin impression was gradually filled up.

Wang Sangning is different from many sports students. She trains hard and sleeps in class. Anyway, if they pass the test in sports, they only need to get a score that is about the same as the second grade to get into a good university. At this point, she seemed to have little awareness. Yi Yang didn't know how she was doing on the training ground, but in class, this girl was really serious, biting her pen hard while listening to the teacher's lecture.

Later, Yi Yang learned that whenever she couldn't understand, she would bite the end of her pen. Later, I calculated that one class lasted 40 minutes, and I spent half an hour chewing on my pen.

Later I also found out that Wang Sangning also had hobbies. Unlike Yi Yang’s imagination, she was actually not very interested in competitive sports. In her words, she was just good at sports, but what she liked more was sports and sports. Has nothing to do with sports. Yi Yang asked her what she liked. Unexpectedly, Wang Sangning blushed and was too embarrassed to say anything. One day, Yi Yang asked him about it again, and he shyly said that he liked literature.

Originally Wang Sangning's shyness made Yi Yang still have such curious expectations, but he was disappointed after getting this answer. He asked her again what she was embarrassed to say.

Wang Sangning replied: "Because I don't write well. I don't write well, but I love writing."

Yi Yang said: "Can you show me what you wrote?"

One day later, Wang Sangning showed Yi Yang a small poem she had written.

"Military Training"

Xia lost weight,

I also lost weight.

The sun is like a big hot pot,

Spicy and hot.

The moon is like a big shortbread,

Sweet and fragrant.

Yi Yang was silent for a while. He didn't understand poetry, but he liked Wang Sangning's poem very much. The little playfulness contained in that little poem made him think of the day Wang Sangning was holding a grilled fish and eating it. He smiled and said, "Other people will try to compare the moon to a jade plate, but you compare it to food."

Wang Sangning was laughing there.

Yi Yang asked: "You like literary things, so are you going to choose liberal arts as a sophomore in high school?"

"No, I just like words. It doesn't matter if I study science."

Yi Yang nodded, took her little poem and read it twice more.

"Sweet and fragrant..."

"It's so well written."

Yi Yang does not expect his current life to become more colorful. Colorfulness should belong to university and after studies. Until one day later, the school club began to recruit new students.

Opportunity for a lunch break.

Yi Yang was not interested in club affairs, but several people in his dormitory advised him to go take a look. One of the reasons is that many of these clubs are related to learning, and many of the club members are leaders in learning in this school.

For example, the president of the mathematics club is only a sophomore in high school this year and has already joined the provincial team. He must have a spot in the recommendation list.

For example, the Robot Club became the only high school team to reach the quarterfinals in the National Robot Competition last year...

Then go and have a look.

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