I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 247 Wang Sangning’s true side


Jiang Lili almost thought that her ears had heard it wrong. She looked shocked and confirmed again, "You...what did you just say?"

Wang Sangning blushed a little and said, "I said...can you let Yi Yang move here?"

Then, Wang Sangning lowered his head, "Anyway, you have such a good relationship with Yi Yang, and your house is big, and both rooms are empty. How about just letting him live in one of them? And he wasn't at home last time. Have you lived there?”

Jiang Lili looked at Wang Sangning with confusion for a while, then suddenly asked: "Are you with him?"

Wang Sangning's face suddenly turned red: "No! I just...just..." Then he sighed softly and talked about the recurrence of asthma.

Jiang Lili listened in silence, gently squeezed her cousin's hand, and sighed: "So are you determined to start studying with concentration now?"

"Well, Yi Yang offered to help me make up for the missed courses. I thought it would be good if he could pass the school..." Wang Sangning said in a calm but firm tone: "I used to do the same. It’s not that I don’t like studying, it’s just that I left too many things behind because of running. Now, since I can’t run anymore, I want to find another thing that can make me happy.”

"Does studying make you happy?"

"I don't know, but I have to give it a try, and there's no other choice now, right?"

Jiang Lili sighed slightly and asked again: "Does uncle know about the recurrence of the disease?"

Wang Sangning shook her head: "I haven't figured out how to tell them yet. I want my sister to tell them for me... I'll call them myself. I'm afraid I will cry."

Jiang Lili scratched her head in confusion, and said with a helpless smile: "That boy Yi Yang really... seduced you... in just a few words?"

"Sister's words are too ambiguous. I have a very pure relationship with him." Wang Sangning smiled and said, "I am beginning to understand why my sister has a soft spot for Yi Yang."

"What does a soft spot mean?" Jiang Lili immediately knocked Wang Sangning dissatisfied.

Wang Sangning said with a smile: "He... well, how should I put it, I feel that he is not a good student in the true sense, at least not honest. For example, one time the two of us went out together, and I kicked him bad The billboard was on the billboard. At that time, when I was still struggling to apologize to others, he looked left and right and found that there was no monitor, so he pulled me and ran away..."

"For example, when the class was cleaning the public area, he would pretend to take a walk every time, but as soon as the teacher came, he would start working very seriously."

"For another example, during our military training, he wanted to play a trick on our instructor, and he asked the instructor to take a kick from me, but I kicked him away."

"Well, doesn't this example show that you are not a good student either?"

"Cousin, please don't interrupt."

Wang Sangning's eyes became a little warm and continued: "But he really understands people's emotions."

"If you are hiding something in your heart, no matter how happy you are on your face, he can probably guess what you are thinking." After thinking about it, Wang Sangning said.

Jiang Lili was startled for a moment, then held her chin and thought for a while. It seemed like this. Every detail of her relationship with this boy was just like this. He could notice even the smallest detail, and then guess what you were thinking. Then he will hit your heart just right. Of course, he will guess wrong occasionally. At that time, you will feel a little proud.

Really, a lot of boys are the opposite of him. It’s like that on TV. It’s like those boys are missing a muscle in their brains and can never get a girl’s emotions.

Wang Sangning sighed softly, lowered his head and said with a smile: "How can I put it, it's really comfortable to be my deskmate with him."

"He knows what he wants, where he is, and where he is going. He said he doesn't fall in love, so he keeps a very distance from all girls. He says he wants to concentrate on studying, which means he really concentrates on studying. Every day I take every class very seriously, and I never do anything else during self-study, I put all my focus on my studies.”

"But I was wrong about one thing. I thought that all the girls including me would regard him as... well, how should I put it, an obstacle, so I would seriously keep a distance from him. I believe he can feel it too, and I think this is a small tacit understanding between us."

"Did you think wrong?"

"It's become uncertain now."

"Anyway, we have been getting along like this for half a year, and we are really comfortable. We still joke around occasionally. I show him the poems I wrote, and he sometimes invites me to watch his games. We often help each other without mixing in any other emotions. The two of us just get along like friends. He understands me, and I understand him as well."

Jiang Lili listened blankly to Wang Sangning's words and sighed: "Speaking of which, you can also understand other people's emotions very well."

Wang Sangning was slightly startled, "Really?"

Jiang Lili imitated Wang Sangning's expression and repeated her words in a funny way: "Really? Of course it is!"


Jiang Lili thought for a while and then said: "But something is wrong...Why did you break that principle again now?"

"Huh? What principles are you breaking?"

"It's what you just said, you understand him and he understands you, distance and so on."

Wang Sangning smiled and said, "No, because I can feel that he really just treats me from the perspective of a friend. He pities a girl who has lost her dream and saves her poor grades."

Jiang Lili sighed helplessly: "You have a really good attitude. If it were me, I would have cried so much."

"Actually, I've cried before, but it's boring if I cry too many times."

"However, letting him live with me through school...well, although I don't have any objections, it seems a little strange no matter how I think about it."

Wang Sangning was stunned: "Just think of it as a shared apartment? Uh...is it really weird?"

"My father and mother will probably not agree. After all, it would be too strange for any reason to let a boy who is not a relative come to live at home."

Wang Sangning sighed, "That's true."

Jiang Lili smiled slightly: "So, we must not let them know!"

Wang Sangning was startled for a moment, then smiled, "Then I'll tell Yi Yang tomorrow!"

Jiang Lili shook her head and said, "But don't get too happy too soon. I remember that in the key high school I went to, students who want to go through the procedures of transferring from a dormitory student to an on-campus student need the signature of their guardian. Yi Yang's guardian ...If I remember correctly, it’s just his second uncle, right? He’s in a village in Qinghe County, how can he let him come over to do this?”

Wang Sangning thought for a while, frowned, then immediately relaxed and said, "This kind of problem should be left to Yi Yang."

"Yes, he doesn't know about this yet. Is he willing to give in? What if he just likes to live on campus? After all, boys their age can watch some rustling movies together in the dormitory. It’s inconvenient for things to arrive here.”

At this time, Li Maoxin and Wang Jie, who were huddled in bed watching the video, shivered together, thinking it was the winter, and wrapped the quilts tightly together.

Wang Sangning blushed a little, but shook her head and said confidently: "He will definitely be willing to live with you."

Jiang Lili snorted: "How can you be so sure?"

"Well... I know him better."

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