I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 249 This is my request to you!

Yi Yang endured the strange looks from the two boys in the next class in the toilet, took off his pants and put them on properly, and sighed slightly. Sure enough, in this kind of thing, even with an adult's consciousness, there is no way not to feel embarrassed.

When I returned to the classroom, there was still a little time before class started, and students continued to enter the classroom one after another. Some people were talking to each other, talking and laughing, and the classroom was noisy.

Yi Yang walked to his seat and saw Wang Sangning memorizing words very seriously, so he said hello: "Good morning."

Wang Sangning raised his head and smiled: "Morning."

Yi Yang saw that Wang Sangning's expression was very bright, and it seemed that he was not affected by yesterday's incident. He couldn't help but sigh slightly. This girl's mentality is really good, and she can adjust so quickly.

You know, this was almost a major event that changed the trajectory of her life. It was really surprising that she accepted it without any trace.

"By the way, Yi Yang, how do you usually memorize words?"

Yiyang took the textbook from the drawer and replied casually: "Oh... this, the words for the college entrance examination, I only remember the words in the textbook."

Wang Sangning looked at the booklet "3500 Words for College Entrance Examination" in her hand and blinked in confusion.

At this moment, Yi Yang found an English book from the thick pile of books on the desk, pulled it out, and complained secretly in his heart. Because he lived on campus, the textbooks were placed in the classroom, and they were stuffed all over the desk. Thinking of Those senior high school students who live on campus even have a thick stack of books on their desks, which is really annoying.

"How do you remember it all?" Wang Sangning asked curiously.

Yi Yang took out his English book, turned to the word list, took an opaque ruler, and began to demonstrate to Wang Sangning.

"This is usually how I cover the Chinese meaning of the word first, and then look at the English to see if I can recognize it. If I can, I will change to the next word."

"Next, if there are no questions, cover the Chinese again and recall the English spelling of the word. If you can't remember it, just take a look, like this..." He demonstrated it again, and then said: "The key is repetition."

"Look, it's actually not that difficult. It's a very simple method, right? It's just a bit boring, and I often remember it at the beginning, but forget it after a while, so I have to take it out and do it again and again. Words that are often forgotten Pick them out and focus on them. After a while, flip to the front position to see words that you haven't memorized for a long time. Over time, these words are like hello, yes, what's your name, and you can react instantly even if they turn into ashes. That’s what they meant.”

Wang Sangning was amused by Yi Yang and said, "Okay, thank you."

Then start early self-study.

There was no more communication between Yi Yang and Wang Sangning. They were both concentrating on doing their own things without disturbing each other. Wang Sangning would only ask Yi Yang unless he really encountered a problem that he couldn't figure out. Let’s have a brief Q\u0026A and puzzle-solving interaction.

"Sigh... Although, it still feels so difficult to make progress."

Although Wang Sangning had been studying very hard, there were indeed a lot of things left behind. When get out of class was over, she rubbed her temples in pain.

Yi Yang said: "English, if you miss too many things, you will indeed have this kind of trouble at the beginning. After all, it is a language, which is different from other subjects. In essence, it has no Logical... I mean, unlike physics and chemistry, knowledge has a strict structure, point by point."

Wang Sangning thought for a while: "Well, it seems that's what you said."

"If you talk about learning other subjects, you are picking up firewood in a wooden bucket. You pick it up one by one. If you pick up a piece, it is a piece. If you don't pick it up, you haven't picked it up. But English is like using When a bucket scoops water, there is no way to quantify it with the naked eye. Before the exam, you yourself don’t know how much water is in the bucket.”

Wang Sangning pondered for a moment, "Well... so what?"

Yi Yang smiled: "So, I can understand your pain when learning English, because unlike other subjects, there is such strong and obvious positive feedback. Once you conquer a knowledge point, you will know that you have made some progress. English Well, you have memorized vocabulary all morning, but it is difficult to get, ah, my score will improve, right? Such positive feedback is more like an unconscious progress, and the process is more painful. This is good, Teach you a way to quickly feel the pleasure of learning English.”

Wang Sangning's eyes lit up: "Is there such a way?"

Yi Yang nodded and said, "Didn't I receive some English practice papers at the beginning of this semester? Take them out."

Wang Sangning hesitated for a moment and pulled out a brand new set of test papers from the table.

"Ha, it's so new..."


Yi Yang smiled: "Although the teacher never asked for this set of test papers to be collected, it is still a bit too much to not do even one set."

"...Skip, skip."

Yi Yang spread out the test paper and said, "It's just right. Now I'll teach you how to do it."

"Have you seen this set of test papers?" Yi Yang pointed to the first set of test papers.


"Within a week, we will understand all the words and sentences in this set of test papers and what they mean. We don't even have to worry about the grammar, structure, etc., just simply understand their meanings." , shouldn’t be difficult, right?”

Wang Sangning thought for a while: "Well... it's not very difficult."

"After all, this is the first year of high school. Many of the words are just words from junior high school. It will definitely not be difficult, but there are standards for understanding here, just like the method I just taught you to memorize English words. Look. When you read it in English, you can recall its Chinese meaning.”


"Next..." Yi Yang pointed to the pile of test papers under the first test paper and smiled: "Repeat this kind of thing ten times, and use this method to understand the meaning of the ten test papers."

Wang Sangning was stunned for a moment, "Huh?! This... won't it take a long, long time?"

Yi Yang smiled and shook his head, "Do you still remember the dilemma I just told you about not getting positive feedback when learning English? By doing this, you will soon experience the pleasure of getting positive feedback when learning English."

"The first test paper takes you about a week, and it feels very painful, because you don't know a lot of words, and you don't know a lot of sentence patterns, so you have to look it up in a dictionary, ask top academics, etc. I finally managed to understand the meaning of all the sentences and words in the first test paper, and almost memorized them.”

"Then you start working on the second test paper. At this time, you suddenly find that many words are repeated. You will feel more relaxed, but still a little painful, because there are still many new words and new sentences. What's more important is that you still don't understand those grammars very well, you just know them mechanically. When you encounter this kind of structure, oh, it should be translated like this..."

"But it won't take long for you to analyze the test papers faster and faster, because you will find that most of the words in these English test papers are actually repeated, simple and stupid, and many of them were even taken in junior high school. Things, and those sentences, although the words in them change here and there, the structure is fixed. Changing a few verbs and positions will not affect your understanding of their meaning at all. Although you probably still don’t understand the so-called grammar, but look Once you see this structure, you will know what it means... That’s probably what the sense of language is all about.”

Wang Sangning listened to Yi Yang's words in a daze, and suddenly took the paper over, lowered his head with a serious face, and then focused his attention on the first question...

Yi Yang laughed dumbly and shook his head: "You feel a little warm-blooded suddenly, don't you?"


"However, this is just the initial stage. If you can really calm down and understand all ten sets of test papers, well... you can probably increase your score to about 100 to 110. Occasionally it can reach 120, but it is unstable."


"If you want to continue to advance, there are two things that need to be improved, one is listening and the other is composition."

Wang Sangning thought for a while, put down the test paper in her hand, and asked: "Then how can these two things be improved?"

"It's also very simple. Listen more and memorize more."

"Listen more? Memorize more?"

"To listen is to listen to the tape, listen to it repeatedly, and to memorize is to memorize the essay samples, and memorize them a lot."

After hearing this, Wang Sangning nodded silently, and suddenly said to Yi Yang seriously: "Yi Yang."


"Thank you!"

"Ha... No, you really don't need this. Didn't I tell you that I will be responsible for helping you improve your grades?"

"Then thank you too."

"But..." Yi Yang paused, hesitated, and then asked: "I can't run anymore. Can I really adjust to it so quickly?"

Wang Sangning was slightly startled, and there was a hint of darkness in his eyes, but it was difficult to catch it. He smiled and said, "Why do you mention my sad things?"

"Ah, that's a bit presumptuous, sorry." Yi Yang smiled calmly, "I feel relieved to see you so optimistic."

"Yi Yang."


"For the sake of helping me with tutoring, I would like to thank you on behalf of my sister."

"Didn't you thank me just now?"

Wang Sangning smiled slightly: "It's a material thank you!"

"Uh...forget it."

"You are allowed to stay at my sister's house."

"Huh?!" Yi Yang was startled.

Seeing Yi Yang's expression, Wang Sangning smiled even brighter and said, "Are you shocked?"

Yi Yang shook his head and said, "This...it's not like I haven't lived here before."

Wang Sangning said: "I'm not asking you to live there for a short time, but for a long time. I want you to go through the school clearance procedures and live with my sister."

Yi Yang's eyes widened at this moment, and he made a rare mistake: "This...is this a joke?"

Wang Sangning said seriously, "Do you think I'm joking?"

"It doesn't look like that."

"It's not like you don't know about my cousin. Do you want to make your cousin lose face?"

Yi Yang frowned slightly, his mind a little confused for a moment: "I... well, anyway, isn't it too weird to live in Sister Jiang's place if we are not relatives?"

Wang Sangning asked: "Have you seen the love apartment?"

Yi Yang said: "I have watched Friends."

Wang Sangning was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "No matter what, it's almost the same. In short, you won't find it strange that friends live in an apartment, whether abroad or at home, right?"


"So what does it matter if you live at your sister's place? Aren't you friends? And aren't we friends? Just think of your sister as a friend who is a few years older than you, right? Otherwise, what do you think of your sister?"

Yi Yang was speechless by Wang Sangning's logic. When he came back to his senses, it seemed that this was indeed the case, but what was that strange and inappropriate feeling about?

The bell was about to ring. Wang Sangning looked at Yi Yang and started to clear the desk.

Yi Yang also calmed down at this time, looked at Wang Sangning silently, and suddenly said: "I feel like I need to get to know you again."

Wang Sangning was startled, then smiled in surprise: "Huh?"

"I used to think you were a dull girl...well, but suddenly I found that you are different from what I imagined."

By now the bell was ringing.

Wang Sangning continued to smile slightly: "What kind of person did you think I was before?"

"It's hard to describe, but it shouldn't be so...knowing..." Yi Yang frowned slightly. He wanted to use the word "flirt", but something was wrong, and he couldn't think of any suitable replacement words for a while.

"Hmm...so good at talking."

Wang Sangning calmly became serious, put the textbook away, and whispered, "Did you know me well before?"

Yi Yang was startled.

Wang Sangning looked at the textbook with a smile and said, "I proposed it. I want you to stay at my sister's house and help me with my homework... Of course, you will also benefit from this, right? Because I heard you say, Mentoring others is also a way to improve yourself.”

"I know that you will treat me as a friend, a pure friend, and I also treat you as a pure friend, so I mentioned this matter to my sister calmly."

Yi Yang remained silent.

Wang Sangning turned around, her eyes clear: "This is my request to you, please!"

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