I am reborn and just want to concentrate on my studies

Chapter 272 If you don’t drink, you’re not a man enough

After being briefly surprised, Yi Yang calmed down and said, "Your father...oh, that's Sister Jiang's uncle. What is he doing here?"

Wang Sangning said: "I was on a business trip to Hanning City. Knowing that I live here, I stopped by to see us and said that I had brought some sausages."

Yi Yang thought for a while and said, "Your father didn't say anything before he came over. If you weren't at home, wouldn't his trip have been in vain?"

"He was just on his way. If no one was home, he put the sausages in the convenience store downstairs and left. Let's not talk about this for now. You should think about how to introduce yourself to my father when you see him later."

Yi Yang shrugged: "How else can I introduce him? I can only say that he is a student temporarily staying at Sister Jiang's house... Your father won't disagree, right?"

"The main reason is that if my father finds out, my aunt and the others might find out."

"Aunt... Sister Jiang's mother?" Yi Yang suddenly thought of something and asked with some uncertainty: "Does it mean... that Sister Jiang's parents don't know that I live here?"

Only then did Wang Sangning realize that she had spilled the beans, and she smiled awkwardly: "Well... they don't know."

Yi Yang frowned, but after thinking about it, he realized that based on the conditions of Jiang Lili's family, if the tutoring was stricter, it would indeed be impossible for his daughter to allow an unrelated man to move in. ?

Yi Yang lowered his head, lightly tapped his forehead with his fingers, and made a troubled expression. Then he shook his head and said, "It seems that it has really caused a lot of trouble for Sister Jiang..."

"Don't think so. Both my cousin and I really want you to live here, and my aunt may not object. It's just that my cousin thinks that more things are worse than less things, so she didn't tell them. We'd better be good at the moment. Think about how to fool my dad."

Just then, the doorbell rang.

There was a slight trace of panic on Wang Sangning's face, then she glanced at Yi Yang and whispered, "Don't mention living here" before closing the door.

Yi Yang thought for a while and simply sat down on the sofa. Since he couldn't escape, he just answered no honestly. He didn't do anything bad. If Jiang Lili's family really couldn't accept this kind of relationship between him and Jiang Lili, he could just move out. alright.

The door was opened, and then Wang Sangning's voice was heard: "Dad..."

"Oh, are you alone?"

Then Yi Yang heard the voice of a middle-aged man. There was a smile in his words and he spoke slowly. He could tell that he was a man with a good temper.

Out of politeness, Yi Yang quickly stood up and looked toward the door.

Wang Sangning then said: "No, my classmates and I."


The two walked into the living room from the entrance and met Yi Yang.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still slightly startled when he saw Wang Sangning's father.

It was very different from what he had imagined.

According to the casual chat between Wang Sangning and Jiang Lili, the image of Wang Sangning's father can be pieced together like this: Wang Bing served in the army for sixteen years, and after changing jobs, he worked in an institutional unit in a county in his hometown of Heyang City. When he was in the army, he was the best soldier in the entire region. He was also a member of the Marine Corps. His military quality was almost at the ceiling level.

Because of these big labels, in Yi Yang's mind, Wang Sangning's father, Wang Bing, is either a thorny, naughty person like Wu Jing, or an image like Hou Yong in the movie "Out of the Amazon", who is honest, dull, and does things well. Meticulous and taciturn.

But what does Wang Bing look like when he sees him at this time?

First of all, she looks very young, with a height of over 1.8 meters, and she seems to be in her early thirties. If you didn't look carefully at the few inconspicuous crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, it would be difficult to think that his daughter is almost an adult.

Secondly, he has a very gentle temperament and does not look aggressive at all. There is no way to connect him with a soldier in terms of temperament.

At this time, Wang Bing was wearing an ordinary coat. He had a slender figure and no traces of training could be seen in the coat. Jiang Lili and Wang Sangning were both very beautiful. As a family member, Wang Bing was also the same, with a straight nose and clear facial features. He's a really handsome guy.

Wang Bing nodded to Yi Yang with a smile in his eyes: "Hello, I am Sang Ning's father."

Yi Yang quickly said: "Hello, uncle."

Wang Sangning took a cup and said: "This is my deskmate, Yi Yang. His grades are very good. I don't want to practice physical education anymore, so I asked him to help me with my homework. You sit down first, and I'll give him some homework." You pour water."

Wang Bing was naturally not restrained. He nodded and walked to the sofa to sit down.

At this time, Wang Bing looked Yi Yang up and down and said with a smile: "Yi Yang? It's a good name. You can sit down too. Don't be nervous just because I'm here."

Yi Yang nodded and sat down too.

What surprised Yi Yang even more was that although he was an elder, Wang Bing did not catch him asking questions like traditional elders. When investigating household registration, he usually relied on asking about each other to find topics.

Probably it was enough for him to know Yi Yang's name and identity. Of course, there was another possibility that Wang Bing felt it was not necessary to know.

While Yi Yang was observing Wang Bing, Wang Bing was also observing him.

When he first saw Yi Yang, Wang Bing was stunned for a moment.

Regardless of his height or appearance, the Yi Yang in front of him is very good, and his visit is very sudden, so when he meets his daughter staying with a boy here, it is difficult not to think of him and his daughter. Relationship... Of course, this thought was only fleeting. On the one hand, it was something without any basis. On the other hand, he knew his daughter very well...

If she really found a partner, even if she was still in high school, she would take the initiative to confess to herself.

Wang Bing took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms and asked Yi Yang, "You shouldn't smoke, right?"

Yi Yang shook his head and said, "Thank you, uncle, I won't smoke."

So Wang Bing lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Wang Sangning brought the water over, and Wang Bing took the cup, put it on the coffee table, and said to Wang Sangning: "I stopped by this time, mainly to see you and your sister's living environment, and then I brought some You stuff the sausages yourself, cut them into pieces and steam them before you eat them.”

While talking, Wang Bing stood up, looked at his watch, and asked, "Have you had lunch?"

Wang Sangning said: "Not yet, there are some leftovers from yesterday at home."

Wang Bing nodded and said, "That's okay, heat it up, cut some sausages and steam them, and drink some."

While talking, Wang Bing took a plastic bottle from his bag, but it was visually determined that it contained liquor.

Have a drink?

The father held a bottle of what looked like liquor and said to his underage daughter, "Drink a little?"

Yi Yang wondered if he had heard wrongly, and a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

Wang Sangning noticed Yi Yang's look, her face turned slightly red, and she said sheepishly: "I...I started drinking when I was very young."

Only then did Wang Bing react. He laughed and said, "Oh, I forgot your classmate is here." Then he looked at Yi Yang and said, "Wang Sangning's mother is a well-known time-honored wine brewer in our area. This girl Ning has grown up in a wine vat."

Yi Yang glanced at Wang Sangning with a complicated expression, and then suddenly remembered that he and Jiang Lili had gone to dinner several times. When Jiang Lili ordered wine, she seemed to accept everyone who came, no matter how much. She seemed to be the only one who didn't drink. I originally thought that Wang Sangning was drinking with Jiang Lili, but now it seems...

Could it be that Jiang Lili was drinking with Wang Sangning?

Then Wang Sangning went to get vegetables.

Wang Bing smiled and asked, "You don't have to go to class tomorrow, right?"

Today is Saturday, so there is no need to go to school tomorrow.

Yi Yang nodded: "Well, no need to go to class."

"Do you usually drink alcohol?"

Yi Yang thought for a while and said, "I don't drink much."

Wang Bing shook his head with regret and said, "That's really a pity. This wine is very famous in Heyang City. It is the jar wine made by Grandpa Sang Ning's family."

It was quite awkward to sit face to face with Wang Bing like this. It was good to find something to talk about at this time. Yi Yang followed the words and asked Wang Bing: "Jar wine?"

Wang Bing smiled and said: "This jar wine is a specialty that everyone knows about in our hometown. The brewing is not complicated. It is just an ordinary grain wine brewing technology. It has two main features. One is Put it in a jar, and the other will be buried in the ground for many years.”

Yi Yang's eyes moved and he said, "It sounds a bit like Nuer Hong."

Wang Bing nodded: "Yes, it's almost the same, but Shaoxing's authentic Nuerhong is not white wine, but glutinous rice wine. Ours is white wine."

"The customers who bought the wine did not take it away immediately. They bought the wine in the store. Sang Ning's grandfather would seal the wine in jars for the customers and then bury it in the soil. Wait a few years or even more than ten years. , the guest will pick it up again.”

"Generally speaking, families with children in our area will come here to buy several thousand kilograms when their children are one year old or one month old, bury them in the soil, and then open the seals when the children get married, take college entrance examinations, join the army, or other important moments. Altar, hold a big banquet."

Wang Bing seemed to have a special liking for wine, and he spoke so eloquently that Yi Yang even suspected that he married Wang Sangning's mother because he was attracted to their wine.

However, after such a chat, the conversation was successfully opened. As the conversation continued on this topic, the unfamiliarity between the two became much lighter, and the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

In this process, Yi Yang left a very good impression on Wang Bing. At this time, Wang Bing silently pressed the second cigarette into the ashtray and looked at Yi Yang silently. After such a while of chatting, he probably gave Yi Yang copied a simple image.

He is steady, calm, mature in thinking, and very talkative. He is not as childish as a child of this age. Moreover, he can study in the middle school affiliated to the Normal University. If he is not a sports student, his grades will definitely be mediocre. Overall, he should be pretty good. Young man, but if... if he is a little dissatisfied with being the partner for his daughter, how can I put it, this person's character is not interesting enough.

Of course, this kind of boredom may also be pretended when facing an elder like himself.

Soon, Wang Sangning came out with several plates of food and drinks, and Wang Bing said, "Bring some cups."

Looking at the father and daughter in front of him, Yi Yang felt very uncomfortable... It would be better if they were father and son, but this is a father and daughter...

Yi Yang couldn't help but think of a scene where Wang Sangning, who was dizzy from drinking, smiled and said to his father, "How are you two, 666..."

Ahem, he quickly shook this outrageous scene out of his head.

Wang Sangning took three cups very sensibly and placed one of them in front of Yi Yang.

Wang Bing unscrewed the bottle cap, and the aroma of wine immediately overflowed. He smiled and said to Yi Yang, "You really don't want to drink a little?"

Yi Yang thought for a while and shook his head: "I'll just drink lemonade."

Wang Bing said: "Forget it if you don't drink. I won't advise you." Then he looked at Wang Sangning and said: "Now is not the winter and summer vacation period, so we can't be without restraint. Well, you can limit it to 4 taels."

Wang Sangning glanced at Yi Yang, blushed slightly, and said, "Just two taels, just two taels."

"It's up to you. Anyway, I don't need to drive back to Heyang City in the afternoon, so I just drank."

For people who don't drink, sitting at the wine table is often uncomfortable, but Yi Yang didn't feel any such discomfort at all when he sat next to the father and daughter.

It's not the food that goes with the wine, but the words.

There are millions of fathers and daughters in the world, each with his own way of getting along. Yi Yang's eyes were opened today.

There was no drinking at first, and the father and daughter occasionally chatted about some funny things. The parents were divided. Wang Bing told what funny things Wang Sangning’s mother had done during this time, and what funny things his grandfather had done. All kinds of things, from time to time, they would show off their affection. At first, Wang Sangning was just a listener, talking, picking up the wine glasses and clinking them. At first, Wang Bing took the initiative, but later Wang Sangning was amused by her father's words. Stop, and forget to be reserved, and frequently take the initiative to pick up the wine glass...

Yi Yang felt a little emotional. Wang Bing really respected his daughter. Chatting was just chatting. Chatting was just telling stories, telling jokes, sharing interesting things he encountered, or sharing his own opinions on something. Wang Bing Bing did not rely on his role as a "father" to instill certain life principles into his daughter, or when talking about a certain person, he extended it to his daughter: "You see how she is, so you should do the same." ..." Instead, I often ask questions humbly, such as "I heard that so-and-so got pregnant at such a young age, and wanted to give birth to the child, but she had a falling out with her family. You are a girl. What do you think a girl like her might do? What do you think?" Then he listened to Wang Sangning's analysis as if he was asking for advice humbly.

No wonder Wang Sangning has a high emotional intelligence. At least from the content of their conversation, it can be seen that his parents are both people with extremely high emotional intelligence.

In comparison, the environment in which he lives is actually the same. Although his second uncle Yi Yang and Wang Sangning's father are not the same kind of people, there is no difference in the nature of their chats. The counterexample is Yi Xiaoqing's family...

I was really drinking the wine, and soon the bottle was half full.

When Wang Sangning drinks, she holds the glass with both hands and drinks. At first she takes a shallow sip, and then her eyes squint, as if she is greatly stimulated, but as she goes on, her mouth seems to have adapted to the liquor. , have some silly fun after drinking.

Yi Yang was stunned.

Wang Bing laughed out loud from time to time: "Yi Yang, you're welcome, eat more! If you don't drink, just eat more!"

In the second half, both of their faces were extremely rosy. Wang Sangning's eyes were a little blurry, and the content of their chat was somewhat inconsistent. He suddenly turned around and glared at Yi Yang, frowning and said : "You don't drink... you're not manly enough..."

The corner of Yi Yang's mouth twitched slightly.


At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

Jiang Lili came back and murmured at the same time: "Huh? Why does it smell like alcohol..."


PS: My daughter-in-law’s antigen test was positive for two consecutive days, so she should definitely be positive, but strangely, I also took a test today, and the antigen was still negative. I probably just delayed it a little, so I can still keep updating. In the past, after work, I would work out, read, and write novels, and rarely do housework. In order for me to concentrate on writing novels and making money, she did all these things. I was the one being taken care of. Now she is very uncomfortable, with a high fever, cough, and body pain. , I feel very distressed, of course I have to take care of her.

Today’s 1 update is 4,000 words. The number of updates cannot be guaranteed during this period. Sorry! But as long as I am not seriously ill, I will try my best to keep updating.

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