The body fell to the ground with a bang, and soon there were no more gunshots in the bank hall.

Only the people lying on the ground were left screaming in fear.

Police cars outside the bank surrounded the bank with blaring sirens. Police cars came across one after another to serve as bunkers. Gotham police officers trembled and hid behind the cars, shouting in panic with their horns.

"Don't move, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!"

A series of piercing noises.

David picked his ears and looked outside.

None of the police officers looked anxious to rescue the hostages. They were hiding behind cars, like recruits on the battlefield facing the trenches where they could be fired upon by machine guns at any time. Some did not dare to show their heads. A few were slightly better off and their faces turned pale. , pointing into the bank, the hand holding the gun was trembling as if suffering from Parkinson's disease.

"do not be afraid.

Gotham's elite police officers are here, and you're saved. "

Picking up the money he just took out from the counter, David smiled at the frightened people on the ground, stirred up a gust of wind to disperse the smoke, and disappeared.

Bruce Wayne's eyes widened as the figure disappeared.

He once learned ninjutsu from a ninja master. Ninjas can achieve the effect of invisibility through the combination of light and smoke, but he didn't see the flaw in that move just now.

Seeing the robber's body lying on the ground, the police seemed to be trying to break in. He quickly turned around and ran upstairs to the bank, broke the glass, fell into an alley and fled.

The surveillance cameras stopped functioning long before the robbers came in.

After the little episode of withdrawing money, David used his fingers to solve the gangster and left the bank. He came to an uninhabited alley in the block a few hundred meters away. After a while, his skin returned to normal, and he was about to leave and find a hotel to stay. .

"What's your purpose in Gotham?"

A deep and deep voice suddenly sounded from behind.

David turned his head, and saw Red Hood No. 5 standing in the shadows. His expression was as cold and solemn as the ice and snow on the mountains that never melted all year round. The gun he had previously held had been thrown away. He looked like a Greek warrior facing a terrifying monster with bare hands. Under his suit, he was full of energy. The explosive muscles are tense and ready.

"You actually dare to chase me, and you're not afraid to meet your accomplices together?"

"You should know I'm not a gangster."

Bruce Wayne frowned, filled with doubts in his heart.

The young man in front of him was shrouded in mystery from head to toe. He didn't know if he had any high-tech weapons hidden in his hands that could emit lasers, and he was suspected to be better than him in the use of ninja invisibility.

The most important thing is to reveal his identity hidden under the mask and human skin mask in one sentence.

"You are not a police officer, so you have no right to question me."

David laughed.

The Bruce Wayne in front of him already has a bit of his future style.

Compared with Clark, the future Superman who has not left school in adolescence, he is closer to the complete Batman who is important to the fate of the world. Therefore, although his strength is far inferior to Clark who has not lost his abilities, the emotional points he can provide are still considerable.

"I'm not a police officer?

Who else but the police would risk their lives to infiltrate the gangsters and try to stop the robbery? "

Bruce asked slowly.

He admitted that he was a little reckless this time and made many mistakes in playing the role of Red Hood No. 5. The main reason was that there was no time for him to spend more time as a group of bank robbers.

But no matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't figure out where the flaws in my true identity were.

"you're right.

But forget one thing - this is Gotham. "

David spread his hands.

This is how a young man from a small town from a big city introduced himself to a native of Gotham.


“In this rotten city, police officers are just part-time, and gangsters and insiders are the real jobs of Gotham police officers.

Just like those people in front of the bank, they will never risk their lives for the police salary of several hundred yuan a day. "

Bruce Wayne was silent for a moment.

"Gotham won't always be like this."

His voice was low, as if he was reciting an ideal that he had decided to devote his life to realizing.

"I wish you success."

David smiled, said a few words, and turned to leave.

"You don't seem to approve of this."

Bruce Wayne took a step forward, like a cheetah clenching its prey.

As for whether there is still hope for Gotham, many people have different answers. That will not shake his belief at all, but he wants to know what the young man in front of him thinks.

Because I don’t know why, this person seems to know him very well, including recognizing his identity, including his saying that Gotham will not always be like this, and the other person is sure of what he is hiding in his heart.

"Gotham, a city with a long history, has given countless people the life and hope they want.

But there is no doubt that he is now seriously ill. "

David paused slightly and said calmly.

There are various explanations in the comics for why Gotham is so dark and chaotic, such as sitting on the gates of hell, suffering a curse, or being controlled by the Court of Owls. Even the city spirit is twisted and not resembling a human form.

But there is one sentence that can roughly describe Gotham - Gotham can be easily destroyed, but it is difficult to change.

"If no one can step forward to pick up the cold and precise scalpel and cut off his carrion, Gotham will continue to suffer and rot until it dies."

"Like what you did? Kill him?"

Bruce Wayne keenly heard the implication of his words, and his tone was unkind.

Once upon a time, many years ago, when Joe Chell was paroled and escaped from prison as a witness to capture a gang leader, he thought about shooting the enemy who killed his parents when the other party walked out of the court.

But someone woke him up. His parents were never willing to see him fall into darkness and become like those criminals.

"You seem to have just arrived in Gotham not long ago, but you have already claimed seven or eight lives in this city."

"Can't I defend myself against a group of gunmen?

It's just that I'm not using a gun. "

David was not going to struggle with him anymore and walked away.

Although he came to Gotham to find someone, Bruce Wayne could not help him now.

In the eyes of the public, Bruce Wayne is still missing, which shows that Batman has only returned to Gotham not long ago. He probably doesn't even have control over his own company, and is confused about many situations in Gotham.

"By the way, don't throw anything at me next time, Gotham vigilante."

He took out a pocket locator from his windbreaker pocket and flicked it backwards.

The strong wind hit, and Bruce Wayne quickly turned aside. The coin-shaped locator, which was a few millimeters in size, was like a sharp razor, cutting through the skin on his face and sinking deeply into the brick wall behind him.

When he turned his eyes again, the alley was empty, no one was in sight, only a gust of cold wind was blowing.

He was not surprised and just frowned.

"Master Bruce?"

In the underground alley, a fast-moving jet-black motorcycle, with tires thick enough to be bulletproof and with an intimidating shape, slowly stopped in front of a bunker.

The man riding the motorcycle tore off the tattered skin on his face, revealing a young and cold face with firm eyes. The whole person was like a piece of steel that had been forged through thousands of hammers and could not be shaken, but he seemed eager to achieve something. What.

"It's me, Afu."

"I saw the news. You spent another desperate day, Master."

Amidst the roar of the motorcycle's stopped engine, the old man's helpless and worried voice came from in front of the door.

"It's not the end of the day yet, Fu."

At the entrance of the bunker, waiting for the door to open, Bruce Wayne got out of the car and took off the red rose from the chest of his suit like a gentleman. With a thoughtful look, he glanced at an imperceptible black spot hidden in the stamen of the rose.

"Please forgive me, Master.

To be honest, operating a supercomputer was not part of the butler training I received at the time. "

The door to the bunker slowly opened after half a minute.

"It's okay, Afu.

I still have a long time today. "

He walked slowly and unhurriedly into the base he called the Batcave and connected a miniature camera to the huge computer screen.

The entire incident of the bank robbery was played, and then the scene froze, and a young face was cut out.

The light from the screen reflected on the face of Wayne's son, flickering on and off. Staring at that face, he murmured and pressed the search button.

"Now—let me see who you are."

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