When Selina turned her head, she happened to face a camera.

David nodded with satisfaction and turned away the phone.

"How was the shooting? Did you find the angle okay?"

On the screen of the mobile phone, there happened to be a scene of Selina putting the stolen sapphire ring on her hand, smiling proudly like a little thief cat.

"Delete it!"

Seeing the evidence of stolen goods being left behind, Selina reached out anxiously to grab it.

But David easily stepped back to avoid it, put the phone in his pocket in front of her, and patted it gently.

"This is evidence that will be used in court in the future."

"Give me!"

Selina reached for it, trying to grab the phone from David's hand and delete the evidence of her face. Her movements were strong and agile, but she was a step too slow when she reached out to grab it several times.

David looked relaxed, like a bee butterfly dancing in the flowers. He looked unhappy, but Selina couldn't even touch a corner of his clothes.

After a few flashes, Selina was like a college student who didn't exercise often, holding her knees, panting from exhaustion, and suddenly looked behind David in surprise, as if there was something terrible.

"what is that!"

"Don't use such childish tricks."

Despite Selina's superb acting skills and the unexpected timing of her speech, David did not turn his head and his expression was dull.

Selina Kyle, nicknamed Catwoman, is an international thief who targets jewelry, cultural relics and other precious works of art. She has world-class stealing skills and can steal targets in any tightly guarded environment.

Although Selina is still young now, he doesn't believe that these two actions can make Selina, a habitual thief, exhausted.

“As a thief, does he only have so much physical strength?

Not afraid of being caught and taken to the police station. "


“A warning to you, outsider.

Don't mess with anyone in Gotham, even if she's a thief. "

Selina, who was slightly annoyed by David's joke, pulled out a black whip from the satchel on her waist and swung it heroically, causing a loud crack that made people tremble.

The whole person's temperament changed, from being like a delicate little flower to a black rose with spikes.

“Some say it’s too late.

I just met one of the darkest and coldest men in Gotham. "

Seeing the young Catwoman's changed demeanor and taking out a weapon, David raised his eyebrows, a little curious.

"By the way, how do you know I'm a foreigner?"

“Your trench coat is beautiful.

But in Gotham, which is rainy and flooded all year round, only two types of people wear this. "

Selina took off her glasses and flicked her whip. The black whip spanned several meters in the blink of an eye like a snake and struck David.

"First, there are people like you who don't understand Gotham, and second, there are guys who are used to wearing luxury goods once and then throwing them away!"

"you're right."

David casually grabbed the oncoming whip, glanced at the hem of his windbreaker that was splashed with mud, turned back and smiled.

"But why can't I be the latter?"

The young catwoman didn't pay attention to David's question. She tried to pull back the whip and dragged David staggering, but the whip seemed to be tightly pressed by a hydraulic machine and could not be pulled at all. Even with her hands, she pushed on the ground with her feet. , slipping on the wet ground.

"Damn it, what did your parents feed you since you were little?"

She felt that wrestling with a cow was not that strenuous.

“Vegetables, apple pie, oatmeal?

A glass of milk every now and then in the morning? "

Holding the whip with one hand, David gave it a little tug. Selina's light body flew several meters away and fell to the other side. She was covered in mud and water and was in a miserable state.

"You're lighter than you thought."

He turned around, looked at Selina who was in pain from falling on the ground, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“How can you run fast if you don’t be gentle?

You are such a gentleman, country boy. "

The sound seemed to hurt. Selina clutched her waist and limped to her feet. She deliberately complained sarcastically, but the next second she suddenly took out a stun gun from her bag.

The high-pressure nitrogen in the magazine is quickly released, and the two electrodes in the gun chamber are suddenly shot out.

"See if you can handle this!"


The two electrodes hit David's chest for a split second, releasing a high-voltage current that was enough to make the three-hundred-pound strong man immediately stand up, convulse, and huddle on the ground.

The scene that Selina expected did not happen, and the proud smile that had just been raised for half a moment froze on her face.

As if nothing was wrong, David casually pulled off the barbs on his clothes and walked towards her.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Seeing that David was okay, Selina panicked a little, like a kitten in trouble who wanted to escape but was blocked in the alley.

"what you up to?"

With no way forward or back, she touched the wall and backed up, realizing that David was not following him just to catch the thief.

"Madam, you don't want the evidence of your stealing to be discovered by the police, right?"

David took out his phone and shook it.

"Be more specific."

In a temporary hotel apartment.

Selina, who was caught, had a look of helplessness on her face.

The person in front of her threatened her with evidence of stealing things and asked her to collect information for him, but what information she collected was vague.

"I want to know about all the recent events in Gotham.

Especially related to gangs. "

David emphasized.

Avery came to Gotham, and judging from what he said before leaving, he didn't come to Gotham simply to enjoy himself freely based on his ability in a city with lax laws.

'There are a lot of numb people out there waiting to be conquered. ’ ‘I will come back and erase everything that makes me uncomfortable. ’

This guy is quite ambitious.

A strange light flashed across his eyes.

Unlike Clark, Avery discovered a weakness in his ability and immediately tried to eliminate it.

He came to Gotham, most likely to conquer a group of people, then take them back to the town, dig out all the meteorites and destroy them, so that nothing in the world can stop him.

But the world is not as simple as he thought.

"You should know that there are more gangsters in Gotham than hotels with hot water, right?"

I don’t know where this guy came from and how he couldn’t even put down the stun gun. Selina fiddled with the fired stun gun depressingly and replied.

"Who are the most famous and biggest gang leaders in Gotham?"

David thought for a moment, and judging from Avery's immediately inflated mentality after gaining his abilities, he might look down on ordinary small gangsters.

"Black Mask, Roman Carmine Falcone, Penguin..."

Selina counted the famous gang leaders in Gotham on her fingers.

"I want some news about them, their recent movements, and see if there is anything unusual."

"Are you serious?"

Hearing David's understatement, she flexed her fingers and raised her head with slightly widened eyes: "Do you think of them as those little hooligans in your small town who will pee their pants when the police chief comes to question them? "

It is no exaggeration to say that every stomp of these gang bosses will make Gotham shake three times. They are all cruel and cruel monsters that eat people without spitting out bones. The children in Gotham just hear these few words. Every name will make you cry.

It's better to offend them than to offend the mayor.

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