The most war-torn place on this planet is the Middle East.

The civil strife in Kandak lasted for several years. When someone took control of the country and the chaos came to an end, war broke out with neighboring Kovik.

The war has been going on for a year.

It is like a quagmire in which the two countries are stuck, constantly tug-of-war, and unable to break free.

Streets of the capital city of Kandak.

Residents with sunken eyes and faces full of fatigue from living under high pressure came and went in a hurry. Soldiers with guns could be seen patrolling the streets from time to time, and a depressive atmosphere filled the streets.

David and Diana were walking down the street, something eye-catching.

Regardless of their outstanding appearance and temperament, the relaxed and natural aura of the two people is almost incompatible with this country that has been mired in war for a long time, and they stand out from the crowd.

In addition, Diana is dressed as an ancient female warrior. Walking in the busy city, it is difficult not to attract attention.

"Now the clothes outside have become like this?"

Almost everyone turned to look at her. Diana, who was full of strong confidence in her heart, looked heroic and brave. There was no trace of discomfort on her face. Instead, she felt that modern people's clothes were strange.

"Aren't they uncomfortable?"

Compared with the ancient Greek style that Diana knew, it was not relaxed and natural at all. The sleeves were worn on the legs and the collar was tight against the neck, which made it look uncomfortable.

"Goats feel weird when they look at donkeys, and donkeys feel weird when they look at goats."

David said calmly.

The city of Kandak is relatively backward compared to some modern cities, but it can be said that it has maintained a considerable part of its original flavor and ancient ruins.

Stone buildings can be seen everywhere.

If it were a real steel jungle, Diana would probably be even more awkward.

"Is Ares in this country?"

Diana could tell that David thought she was dwelling on unnecessary questions, and asked him about the business instead.

After leaving Paradise Island, David took her across the ocean and came straight to this country, as if he had a precise goal.

"Not necessarily, but probably a lot."

David told the truth.

The two walked through the city and headed to the base outside the city.

He doesn't read many comics, but he also knows a little about Ares' methods.

"The eldest son of the Heavenly Father likes to support a weak country to compete with a strong country, or support two weak countries, manipulate the situation like playing a card game, and regard countless human lives as nothing."

Let the two sides remain evenly matched for a long time and fall into endless wars, so as to satisfy the purpose of drawing strength for a long time in the war.

“If he’s not here, he’s in neighboring Corwick.

The country quickly ended its civil strife within a year, and a small warlord suddenly emerged to take control of the entire territory. "

"Another country went from being poor and backward to having an inexplicable large amount of financial support. It bought arms as if it were free, and its war power increased dramatically."

The two countries, which originally had only minor border frictions, are at war. Today I occupy your territory, and tomorrow you capture one of my cities, and the cycle repeats.

It all sounds like child's play, except that as a price, hundreds of thousands of troops have died so far.

“There is a big invisible hand controlling everything behind the scenes.”

Learning about the changes in the two countries in a short period of time from David's mouth, Diana looked suspicious.

"You're not that stupid."

David nodded.

He had already paid attention to the news from these two countries because of the familiar name of Khandak - Black Adam's hometown, but he didn't pay much attention to it before.

When talking about Ares, who likes to provoke wars, these two countries immediately come to mind.

"Mother is right. Ares is cruel and murderous. He likes to hear people's painful cries in war. He brings chaos and war wherever he goes."

Diana looked filled with hatred and clenched her fists unconsciously.

Since her mother said that Zeus left the God Killer behind and let the most powerful female warrior of the Amazons kill Ares, she must live up to the divine sword she carried.

"The evil God of War deserves to be terminated!"

David glanced at the Vulcan sword behind Diana.

This artifact is extremely sharp, but it seems that when encountering Ares in the movie, Diana stabbed him with the sword, but the sword body condensed into ashes and collapsed when Ares touched it.

"Even the divine shield built by the Amazons themselves shouldn't be so fragile."

I don’t know how Ares did it.

"What's this?"

The center of the capital of Kandak is the ruins of an ancient royal palace, so Ismail placed the headquarters of his military government outside the city when he was about to leave the city.

An ice cream truck aroused Diana's curiosity.

She saw children living in this war-torn country buying something colorful and cooling on the street, and after taking a bite, they actually showed happy smiles.

"ice cream."

David shook his head. He was indeed a man who had been isolated from the world for thousands of years and had no common sense about modern times.

"Two ice creams, please."

He took out a banknote and bought two.

One vanilla and one chocolate, hand them over to Diana.

"So sweet."

Diana, the daughter of Zeus and the princess of the Amazon clan, dressed as the goddess of war, ate one by one with one hand.

"How could there be something so delicious?"

She tasted this, then that, her eyes were bright, she looked at the ice cream stall owner, coughed her throat, and solemnly emphasized like a princess that she truly appreciated the private chef.

"You can be proud of this."

Such delicious food is enough to be employed as a chef in the palace. I believe that even the king would be very happy if he ate such delicious food every day.

"Thank you, ma'am."

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, took off his straw hat and said.

He had only ever heard someone praise him for selling cheap ice cream, but this was the first time he heard someone praise him for the delicious ice cream he sold in a tone that sounded like an award from a queen.

David looked at Diana, who was walking out of the city with a sword and shield on her back and eating two ice creams with a look of enjoyment, with a strange expression.

It’s true that Wonder Woman loves ice cream.

Even if you don’t know what it is, you can be attracted to it immediately.

If you want to know where Ares is, you need to see his expansion first.

"Stop, don't move!"

Outside the heavily guarded military base, Ismail's New Internationalist Front soldiers raised their black guns from a distance, aimed at the two Davids who came here, and stopped them.

They looked at the two of them warily.

"You dare to approach here, didn't you see the warning sign ahead?"

The man and the woman looked relaxed, as if they were traveling, and judging from their appearance and features, they were certainly not from their native country.

"I suspect you are spies. Come with us."

If they rashly approached the military base of another country, even if they were from that country, a group of frontline soldiers would escort the two of them away, and two of them looked at Diana with leering eyes.

"I don't like the look in your eyes!"

David was about to raise his hand to send these people to see Anubis.

Diana, who had just finished eating the delicious ice cream and was in a good mood, became angry and waved the mantra lasso, flying away a group of warriors in front of her.

"Attack, there is an attack, sound the alarm!"

In the courtyard of the bunker built against the mountain, a group of front soldiers had noticed the movement at the door. When they saw their men being inexplicably knocked away, they shot at them quickly.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Diana quickly took out the divine shield behind her and blocked it in front, and all the bullets she fired were bounced away.

David stood behind her and was protected from any annoying bullets.

"Hit her legs."

In just a few seconds, the metal torrent formed by hundreds of bullets tilted out and hit the shield. The officer held up his military cap and shouted angrily at the men holding submachine guns.

"You idiots, this isn't training. Are you treating her shield as a target?"

As he spoke, the officer aimed at Diana's unshielded legs and pulled the trigger frantically.

But for some reason, all the bullets were drawn and flew to the shield, and he was dumbfounded for a while.

"God, what's going on?"

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