"Impossible, absolutely impossible? This is not scientific at all!"

Gordon Moore holds the X32115 in disbelief, which has been polished to reveal the wafer inside.

Just under the electron microscope, Moore clearly saw that the 32115 was completely different from any mainstream chip design from the bottom up.

Gordon Moore, born in 1929, is best known for his "Moore's Law", which states that chip performance doubles every 18 months while the price remains the same.

Moore, who is now 87 years old, simply cannot believe that he was in his 20s when Bell Labs produced the transistor in the 1950s and witnessed the development of computers from relays, vacuum tubes, transistors to integrated circuits.

It can be said that he knows everything about human computers from their birth to their prosperity, and he knows the development rules of chips very well.

But it was precisely because of this that he understood what the X32115 in his hand represented. This ghost should not appear on the earth!

"Pat, Pat!"

Gordon Moore called in Pat Gelsinger, who would become Intel's CEO.

“Pat, are you really going to tell me this was taken from a car and not a chip the military pried off an alien spacecraft?

You know, unless the alliance is still alive after the time and space chaos, how could such a mature ternary chip appear? Look at these packaging areas...this will take at least 5 to 10 years to mature. "

Pat: "However, it is not only made by humans, but also produced in China. The piece in your hand was produced by Huaxin International in the 50th week of 2015. They stamped this information on the package."

"damn! (damn)"

China? That mysterious country?

Old Moore thought about the former alliance between China and the Alliance. Could it be that after the disintegration of the Alliance, these technologies took root in China, were gradually advanced by secret laboratories, and now suddenly appeared to compete with the binary system?

What a mess this is!

Pat: "Mr. Moore, maybe what we need to do is not to find the root of technology, but to first understand what the ternary system is like. To a certain extent, this is also an opportunity for us, and even for all mankind. "

Gordon Moore also came to his senses at this time. The nature of the business elite made him immediately realize the significance of the emergence of ternary technology in China.

"Yes, we want to hold the patent for ternary technology, regardless of whether this road is feasible or not."

As Xin'an continues to sell customized car machines, more and more people have discovered the secret of the X321/322 series chips.

A long time ago, when the XC4 was released, it caused a huge sensation in the field of artificial intelligence, especially the fact that the XW151 motorcycle used China's own chips, which was even more puzzling.

However, many people relaxed their vigilance after discovering that the X32115 chip process was only partially 28nm, believing that the root of XC4 intelligence lies in the advanced algorithm rather than the power of the chip.

They have tried to find some clues from public papers, but there have been no clues for more than half a year.

As a well-known aerospace company, Xinyuan of course has to publish papers and apply for patents. However, any technology that is beyond the times or has a different technological route will be kept strictly confidential by Xinyuan.

And as more and more technologies are mastered and become more advanced, many technologies have not applied for patents, and only a simple communication website has been established on Xinyuan's internal ternary company network, so that engineers can communicate with each other.

There is no information about the ternary system from the outside world.

But after all, paper cannot stop the fire. The three domestic semiconductor manufacturers have manufactured so many chips. News that Xinyuan has mastered a mature ternary computer system naturally began to spread.

When this information was spread abroad, manufacturers such as Intel, AMD, and Nvidia did not believe it at first. How could this be possible?

An aerospace company switches to manufacturing chips? Or is it a ternary system? Is the X86 architecture so easy to subvert?

This arrogance didn't happen until they began to analyze the X321 series of chips as the matter unfolded. The first person to react was NVIDIA, because artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning has always been related to GPUs.

After the chip was polished, Lao Huang discovered something was wrong. After careful confirmation, it was indeed a ternary architecture!

It was also at this time that the world's patent library gradually began to add patents for ternary technology, including basic IC design, functional architecture, software and hardware support, etc. After checking the patent holder, it was Xinyuan Company.

So...the rumors are true?

of course.

In the backend of the National Patent Office website, switch to the computer and chip section, and heavyweight patents will appear every time it is refreshed.

This is the result of the busy work of Xinyuan and many surrounding patent offices.

Lin Ju had already made preparations, so when Xinyuan engineers came to register patents, each one had a thick stack, which kept the salesmen in various patent offices busy.

Regarding the lowest and most basic design part of ternary chips, more than 1,900 patents have been applied for. Although it is not a lot, it is enough to firmly grasp the hegemony of ternary chips.

At the same time, reviewed and revised papers began to be sent to well-known professional journals around the world, and Xinyuan gradually disclosed more content of the ternary system.

ACM, the International Computer Association, was established in 1947 after the advent of the world's first computer, ENIAC, and is the absolute authority in the field of computer technology.

Within one day on July 8, they received more than 20 papers one after another, and the addresses were all the same, but the signatures were different.

Editor-in-chief Victor initially thought it was someone deliberately filling the news with a prank, but when he saw that the unit was Xinyuan Aerospace Power, he decided to stay and take a look, and then he got out of hand.

Because these more than 20 papers are summaries and explanations of the characteristics of the mature ternary system. The purpose is to give people an accurate understanding of the ternary system. Although there is not much professional content, it is a completely new field. It's eye-catching.

Editor-in-chief Victor spent a whole day reading more than 20 papers and still was not satisfied. These papers from Xinyuan Aerospace Power Microelectronics Department opened the door to ternary technology and described a future beyond binary. Much more interesting than 01.

You know, some people in the industry already believe that binary is about to reach its end. The next generation of computers should be quantum computers, and traditional computers should be eliminated.

There are many types of quantum computers, and according to these papers, ternary computers actually have the potential to achieve quantum computing? !

Victor forwarded these papers to other editors as quickly as possible, and at the same time wrote a very long reply, inviting the authors of these papers to come to the Society for further discussion, and paid royalties to these more than 20 papers at the highest standards.

And he also has a feeling that these papers are just the tip of the iceberg, and Xinyuan may have made deep breakthroughs in the ternary system.

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