I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 216 Long March No. 10 Transfer

There were a total of 97 problems in materials and technology. The luxurious research team, composed of all A-level, B+ and B-level, solved them all in only 96 hours through systematic and unscientific advancement.

Of course, the price is the huge "consulting fee" of 10.2 billion yuan.

In fact, Lin Ju is not at a loss. If these 43 experts do not terminate their external contracts, even if the research direction has little to do with aerospace, it will still bring about a slight increase in the speed of scientific research.

But when the 10.2 billion yuan bill was sent, the superiors were still very surprised, but they immediately asked the expert team how much the problem had been solved.

As a result, the expert group came up with a list of technical and material difficulties, and every item on it was checked.

The company responsible for supplying chemical raw materials verified the formula and process overnight, and was the first category to complete technical verification, indicating that the call from the "overseas Chinese" was valid, and the chemicals they synthesized were currently only produced by Shin-Etsu Chemical Industry in the island nation. One has been in a state of high blockade.

When I asked the experts who answered the phone, they all said that the people on the other end of the phone were very professional and their English was very standard. Some of them could hear a little accent, but then they didn't understand anything at all.

Because it uses the Jingwei satellite network, Xinyuan does not provide specific location on the grounds of confidentiality and personal safety, and it cannot find out who it is. As for English, which top practitioner in this industry does not have standard English?

Since the performance and answers of the 43 experts were quite consistent and flawless when faced with the inquiry, it can only be concluded that there may be a cutting-edge talent exchange organization similar to "Freemasonry" in the world. They come from all walks of life. , with strong technical strength, secretive behavior, and low-key work. There is a chance that through a single contact with a certain person (specifically a certain factory director), the results of secret research will be released. They are more patriotic, but they also pursue personal interests.

Once again, thinking about Xinyuan's ridiculously powerful technical source and the legendary rich experience database, it shows that the members of this mysterious organization are all over the world, and it is extremely terrifying.

It should even be inherited, so it is very restrictive, so that it can strictly keep the secret and not reveal any information to the outside world.

The reason why Lin Ju is supported is probably because he can communicate freely with the help of Xinyuan's independently operated satellite network, and uses the ternary system to block malicious snooping...

Unknowingly, a mysterious and powerful organization appeared in the official description of the Bureau of Investigation. While the superiors were shocked, they had to believe it and wanted to maintain good relations.

Therefore, the 10.2 billion yuan bill is also specially approved for direct payment.

The payment method is that the four major banks jointly lend 15 billion yuan to Xinyuan Aerospace Power without interest, and will be repaid in 50-year installments starting 20 years later.

Don't doubt it, it's just a free gift. Don't be too obvious about your favoritism. You might just find a reason to cancel it at some point.

And 15 billion yuan is not expensive. It will take five or six years to achieve a technological breakthrough by yourself, and the money spent will definitely exceed this figure.

It's just that Lin Ju's identity has become more important in the eyes of his superiors. He is young, can keep up with the mysterious organization, and provides many advanced technologies that have not appeared in the world. The purpose is unknown for the time being, but it seems friendly at the moment.

At least the pros of maintaining this relationship far outweigh the cons.

July 30th.

At the Jingu rocket manufacturing base, seven road transfer trailers drove out from the base, carrying large boxes painted in red and white to the Jingu port.

These seven extra-long containers will be shipped to Qiongzhou by sea because their width exceeds the railway transportation limit.

This rocket is the Long March 10, the core of the Dawn Project, a giant rocket that will be used to carry out manned moon landing missions.

After 10 consecutive months of struggle, the space agency used resources and support that were unimaginable in the past to build a giant rocket with a take-off weight of more than 3,600 tons and a thrust of 5,100 tons.

What rockets are currently in use by the space agency? They are the Long March 3B and Chang 2F. After continuous improvements, the low-Earth orbit carrying capacity of these two rockets has reached close to 14 tons.

Then the Long March 10's low-Earth orbit transport capacity is 120 tons, more than eight times more than that.

In another world, on November 3 this year, the Long March 5 rocket completed its first flight.

The Long March 10, which was initiated six years later than the Long March 5, will make its first flight nearly three months earlier than the Long March 5.

The burning funds have not been in vain, nor has the crazy overtime work at the Jingu Rocket Manufacturing Base. There are many test procedures that should be carried out, and the processes that should be gone through are not in vain. However, the Long March 10 is still delivered as scheduled and will be on August 12 Around the 15th, the first flight was carried out at the Qiongzhou Space Launch Center.

Perhaps because there were already two unruly giants, Xinyuan No. 2A and Xinyuan No. 3, taking the lead, the Long March 10's transshipment process was relatively high-profile and not hidden at all.

Currently, the world's number one rocket is Xinyuan-3, the second is Xinyuan-2A, the third is Long March-10 which has not yet made its first flight, and the fourth is Falcon Heavy.

Even if the SLS rocket makes its first flight in December, the block 1 version can only rank fourth with a 70-ton LEO.

If the cheating player Xinyuan is abandoned, the space agency's Long March 10 will be the unbeatable number one.

Even if SLS has a block 2 variant that can reach a transport capacity of more than 130 tons, if the four YF77s in the second stage of the Long March 10 are replaced with the 220-ton YF90 high-pressure supplementary combustion hydrogen and oxygen engines envisioned in the future, the specific impulse will reach 443 seconds. Then the low-Earth orbit transportation capacity will be 150 tons instead of 120 tons.

No matter how you put it, the advantages of liquid rocket engines are there. The overall load coefficient is indeed high. Even with the conservative overall design of the space agency, it is still the first in the world after Xinyuan.

When the CCTV news on August 1 showed the scene of celebrating the holiday, seven large containers had been loaded onto the ship. The longest five containers were 50 meters long. The reporters standing on the ship looked extremely embarrassed in front of them. Small.

On the outside of the box, in addition to the CASA logo, there is a simplified icon of the Shenzhou spacecraft and a line of small blue characters: China Manned Spaceflight.

The reporter announced in a proud tone:

"The target rocket for the first phase of the Shuguang Project was independently developed by our country, with a low-Earth orbit transport capacity of 120 tons, surpassing the giant Saturn V rocket that Aramco used to land on the moon in the last century. The Long March 10 was officially shipped from the Jingu Rocket Manufacturing Base Out, loaded and ready to be shipped to Qiongzhou.

The Long March 10 carrier rocket took only 10 months from project establishment to delivery. A total of more than 20,000 people participated in the manufacturing of this rocket, making breakthroughs in hundreds of key technologies. "

At the end, the reporter thought it was a live broadcast, but couldn't help but add an unplanned line:

"The Long March 10 carrier rocket is expected to make its first flight in mid-August, while the giant rocket used by Aramco to land on the moon may not make its first flight four months later."

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