The C-level base, which has basically been reduced to the supporting production capacity of the B-level base, has a new job, producing an unmanned cargo version of the deeply modified H1W.

Compared with the H1, the H1W is launched through the combination of the An-1250 and the fusiform fuel tank, so the nose is tilted up and the cargo compartment is somewhat irregular, but it can still accommodate large satellites.

Although some new technologies have been applied, because the unmanned operation requirements are lower, the cost of H1W has dropped significantly, and the production speed is also very fast. It will be rolled out in November and the first flight in December will be completed in time.

The fuel tank is also very simple, just a disposable pressure vessel. The only thing that is a bit expensive is the insulation material covering the surface. The temperature of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen is too low to allow the low temperature to spread wantonly.

Serev still named this new launch method the "Spiral" project to commemorate the past and give the name a strong exotic character.

The "Spiral Project" has not been announced to the public, and its meaning is actually to launch objects into space cheaply and with low overload. The overload on a rocket like the H1 is still a bit high.

Now Serev returns to the base and continues to preside over his AI reforms while thinking about the Tengyun project.

Space planes are not unfamiliar to him at all. Tupolev and Sukhoi have quite a variety of designs, and he can now draw several of them.

I don’t know if it is because of trust in Xinyuan’s speed. Before the approval of the Xinyuanyun project, the Aviation Development Commission agreed to let Serev serve as the chief engineer, and the three institutes would undertake part of the design. Although it was called joint development, Xinyuan contributed more.

The advantage is that there is no need to worry about production capacity. Tengyun Engineering will be allocated to factories in the country's system for production. Many aircraft can be built at the same time, which does not occupy the resources of Xinyuan Company, and is also conducive to the technological improvement of scientific research units across the country.

"Xin'an Automobile disclosed its car sales in the first two quarters. Passenger car sales exceeded 550,000 units, and total sales exceeded 600,000 units. People familiar with the matter: The biggest bottleneck in sales is production capacity rather than demand."

"Fully autonomous intelligent driving? Be careful of road killers!"

"The death toll caused by XW151 and 161 exceeds 17 people."

"Chen Jun: Car owners are advised to be extremely cautious and only use the assisted driving system. Assisted driving is by no means fully autonomous driving. Xin'an does not advocate autonomous driving behavior that relies entirely on the car."

"What are the benefits of new energy dump trucks? Does it disturb people?"

"There were more than 310 spontaneous combustion incidents of new energy vehicles in China in the first half of the year, and this brand ranked first."

"CATL: The charging speed of the new generation of batteries will make a qualitative leap."

"Domestic new energy brands have increased by 37%. The Science and Technology Commission: It is expected to completely ban the sale of fuel vehicles in 2020."

"The number of new charging piles nationwide this year is expected to increase by 340%, and more than half of them support fast charging of more than 100KW."


In September 2016, the national automobile market had undergone great changes compared with the original world line.

Xin'an Automobile's sales have skyrocketed due to its rise, and all six of its models are selling well. It is true that Xin'an's sales are limited by production capacity.

Nowadays, in addition to Xin'an Automobile's own production, a small part of it is OEMed by Southern Automobile. Anyway, the technology is the same, so there is no difference.

Batteries, electronic controls, and vehicle machines are really limited by the supply of chips. Nowadays, many semiconductor manufacturers are adjusting and upgrading their production lines, which has a lot of impact on output, and many raw materials have been cut off from foreign supplies.

Another thing is that high-end models are somewhat lacking in aerospace materials. With the increase in sales, fairings, secondary rockets, and engine remains were used to make car doors or hoods. Now they only have small parts such as wheel hubs, handlebars, and steering wheels. Things are in short supply.

Huge sales have brought more than 10 billion yuan in profits to Xinan, but the two major shareholders have a tacit agreement not to share the profits, but to invest the money in infrastructure construction first.

At this time, there were no charging piles everywhere across the country. In order to popularize electric vehicles, Southern Motor used its connections and state subsidies to frantically build charging stations everywhere, and by the way, it popularized its own fast charging protocol.

In the future, other car manufacturers must consider charging piles when producing cars. In order to fast charge, they must adapt to Xin'an's protocol and purchase special chips.

In major cities and slightly larger areas, a minimum supply of charging piles is basically guaranteed, and Xin'an is also actively promoting the installation of home charging piles.

This is called cultivating the market. There are charging piles in cities, highways, and homes. The issue of battery life of new energy vehicles is not so urgent. More and more brands are willing to give up, and the number of users is gradually increasing, and they have caught up with the country's strong subsidies. During this period, everything is stable and improving.

Ningde Times and BYD are also beginning to accumulate strength. The battery technologies of these two companies have gradually moved from wild to mature, and have begun to put pressure on Xin'an's lithium battery combination technology.

But the latter is not idle either. Backed by two giants, it requires money and technology. Not only is it stimulating suppliers to develop new batteries through sales, but it is also constantly registering and applying for patents. It is still the ceiling of domestic BMS.

However, the intelligent driving system has brought about some lawsuits. So far, more than ten traffic accidents have occurred, all caused by the driver letting go of the XW driving system and sleeping on his own.

Although both XW151 and 161 performed perfectly during Chen Jun's field test, the most important thing in reality is accidents. The XW series is not yet that powerful and cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof.

After all, Xin'an never said that they support fully autonomous driving. In theory, cars don't support it either. It's just that users can drive by themselves by turning on a few more functions.

Moreover, users' high reliance on the XW series has indeed brought about massive driving data, which is uploaded through the Jingwei satellite network. In fact, Xin'an has applied many patches to the released driving system through the satellite network, improving a lot of user experience.

What's more, the 4G basic environment has been relatively complete. In the next major update, we can rely on ground base stations to be more accurate and have more functions, and we can even really start to engage in intelligent driving.

Although the intelligent driving system has some flaws, the BMS battery management system is indeed unexpectedly reliable. So far, none of the spontaneous combustion accidents reported by Xin'an manufacturers were caused by improper battery management, and were all caused by other accidents.

There was even a case where a battery in the battery pack exploded, and the BMS system warning was ignored by the owner of the car. It was fine for half a month, and then he went to the store to check and replace it. I can only say that this BMS came from the guys from the Aerospace Department. It really has aerospace-level reliability and is a stable one.

Among the performances of all manufacturers, Xin'an can score at least 97 points, leaving room for improvement if the remaining three points are not given.

However, there is another player that is actually good, but due to the limitation of production capacity, the sense of presence is on the decline, and the founder is too anxious to jump in.

Tesla has sold more than 7,000 vehicles on the market so far, and there should be more than 50,000 vehicles worldwide.

The current Tesla is not the Tesla that relied on the Shanghai Gigafactory to help Musk become the world's richest man.

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