Facts have proved that Douyin is indeed the software that has allowed the mobile Internet to rapidly expand and prosper. It is simply expanding like a virus.

Although the price of Jingwei satellite network is generally much more expensive than broadband, 270,000 units were sold within 24 hours, about 65% of which were the cheapest 50Mbps network.

At the same time, Xinyuan’s official website channels also support orders from foreign users.

However, the price for foreign users is much more expensive. The domestic price of a 100M network receiver with an annual package of 1,699 US dollars is $899 per year abroad, which is more than three times the price.

In addition to satellites being cheaper and more expensive, if it is Aramco, users will have to pay extra taxes due to the tariff policy. Normally, it may cost two to three hundred US dollars. If Aramco launches punitive tariffs, it may even cost 2,000 US dollars. .

However, the first Aramco user, and possibly the first foreign user, should have already set up the antenna.

On the morning of the 23rd, AmeriCorps time, Lao Ma got off the plane with the Supreme Commemorative Edition of the Jingwei Satellite Network (5000Mbps) antenna.

This is a purely internally customized antenna that will not be sold outside at all. The downlink speed is 5Gbps and the uplink speed is 2Gbps, which is enough for ten years.

The size of the antenna is 27 inches, with a huge XAP logo on the front, and Lin Ju promises that it will be free for life.

Lao Ma downloaded the APP on one of his mobile phones, then connected to the antenna LAN first, and started the search mode for the antenna placed in the open space.

The huge flat-panel antenna began to rotate 360 ​​degrees. After rotating a full circle, it stopped in one direction. Then it adjusted the elevation angle. The mobile phone prompted that the wifi had an Internet connection.

Open Douyin, the first video is loaded smoothly, and the network speed number flashing across the status bar is 9MB/S.

He launched it to download the APP from Google. The progress bar only stuck for a second, and the APP of more than 60 MB was downloaded.

Apparently the bottleneck isn't internet speed at all.

Musk looked up at the sky along the elevation angle of the antenna. He knew that there was one or several satellites flying by at dozens of times the speed of sound.

The Jingwei satellite network has been put into practical use, and Starlink cannot be delayed any longer.

The contact time with Lao Ma was not long, only a few hours, but he did win Lin Ju's respect.

Ma Yilong has no airs and is very pragmatic in his behavior. Lin Ju entertains him in the relaxed style of Xinyuan Company, which makes the former very happy.

Because Lao Ma has seen too many serious occasions, especially talking about the Tesla Gigafactory in Shanghai, which is very stressful.

Lao Ma said that staying with people from Xinyuan felt like returning to specaX, and he was extremely relaxed compared to other people.

Neither of them talked about anything in depth. Lao Ma did take a lot of photos and group photos of rockets and the Progress space shuttle, and even picked some and posted them on Twitter. Lin Ju directly liked each other.

Lao Ma's trip to China did not dilute the competitive atmosphere on both sides of the Pacific.

Instead, on September 21, NACA conducted an SLS ground static ignition experiment.

Two five-stage SRB boosters have arrived at the Kennedy Space Center, and the launch pad modification work is nearing completion in preparation for the first flight of the SLS.

The Orion spacecraft service module shipped from Europe has also been sent to Lockheed Martin's factory and will be assembled here.

Northrop Grumman also announced that the HALO living module for the lunar orbiting Gateway space station it has undertaken is more than half-way through the manufacturing process and will be completed in January and will be launched by the Falcon Heavy rocket in February 2017 as scheduled.

The debate over the Veneto 1 rocket in Europe continues, with 11 representatives of the European Space Agency arguing from morning to night every day, with all parties having different opinions.

However, driven by Italy and France, ESA's desire to conduct an independent space program is indeed rising, especially with the potential guarantee of Veneto 1.

The country is planning to resurrect the Hermes space shuttle from the Cold War era, using it as a round-trip tool in low-Earth orbit and capable of completing combined moon landings.

The Hermes space shuttle was a symbol of China's pursuit of an independent space system during the Cold War. It was later canceled due to the sudden decrease in pressure due to the collapse of the alliance, and is now back on the agenda.

Now China, Aramco, and Lucia are all developing space shuttles. Can Europe not keep up? Absolutely not.

On the other hand, Dai Ying is as good as ever, with a very Buddhist attitude, and they will follow whoever forces them.

But in general, Dai Ying still supports the European Space Agency, because there are signs of embarrassment in Lao Maozi.

It is now 2016, and Lucia has faint signs of economic re-emergence. In addition to cooperating with China, its own moon landing rocket Yenisey Don has really begun its preliminary demonstration.

Six boosters, six RD171MV engines, and one RD180 core stage, with a total thrust of 5,400 tons and a maximum LEO capacity of 150 tons.

This is also a moon landing rocket, but Lucia lacks confidence and has set a vague "test flight around 2020".

Although the carrying capacity is the same as that of giant rockets such as SLS, Long March 10, and Xinyuan-2A, what is interesting is that the core stage and booster diameter of the Yenisey super-heavy launch vehicle are only 4.1 meters. This is the diameter The smallest giant rocket.

The reason is also very simple: in order to take care of the backward railway transportation system, the space launch site commonly used by Lucia is still the Baikonur launch center in Kazakhstan, and it can only be transported by rail.

Although an N1 rocket with a maximum diameter of 17 meters was launched from Baikonur in the last century, it is difficult for Lucia to achieve that kind of transport capability now, and there is a fatal flaw in railway transport of large-diameter rockets:

The rocket must be broken down for transportation and assembled at the launch site, which greatly increases the probability of problems with the complex internal structure of the giant rocket. The conditions at the launch site are far less good than those of the production plant.

The reason for the frequent problems with the N1 rocket is that it is assembled at the launch site and then erected as a whole. This process is not only more troublesome than vertical assembly, but also creates hidden dangers during the erection process.

In order to reduce the workload and the risk of launch failure, the Lucia Space Agency chose a 4.1-meter-diameter rocket body, which is the maximum overall transportation diameter that their railway can allow. At that time, assembly will only be a simple splicing of the booster and the core stage. .

Also preparing for the moon landing plan is Lucia's new-generation "Eagle" manned spacecraft, which is about the same weight and maximum number of passengers as the Orion spacecraft and the new-generation manned spacecraft, both in the 20-ton class.

Lucia has currently invested 2 billion rubles in the entire rocket and spacecraft project, which is... 28 million US dollars or 190 million yuan.

This number is the lowest among all countries, and any sub-project of ESA is much higher than this number. No wonder the Lucia Space Agency was vague and refused to give a specific number when announcing the date of its lunar exploration.

With this little money, let alone building rockets, we can’t even build two RD171 engines.

On the contrary, India has modified the Gaganyan plan and plans to send two Indian astronauts to space in 2017, build a space station in 2019, and land on the moon in 2020.

The budget of Gaganyan's plan this year is 1.7 billion US dollars, which is 120 billion rubles. Lucia is now trying to figure out how to hack this money from her third brother.

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