"The C822 main wing spar was successfully trial-produced at the 132 Factory and fully meets the usage requirements."

"C822 Chief Designer: The first flight of a domestic regional passenger aircraft will be no later than December 2017."

Southwest Commercial Airlines, also known as Commercial Airlines, has been established for more than half a year, but the foundation of the Yizhou manufacturing base has only been laid, and it has no production capacity at all.

Commercial Aviation's production and manufacturing base is so huge that it will take at least three years to fully build it, even with strong government support.

As a super production base built to fully compete with Boeing and Airbus, it can produce hundreds of passenger planes annually. This manufacturing capacity has surpassed that of military aircraft.

The development work of the C822 and C832 passenger aircraft is basically still completed jointly by the 611 Institute and Xinyuan, but the final assembly will be placed in the Yizhou production base, so that the two passenger aircraft can be nominally launched, and the Yizhou base will actually be mass-produced. It was at the end of 2018.

The development of passenger aircraft is very different from that of military aircraft. Putting aside technical factors, the focus is more on design. What civilian airliners pursue is reliability and economy. In the final analysis, it is for the sake of cost and to reduce the pressure on airlines to the extreme.

Since the war in the Middle East, oil prices have risen every year. The profit margins of airline operations have actually become smaller and smaller, so the pursuit of economic efficiency of passenger aircraft has also become higher and higher.

The new generation of passenger aircraft must be more fuel-efficient, easier to maintain and safer, taking into account many more factors than military aircraft.

The 611 Institute obviously has no experience in the development of passenger aircraft. The R\u0026D teams for the two passenger aircraft also include personnel from Harbin Aircraft Corporation of China and COMAC (yes).

But the main design work is still done by Xinyuan, and it is much easier to rely on the System Research Institute to meet these requirements and occupy a dominant position.

Manufacturing is a minor issue. Early trial production is a political project. Real mass production to reduce costs is a matter for the Yizhou manufacturing base. The first batch will be slightly over budget and is acceptable.

Now the basic design work of C822 and C832 has been basically completed, and the ground static testing machine has entered the manufacturing stage.

Such progress is simply unbelievable in the eyes of some people.

For example, COMAC.

At Pudong Airport in Shanghai, Li Jing, head of the C919 project of COMAC, personally visited McPherson, a senior executive of Rockwell Collins.

The latter and seven or eight technicians boarded the car that drove into the airport, lowered the window and looked at the brightly lit runway, and said in proficient Chinese:

"Li, in a few days, the C919 will make its first flight here. Congratulations to you for having your own domestically produced large passenger aircraft."


Li Jing didn't know what to say and was a little embarrassed. There were domestically produced large passenger planes in the past, but the Y-10 was still parked in the museum.

Rockwell Collins, General Electric, and Psiphon provide avionics systems and engines for the C919 respectively, and are the most important partners.

Because of the above-mentioned re-establishment of Southwest Commercial Aviation Company on domestically produced passenger aircraft, as well as strong technical support from Xinyuan, the C919 unexpectedly and logically received cooperation and support from foreign partner manufacturers.

CFM International, a joint venture between Aramco General Electric and Sifeng, has provided the Leap-X1C turbofan engine for the C919, which was confirmed in 2009.

The domestic alternatives at the same level are the Turbofan 20 and Lucia RD-14, which are still under development but are not far from success, but they are not as economical as the Leap-X1C.

Both engines and avionics are basically controlled by Aramco, and a small part cooperates with China, so the road of C919 is extremely difficult.

In the original world line, the C919 made its first flight in May 2017. However, due to the delay in finalizing a stable supply contract and issuing relevant certificates, commercial operations will not be launched until 2022, five years after the first flight. There is no need for trouble. explain.

As a result, with the emergence of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China at the beginning of the year, and the strong technical strength demonstrated by the An-1250, foreign suppliers were more anxious than Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, urging the latter to quickly complete the first flight of the C919.

Li Jing naturally knows that these manufacturers have bad intentions and are planning to jointly eliminate domestic manufacturers. But he has been working on C919 for nearly 10 years, how can he resist the temptation?

The C919 is not a particularly difficult aircraft from a technical point of view, and the key subsystems are all mature solutions provided by foreign suppliers, which directly advanced the first flight by half a year.

The C919 is expected to make its first flight on November 5. Today is November 2. A small problem was discovered in the avionics system. Rockwell Collins immediately sent a technical team to solve it. This efficiency was absolutely unachievable in the past. .

CFM International also agreed with COMAC that as long as the C919 gets an order, there will be no parts supply restrictions, and it can even sell 40 engines first to COMAC for peace of mind.

Such generous conditions are simply unimaginable, but the more Li Jing thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, because according to the negotiations between COMAC and these suppliers, the biggest opponent of the C919 is not the Boeing 737 or the Airbus A320, but its brother C822.

They calculated that the C822 and C832 of the national production plan would never be as good as the C919, using mature subsystems to reduce costs, so they had to start a price war from the beginning to try to kill the C822. Even if they couldn't do it, they would force Commercial Aviation to sell it. Not much.

If the cost advantage cannot be achieved, orders will decrease. The less the output, the higher the cost. This is bound to be a vicious circle.

Even if it is for support, domestic airlines cannot spend unlimited money, not to mention that the C919 will make its first flight this year. With the full support of foreign subsystem suppliers, key models and various production licenses and single aircraft can be obtained at any time. Sea trial certificate.

It is at least one year ahead of the C822. It is entirely possible to grab orders for one hundred or even two or three hundred aircraft this year. However, the C822 will face the dilemma of lack of market since its birth. You must know that the C919 can be sold abroad, but it is not easy for the C822.

As the project leader of the C919, Li Jing naturally hopes that his children can make their first flight earlier, but as a Chinese, the domestic sentiment of the C822 is really disappointing.

In such a mixed mood of joy and worry, on November 5, the day when the Aramco election officially began, the C919 domestically produced wide-body regional passenger aircraft made its first flight at Pudong Airport in Shanghai.

At this time, the Zhuhai Airshow was only two days away from ending, and the media immediately praised the C919's first flight, making the domestically produced large passenger aircraft and the Warrior 1 robot both hotly searched.

On the same day, COMAC blocked the door of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and demanded that a certificate be issued immediately for the C919.

"The first flight of a domestically produced large passenger aircraft, how the C919 spent 9 years sharpening its skills."

"China Eastern Airlines signed a purchase agreement with COMAC for the first batch of five C919s, which are expected to be delivered in 2017."

"The unit price of C919 is about 600 million yuan, and its competitive advantage is obvious."

"Where do C919 use domestic components?"

"The Civil Aviation Administration of China issued certificates for three domestically produced passenger aircraft, C919, C822 and C832."


Among the "troika" of domestic passenger aircraft described by the media, C919 took the lead by one position and took the lead in its first flight.

From 2007 to 2016, the C919 project accelerated in an unexpected way and became the second domestically produced large passenger aircraft after the Yun 10 - although it was a bit watery.

There are three major parts of an aircraft: fuselage, avionics, and engine. The C919 has only completed one-third of its domestic production, but it does have the highest quality ratio, and the body manufacturing technology content is indeed not low.

The news of the C919's first flight almost overshadowed the air show. CCAV emphatically praised it that night, which was still a good deal.

But in Lin Ju's eyes, the treatment of C919 is much worse than that of the original world line, and there is no feeling of being surrounded by stars.

After all, we are no longer alone. Although everyone is very happy, they are more looking forward to C822 and C832.

Even the attitude above is the same. Among the major airlines, only China Eastern Airlines bought 5 aircraft first, and what is even more outrageous is the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

The certificate for C919 was indeed issued immediately, but at the same time, it was also issued for C822 and C832 that had not yet left the factory?

There is no plane yet, so the certificate is issued first?

This kind of biased behavior that cannot be more obvious reveals the above attitude, which is to regard the two brothers C822 and C832 as the successors of Yun 10, and they will pay for it no matter what.

COMAC dares not speak out about this abnormal preference, but is fully prepared to promote the C919 and capture as much market share as possible. This is also the pursuit of common interests between them and their suppliers.

Late at night, Claire sat behind her desk, and the video of the C919's first flight was playing on her computer.

Although C919 is an international cooperation project and a "joint venture", it is indeed an important step for China's civil aviation manufacturing industry. They have no shortage of technology and talents and will promote localization sooner or later.

C822 and C832 are examples. The progress is equally astonishingly fast, and COMAC also immediately promoted the development of a large long-distance mainline wide-body passenger aircraft: CR929.

C919 and CR929 are basically projects established at the same time. C919 uses European and American engines and avionics technology, while the extra "R" of CR929 is jointly developed with Lucia, and it is exposed to rain and dew.

Of course, the main reason is that Europe and the United States still have major limitations in wide-body mainline passenger aircraft technology, so COMAC turned around and wanted to find a breakthrough here in Lucia.

C919, CR929, C822, C832. The two airlines each have two models of the same class, which is in line with China's style of not putting all its eggs in one basket, and the domestic market can afford four types of aircraft.

However, Claire only viewed the rise of China's aviation industry as a matter of interest. He was still concerned about his peers.

In November, there was big news in Xinyuan.

According to their plan, the H2M space shuttle will make its first flight this month. Although it is conventionally powered rather than the nuclear-powered version announced at the time, it is still a long way ahead of NACA.

In comparison, the FATS plan is at least 8 months behind. This gap is still irreducible and simply unacceptable.

The Advance space station is also undergoing intensive testing and has frequent communications with the ground. This human being's first centrifugal space station is stimulating NACA's nerves all the time.

You have to take the lead somewhere!

This is what everyone thinks. NACA does not accept the situation of always falling behind. Even if it is temporarily behind a few steps due to various factors, it must have advantages in other places.

He knew that Tenard had frequently contacted various aerospace projects recently, and he was actually leaning towards Golden Retriever.

After all, as the leader of NACA, no matter how long I have to work, I have the obligation to solve the problem of feeding the industrial chain established after the Artemis Project.

The situation like the Saturn V, where the technology was lost when the project was terminated, cannot happen again.

Although she knew that Tennard could not be elected, Claire still decided to vote for him, just like Naca's attitude.

The manuscript has been saved and revised...it is time to save the manuscript from scratch again...

There will be another recommendation soon, and the dog author will try his best to make a splash when it comes to recommendation.

The timeline of this book is about to enter 2017, and the pits of high-frequency launch and near-Earth planet exploration are about to be filled.

ps: Although there are only two updates today, 6k counts as 3 updates (灁)

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