The fully automatic real-voice gesture-variable smart silicone doll... No, the official name is the multi-purpose life housekeeper robot. It took a year to develop.

Don't laugh, this is actually a very serious topic in space.

After the launch of mankind's first space station, various countries have carried out research on human reproduction in the space environment, which in itself is a bit of preparation for the future.

However, the strange thing is that, perhaps because of the slight changes in hormone secretion after losing gravity, people basically lose most of their sexual desires in a zero-gravity environment.

However, research in this area has not stopped. For this reason, NACA has also carefully studied how to complete certain movements in a zero-gravity state, and designed a two-person jumpsuit that can assist in exerting force.

In September 2001, NACA sent a couple (male: Mark, female: Joan) into space, and then conducted the first human space reproduction experiment.

Unfortunately, they encountered quite a lot of difficulties during more than 100 days. First of all, Mark had difficulty reacting, perhaps due to stress and other factors, so he had to use drugs to conduct the experiment.

The two spent a lot of energy studying postures while wearing a one-piece suit, and finally conducted several successful experiments. In the end, they found that because there is no gravity, it is difficult for DNA to reach where it should go, making pregnancy extremely difficult.

Although Mark persisted and tried many times, he was ultimately unable to conceive.

Therefore, there is no definite answer to the question of whether human eggs can be successfully fertilized in a gravity-free and radiation-free environment, whether they can develop into normal embryos, and whether mutations will occur. Even if NACA does everything it can at the cost of a bad reputation. check it out.

But for the Advance, which can provide sufficient private space and generate gravity, it will inevitably need to solve physiological problems for the astronauts. This is no small trouble. Human beings are very fragile at certain times.

Silicone... is a good solution from any angle. It has no ethical issues and is safe enough. However, it can only solve physical problems and cannot take care of emotional emptiness.

Therefore, what "Brave" is about to start is the study of "companionship" and "nursing". The internal code name is Life Butler.

Its significance is not to make a short gasping sound in cooperation, but to quietly make a cup of coffee when it recognizes that the astronaut is depressed, and then provide psychological counseling as the situation progresses. This effect is much better.

And unlike real people, astronauts will not be wary of robots, and their subconscious will be more relaxed.

Of course, the carrier requirements for a life steward are much simpler. The physical strength can reach the level of ordinary people or even lower. Its business is to do some light work in colonies or spaceships. The range of activities is also limited, and the battery requirements must be very low. many.

These projects were all handed over to the microelectronics department as part of the Qianjin space station construction plan. When the space station is completed, the life housekeeper will also be online simultaneously.

"Oops, what should I do if I want to retake it again?"

In Qiongzhou, Guo Fan, who was waiting for the Pioneer to land, said that nightmarish whisper to Liu Peiqiang...Wu Jing.

On February 9, after 14 days of hard work, the Pioneer's five-person team completed the installation of the three spoke cabins and corresponding trusses within the estimated 15 days despite two overtime operations.

The main credit for this must be attributed to the intelligent auxiliary robotic arm of the Pioneer. It is extremely efficient in operation, long and precise enough. All five people have taken turns to operate it, and all the people who have used it said it is good.

After completing the mission, the ground decided to let the Pioneer return to the ground as scheduled and immediately begin maintenance and repairs. At the same time, the second crew will drive the Glorious on February 25 for the second space station construction mission.

The object of the second construction task is still the spoke cabin, which is the simpler part of the entire space station. After the six spoke cabins are installed, there are 12 outer centrifugal cabin sections and 12 arc-shaped connecting nacelles. Their construction and installation It's all a bit more troublesome.

The third H2M has been basically completed, but the internal outfitting has been suspended because there are rumors that the space agency wants to buy the space shuttle and may perform some modifications.

The news is true, and it is said that it has been named "Great Wall No. 1", but the space agency has never released any relevant information to the outside world.

But Guo Fan doesn't care about this. What he cares more about is that he can get some good stuff from the base to make a movie.

During the Spring Festival in 2017, the space movie "Operation East" adapted and filmed by China Film Group received unanimous praise.

Although it was not directed by Guo Fan, the Space Administration and Xinyuan strongly intervened in the film. The scientific background and special effects have reached the level of a documentary, and there are absolutely no scientific flaws.

Another aspect is the picture. The Tiangong Space Station shot a lot of material for editing and beautification. Although this space movie does not have many "sci-fi" elements, the picture and plot have made a qualitative leap.

"Eastern Operations" has a box office of over 2.3 billion in the seven days of the Spring Festival, winning this year's Lunar New Year box office championship. The film industry has also spoken highly of the film and has a more positive outlook on the future of Chinese science fiction.

"A more positive outlook" obviously refers to "The Wandering Earth". Guo Fan has spent 600 million on it so far, and the scale and quality of the crew have reached a very exaggerated level. No matter how the film is finished, these people alone are like no other. It was difficult for the crew to look up.

With money and people to rely on, Guo Fan's requirements for movies have become even more perverted. Many shots that cost a lot of resources have to be remade if he is not satisfied. All kinds of wild ideas are consuming funds at any time.

"The Wandering Earth" has filmed half of the scenes on the ground so far. Lin Ju has not used the space shooting opportunities promised by Lin Ju. He has been holding on to the most critical places.

Originally, the filming location was only the Tiangong Space Station, but now it seems that there is a chance to go to the Qianjin Space Station? Also, should H2M add some scenes to make the lineup as luxurious as possible? Give the 2018 Spring Festival stalls a hit?

Every change means a reshoot. Wu Jing, who plays the leading role, would have had objections if Guo Fan hadn't promised to have him in a space suit for filming, but now he has to humbly act as a horse for Guo Fan. .

But when I think about it, I can actually take a space shuttle to the space station to film. It seems that I can leave an unsurpassed record in the film and television industry?

While Wu Jing was struggling, there were sudden exclamations around him, and he saw a blazing orange meteor appearing in the distance in the sky that was beginning to darken near dusk. The Pioneer faced the flowing atmosphere like a flame, and Falling at a high speed at Mach 35.

In such a thrilling scene, the interior of the Pioneer was unexpectedly calm. The Pioneer's 79-ton body and its huge size made its return speed even lower than that of the H1. Its flight attitude was also much more stable due to its weight, and was similar to that of a passenger aircraft. The tremors during the climb are about the same.

Deng Lei held the rudder in his hand and pressed down gently with an imperceptible amount. He crossed the Annan volley in a few dozen seconds and soon saw the coastline of the motherland.

"Pioneer, this is Tianshan. You have entered the South China Sea. The escort fighter planes will arrive in three minutes. Please pay attention and observe. Over."

"Pioneer received it, Tianshan, is it Nan Batian's Su-35 or J-16?"

More than 40 kilometers away, the commander of Air Police 500 with the call sign "Tianshan" chuckled a few times on the radio.

"Pioneer, please pay attention, this is a surprise."

"Surprise?" The five members of the Pioneer all turned their attention and looked out the window. After a while, they knew what the "surprise" was.

A gray and silver-white fighter plane with a dirty surface like oxidized metal appeared on both sides of the Pioneer. Their size was the longest that the astronauts had ever seen, and the nose cockpit was also very distinctive. The bulge is not small, and it seems to be a side-by-side two-seater layout.

On their tail fins, the white numbers 2211 and 2212 are painted respectively.

The J-20 High Double (J20B) is the interceptor version of the J-20 equipped with two XW-9Bs. The first two mass-produced models of the J-20, 2211 and 2212, performed their first mission to provide escort for the space shuttle.

They apply the most advanced stealth coating and electronic technology, have a maximum speed of Mach 3.5, and a maximum ceiling of 35,000 meters, reaching the "Double Three Five" indicator.

The XW-9B is an improved model developed by the 611 Research Institute after additional payment. It increases the maximum thrust to 14.7 tons without sacrificing high-speed performance, and the increase in fuel consumption is extremely small.

The J20B has a maximum range of 6,300 kilometers (without auxiliary fuel tanks), a combat radius of 2,950 kilometers, a maximum take-off weight of 44 tons, a fuel load of 13 tons, a supersonic cruise speed of Mach 1.8, and a maximum stay in the air of 11 hours. It adopts a two-seat side-by-side layout.

This is a real heavy-duty interceptor. Its internal pylon can carry 8 PL-15 long-range air-to-air missiles and 4 PL-10E combat bombs. It is also equipped with a more powerful radar and distributed optoelectronic system. It belongs to the domestic market in any field. top level.

The cost is that the cost is extremely expensive. The unit price of the first two mass-produced aircraft reached 1.3 billion yuan, which is almost twice that of the normal version.

Moreover, the aircraft body and skin have undergone major changes. It is no longer compatible with the J-20 production line. It can be called another fighter jet, but it has a similar appearance.

However, the military could not resist the temptation and directly placed an order for the first batch of 12 aircraft, all of which are expected to be delivered before 2018.

To the outside world, the existence of J20B is still highly confidential. The two aircraft only showed up briefly to say hello to the Pioneer. They didn't even connect the radio, they just shook their wings and showed off their slender figures. He pulled up the nose of the plane and quickly disappeared into the clouds on both sides.

Four Su-35s took over their work and continued to escort. These outsourced fighters did not need to be kept secret. They could flex their muscles in a big way, driving away the two FA18E/Fs that wanted to join in the fun, and escorted the Pioneer to the airport wholeheartedly. .

There are a lot of things going on on Thursday and Friday, and there seems to be a lot on weekends... I will try my best to update, at least 220,000 words this month~

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