Pressure is pressure, business still needs to be done, and if we don’t do business, how will we rely on capital?

Although on the surface the attitude towards mainland semiconductors is suppression and disdain, among other things, such a large market cannot be given up.

The bill's restrictions can only be limited to a small number of high-end and sophisticated fields, and consumer electronics products are basically not included in this list.

If John wanted to stop selling iPhone 8 or all Core CPUs to the mainland, he would probably have to ride in a mine-proof vehicle when going out, and Wall Street would be eager to get rid of it at any time.

However, the restrictions in these high-end fields are not a small sum of money. Even without the emergence of ternary technology, these semiconductor companies will still do business in a roundabout way, but they are not as impatient as they are now.

The Science and Technology Commission and the domestic semiconductor industry association briefly evaluated the products and technologies that several foreign manufacturers were willing to exchange privately, and they made their own judgments in their minds.

First of all, there is still sincerity. Not only are they selling high-end products that are expressly prohibited from exporting in a roundabout way, they are also willing to take out many of the technologies that they have tightly held back in the past, but they are just using the cross-licensing method commonly used by technology companies.

Of course, there are also some little ones. For example, some technologies with good prospects but immature technological development have also been included to make up the numbers. For example, Zhang Siren saw Intel's optane phase change storage technology.

This is a new generation technology jointly developed by Micron and Intel that is between traditional storage media and volatile non-permanent storage media. It can be used as an ultra-long-life high-speed memory or as a buffer between dynamic memory and hard disks.

It seems to be a good thing that has both, and now Intel has applied it to the first generation of Xiqiang series server platforms.

However, Zhang Siren noticed at a glance the cost issue that was being tried hard to cover up. Although Chao said in the list that it was in the early development stage and would come down as the technology progressed, the uncertainty was already obvious.

These technology lists will definitely make the country very happy in the past. Although they feel good now, it is not enough to use these to exchange for ternary underlying patent technology authorization.

Especially after the technological battle started and the research on ternary integrated circuit technology became more and more profound.

Due to its inherent characteristics, ternary computers have significantly higher fault tolerance and reliability than traditional computers.

This does not affect the daily environment, but in the space environment, the chip may be bombarded by high-energy particle flow in space, which has always been a concern for scientists.

This is why the manufacturing process of chips used in aerospace is actually not high, because the smaller and denser the transistors are, the greater the probability of failure after being bombarded by particle flow and rays.

Lao Ma and Hexagon are launching. The first-generation Starlink, which has not yet been networked, uses many consumer-grade electronic chips in order to save costs.

The performance of these chips is much better than that of aerospace-specific chips, and because of its large market share and low price, "Starlink" looks cheap and good.

However, it only takes a small solar storm or unusually strong electromagnetic interference to directly destroy these chips.

Traditional satellites temporarily fail when encountering interference. After the interference passes, they can continue to be used by trying to power on. A satellite generally has a lifespan of more than 10 years. The lifespan of "Starlink" completely depends on luck.

If you are lucky, you can keep using it. If you are not lucky, you will lose contact after launching...

These are satellites and spacecraft operating on and around the earth. They are naturally protected by the earth's magnetic field, and cosmic rays are often weakened by the time they arrive.

When flying beyond the earth to the moon, Mars, or even deep space, various harsh rays will cause serious interference to the chip.

Why do Project Artemis and Project Dawn both send an unmanned and manned spacecraft to orbit the moon respectively?

This is because after crossing the Earth's orbit, it will pass through a high-energy radiation belt and lose the protection of the Earth's magnetic field. Cosmic rays will become more intense and will pose a serious threat to astronauts.

Including space-borne computers, the more complex and large the tasks, the higher the performance requirements. In the past, protection measures and redundant modules were required to be continuously superimposed to ensure reliable operation.

However, ternary chips are more reliable than binary chips, especially on positive and negative issues, which are almost error-free. This can continuously improve performance while ensuring reliability.

Even better is the potential of artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

Due to the backwardness of traditional computer science, China started research on photon computing and quantum computing very early, hoping to "overtake others around the corner" and accumulate experience that even exceeds that of Aramco and Europe.

After obtaining the ternary technology, the Quantum Laboratory of Beijing University of Science and Technology was the first to realize that its principles were similar to quantum computing and tried to perform quantum computing on its basis.

A few days ago, Peng Jianfu led another breakthrough, using a ternary/quantum dual computing platform built with ferrite to achieve its first trial run.

There is also good news from the artificial intelligence laboratory in Anhui Province, claiming that it has achieved significant results in the learning artificial intelligence big data model and is very likely to take the lead in evolving the world's first super-powerful AI.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Siren is very aware of the weight of the chips in his hand. It is not that they cannot be exchanged, but these alone are not enough.

Unlike the original world line, which was caught off guard by the sudden bill, this time it has been prepared to be suppressed in other aspects due to the existence of the space race. Although it is a bit unexpected, it is not without response.

Especially in the key semiconductor field, although the development of ternary technology has not yet reached the point where it can replace the current technology, the prospects are good. At least it has solved most of the problems that can be used, and you will not be caught and can only compromise or hold on. .

Of course, domestic ternary technology is not in official hands. The actual controller must be Lin Ju, the president of Xinyuan Company who launches rockets all day long.

Although he does not put forward any opinions or ask for benefits on the development of ternary technology, everyone knows his irreplaceable final decision-making ability.

Which ternary technology patents can be exchanged for some benefits, and which ones should be kept in hand, all need to be discussed with people, and the benefits obtained must also be divided.

"Technical authorization? I'm just a layman. Professional matters should be left to professionals. I'll find someone to analyze it.

Well, okay, thank you for your concern, the leader...I've been looking for it, but there's nothing..."

Lin Ju hung up the red phone on his desk, and there was an old-fashioned black phone with the same appearance next to it.

Just now, the leader above made a phone call and personally talked about foreign semiconductor manufacturers seeking ternary access. They chatted on the phone for more than ten minutes, and finally ended with Lin Ju's partial agreement.

There is nothing wrong with licensing some basic technology patents that are not important in exchange for some benefits, but you must ensure that you are still in the leading position, and that the amount of extortion is just right, so that you can get satisfactory returns.

Xinyuan, what does Xinyuan need?

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