"Jiuquan... In the past few years, the changes have not been that big."

Ye Changsi took a sip of water. He had been dealing with the impact of the espionage incident in the afternoon and was now a little tired.

“Just two issues: launch pad and transportation.

Transportation is easy. We have always used air transportation. Although there is no airport that can take off and land at An1250, it can be expanded. The military can directly lay steel plates and a runway can be built in half a month.

As for the launch pad, this requires XCMG to modify the launch pad. Didn’t we entrust them to develop a heavy-duty mobile launch pad for H2 launch before? The manufacturing is almost done and it just needs to be shipped to Jiuquan. Most of the components can be shipped by air. They can be installed before July. "

"What about the cost? And the transformation time?"

"It's okay. With the help of people from Jiuquan, it's still within an acceptable range. It's mainly about the diversion trough and heavy-duty track at the launch position.

To be honest, the conditions in Jiuquan are better than Qiongzhou except for the latitude. The main reason is that there is basically no wind and we can launch year-round. However, we only have one heavy-duty launch pad there for the time being. Qiongzhou has to wait for a new one to be built, which is another expense. "

Lin Ju nodded, this result is quite acceptable. Qiongzhou launches always have to keep an eye on the Meteorological Bureau, just like playing darts to find a suitable window to launch. Once there is a typhoon, it may not be possible to launch even for a month. The inland launch site There are still many advantages.

"By the way, the leaker found out that he is Zhou Rui's grandson, a junior high school student named Zhou Qingfeng."

"Junior high school student?"

Ye Changsi nodded and explained:

"According to Niu Aihua's confession, she had been eyeing Zhou Qingfeng very early. When we went to investigate in the afternoon, the boy was almost scared to death. He confessed that he heard about it accidentally while going to the toilet in the base, which is basically confirmed to be true."


Lin Ju: "That is to say, there is actually no problem with our confidentiality system, but it was an accident caused by non-base personnel. So we can no longer let non-base personnel in easily, and accidental factors may also lead to leaks."

"However, many people are unable to sign our institute agreement."


Lin Ju thought about it and it was indeed the case. I won’t talk about it when ordinary family members come in. In addition, the space agency often has personnel come over to carry out cooperation projects. It is not easy to get them to sign external employment agreements. Therefore, non-employed personnel in the base do not Few, but basically there is a confidentiality agreement, so no problems have been found yet.

Ye Changsi expressed his opinion first: "In my opinion, the first point is that for the family members of base employees, they must be strictly controlled from entering the base unless necessary. The scope of activities is limited to non-sensitive areas. In addition, the internal confidentiality regulations must be reiterated. They are not allowed to enter the base unless necessary." Not a safe place to discuss base secrets.

Although it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, it is at least somewhat useful. "

Lin Ju: "Also, I plan to promote robot security. It is still a bit troublesome to popularize robot No. 1, so let's change it from No. 2. Although robot No. 2 is not for military purposes, it can still undertake security tasks. At least the patrol time can be expanded to six Within hours, all robot No. 2 will be replaced with 600-watt-hour lithium batteries."

Ye Changsi: "I agree, but should 600-watt-hour lithium batteries be put on the market? This high-performance power battery should be very profitable. Its cost is not too high, and it can also recover some of the research and development costs."

"No, we are not short of money for the time being." Lin Ju shook his head unexpectedly. The 600-watt-hour power battery had a huge impact on the market. Now the market value of CATL is only more than 20 billion, so just scale up the move. It just screwed everyone over.

The demand for power batteries for electric vehicles will be met in a few years. There is no need to covet the money. It would be better to give some incentives to manufacturers when the development of battery technology reaches a stagnation stage.

Announcement on the official website of Xinyuan Company: "Notice of commendation and reward for a certain project team in the microelectronics department."

The entire "Brave" project team received a collective award for the good performance of Robot No. 13. This is no secret within the base.

Robot No. 13 was promoted to management, put on the uniform of the security department, became a glorious security guard, and received the banner personally awarded by Mr. Lin.

The military even informed that a second-class merit medal would be issued as a token of recognition. After all, Robot No. 13 also has the identity of an Army sergeant...

Naturally, the "brave" project team gained a lot of attention because of this, which was noticed by the human life science team of the Ministry of Food and Health.

Because of the 304 injection, the human life science team has actually independently designated a separate area in the base to conduct experiments, code-named 304 laboratory.

In the past month, 304 Laboratory purchased 10 specialized experimental gorillas from abroad at a high price. Don’t think that animal testing is cheap. Gorillas that are healthy enough to meet clinical testing need to be specially screened and cultured. They are expensive and rare. Once they are released, Lots will be sold out.

The laboratory still relied on the relationship with Academician She's old classmate to "cut off" ten of them, and it took a long time to specially order them.

Semyon injected the gorillas with injections a week after they arrived. After a month of careful cultivation, obvious effects have been produced.

All ten gorillas began to grow rapidly as expected from the injection, with the best-growing male gaining weight by 30 kilograms. Bone density increases to 1.5 times its original value, and the proportion of muscle increases significantly.

This result has been reported to the base's senior management. After causing some shock, they requested continued observation. After all, it is an injection that acts on a sensitive area. The side effects are not yet known. It must be observed for at least three months to check the changes in physical indicators.

You must know that the 304 injection is only effective for 1,000 days. Conducting a one-tenth cycle test is already extremely risky for biology. Lin Ju still does not approve human experiments.

However, he will not be idle during the three months of observing the effects of 304 injections. Trying to sterilize the effects of injections and developing second-level drugs is also a key topic of the laboratory, so Xie Miao is not without things to do.

After returning to the laboratory, Xie Miao first summoned all personnel to emphasize confidentiality matters, and then went to the observation room where the experimental subjects were placed.

Don't think that biological laboratories are just animal cages. In fact, researchers may even treat these experimental subjects better than themselves. Each gorilla is a precious sample worth millions.

Not only must their daily diet be safe and healthy, but they must also be allowed to relax and play games regularly. After all, they are highly intelligent primates and are prone to depression and various minor emotions, which will also seriously affect their physical condition.

Among them, No. 7 was the one under Semyon's personal care. This gorilla had the best injection effect and the highest degree of strengthening among all the experimental subjects. Its body index almost doubled, and its internal organs were incredibly strengthened.

Of course, even in this case, it is impossible for it to surpass the guards and become Caesar to crush humans like in the movie and novel. At least the number 7 is basically unchanged in the IQ test. The 304 injection does not include the function of "making smart".

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