Storm's space station installation mission took only 12 days to complete, but they still needed to test the space shuttle.

The first is power supply capability.

The power consumption of the Qianjin is not low. The power consumption of the six living cabins, the pilot cabin, and the functional cabin exceeds 1,000 kilowatts. After completion, it will require at least 3,000 kilowatts of power generation capacity.

The main method of providing power is the nuclear reactors carried by each of the six service modules. While they provide power for the nuclear engines, they can also provide sufficient power. Of course, they are not available yet.

The current power consumption method of the Advance is a temporary single-sided solar panel hung on the truss, which can provide 200 kilowatts of power. Although it is not much, it is still enough for the space station that has not yet been officially operated. It will be dismantled after completion.

After the Storm was docked, it tried to provide power to the space station. The results were certainly gratifying. The three A100s have a maximum power generation power of 4MW (limited by the area of ​​the heat sink, the actual potential is much greater), which can be supplied easily. The electricity consumption of the entire space station.

After spending a few more days inspecting the reactor, the astronauts began to pack up the space station and move some necessary supplies into the space shuttle in preparation for the voyage.

It is equipped with three nuclear engines and has more than 90% fuel remaining. Is it appropriate not to take a quick trip? Are you just withdrawing it? Of course not.

The test route is also obvious. The Storm cannot go to Mars, but can only go to the moon.

When she took off, she brought some experimental equipment for lunar orbit testing. She had already prepared it, and she only brought some living supplies from the Advance.

"Check cabin pressure, check docking port seals."

"The A1 docking interface is ready and can be separated!"

When the docking interface separated, a small thrust was generated. The Storm slowly left the space station at a speed of a few centimeters per second, and then the open cargo bay began to close.

Before that, the deputy commander went out to check the heat sink and confirmed that it was fully deployed.

The X-shaped radiator plate and wings at the tail of the Storm form a "meter", making her overall shape look less like a space shuttle and more like a real spaceship.

Hu Dong pressed the headset: "Command center, apply to enter deep space mode."

"Storm, you can enter deep space mode after checking the status."

The sound from the ground is always inspiring. The sound of the broadcasts passed down from the founding of the Republic is very recognizable, and people can't help but feel that they have returned to that blazing era.

After receiving authorization from the ground, the computer switches from low-Earth orbit mode to deep space mode. At this time, the flight control mode and safety standards will be switched, and the center of gravity will be automatically detected and adjusted.

All seven astronauts fixed themselves in place, and the SC09 test passed. Hu Dong felt that the back of the chair was dragging him backwards, and at the same time his legs were raised, and his line of sight was almost perpendicular to the porthole.

The console in front of me also began to move. The consoles that originally seemed to be fixed together were actually four movable sections. In order to be more consistent with the operating conditions of deep space flight, they began to separate and surround the front and rear commands in a C shape. Long, different status panels also hang down from the five rear seats.

In an emergency, every operable panel can be used as a bridge. This is one of the many safety redundancy measures on the Storm, which the Pioneer and the Glorious are not equipped with.

Hu Dong naturally placed his hands on the consoles on both sides. The huge panel in front would catch his eyeballs and fine-tune it to ensure the best display effect.

On the inner wall of the porthole behind it, a light blue laser illuminated the HUD on the large window. From now on, the entire Storm has officially transformed into a spaceship.

"Lao Hu, I really feel like I'm sitting in a spaceship now. It seems that as long as I push the accelerator, the stars will slide from the front to the side."

Deputy Commander Meng Senlin talked openly about his feelings on the public radio. The large portholes surrounded him with a wide field of view. After adjusting the posture of his chair, the universe was half a meter closer to him, almost immersing himself in the starry sky. middle.

He is not an astronaut trained by Xinyuan, and he was not originally a crew member of the Storm - the crew of the Storm's first flight was completely different from the original one. Three of them were the crew of the Dawn 4 mission, and Meng Senlin was the crew member of the Dawn 4 mission. Chief of instructions.

The Shuguang 4 mission is the first lunar landing mission planned by the space agency, and he will be the first Chinese to set foot on the moon.

The speed of the Storm's first flight disrupted the space agency's deployment, so they consulted with the base to change the Storm's crew and include Dawn 4.

Fortunately, the Shuguang-4 crew has also received H2 simulation training, so the substitution will not affect the mission.

The meaning of this move by the space agency is very simple, which is to allow the Shuguang 4 crew to fly around the moon once in advance to gain more experience.

Meng Senlin now feels that it might be better to take the Storm on the first moon landing rather than the Dawn spacecraft.

Even though the Dawn spacecraft has greatly improved compared to traditional spacecraft, it is still a traditional spacecraft, but the Storm is completely different. In the Dawn spacecraft, it is like traveling in a small RV, with all the internal organs and is considered comfortable; while the Storm is more like a house Flying in the sky takes you to your destination.

In general, it is completely a gap across generations.

Meng Senlin carefully felt the grip of the throttle on his right hand side, and saw the HUD in the lower left corner of the mask indicating that his heartbeat was slightly high.

For safety reasons, the Storm still has to wear an in-cabin spacesuit and mask when accelerating and decelerating to prevent unknown failures from deformation of the body or vibration of components during acceleration.

"Command center, the self-inspection of Tempest has been completed, the reactor is running well, and all the heat sinks are open normally. We are requesting a mission to orbit the moon."

The radio waves were transmitted back to the ground command center in Beijing through the satellite. Lin Ju stood in front of the microphone, paused for a second and then shouted loudly:

"The order is approved, we can speed up!"


Academician She on the side moved his eyes to the satellite telemetry system, and then heard Hu Dong's voice from the sky.

"Storm, advance one!"

The propulsion system was powered on, and Storm, which was already nearly two hundred meters away from Advance through RCS, started its engine at 10% power. Light pink hydrogen plasma spread out along the nozzle. Advance's extravehicular camera saw the tail of the space shuttle. A pink halo lit up in the darkness.

The Storm shook slightly and used a small acceleration to push itself further away from the space station. When it reached a distance of 1,000 meters, Hu Dong pushed the throttle valve to the third gear position.

"Storm, advance three!"

Forward One is used when leaving port with low power, Forward Two is the most fuel-saving cruising speed, Forward Three is the highest speed with normal maximum power, and Forward Four, which Hu Dong dreamed about for dozens of nights, is when the engine is overloaded and operates at the design limit. acceleration command.

Although the forward three command can only be used now, according to the plan, a maximum speed test will be conducted on the return trip, and then the forward four command can be used.

At this time, the three huge tail nozzles finally began to eject the bright plasma at maximum speed, forming a tail flame more than one kilometer long in space. The forward camera could already see three of them. The highlights begin to merge and gradually become a mass.

The Storm will accelerate around the low-Earth orbit for about 2 times, and then enter the Earth-moon transfer orbit, moving from the right side of the Earth to the left side of the Moon, and vice versa when returning. The entire trajectory will be in the shape of an '8'.

With a tail flame that was ten times longer than her own length, she headed towards the moon like a shooting star.

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