"Every bit of it was rushed and amateurish."

Serev watched the video of the starship's first flight and gave a very low evaluation.

"If you lose control of the rocket just after launch, you still have to rely on the computer to correct it and establish contact. Anyone who prepares for the launch should be fired if they are not part-time grocery store clerks;

Why not build a flow channel under the launch pad? The engine's tail flames not only broke down the concrete but also swept up the underground debris again, destroying more engines;

There is no protection at the bottom, the rocket body is frozen and ignored, and the self-destruct command fails... If they complete the normal testing procedures, at least there will be no loss of contact immediately after launch. "

He was not optimistic about starships from the beginning. As the designer of N1, no one understood the troubles caused by multi-stage parallel connection better than him.

Lin Ju looked normal. The starship was rushed to work three years in advance for its first flight. Both the engine and the rocket body technology were far behind the original timeline. The failure was expected. The failure of 7 engines was enough to show that its first-level design was inadequate. Serious Problem.

Fortunately, he fell into the sea... His unlucky starship also had a self-destruct command that was invalid, and it crashed out of control less than two minutes after takeoff, directly bringing a big catfish to the aerospace industry in this world.

After the first launch of the starship failed, Lao Ma appeared in front of the camera as expected, saying that "the required data has been obtained and the test has achieved the goal", and then asked people to start repairing the launch pad...

As the first giant rocket to try to challenge Rocket 3, Starship's number of defeats is +1.

The failure of the starship's first launch was, of course, indispensable to varying degrees of cynicism from people of all countries.

But the most amazing thing among them is actually the island country.

The reason is that when the Storm arrived on the moon a few days ago, the news caused a huge response among the people not only next door, but also in the island country.

As a tangled country, they have tried to "leave Asia and join Europe", and they will be proud of the launch of Shenzhou 5.

On the one hand, he believes that he should integrate into the white world, but on the other hand, he feels inferior because of his skin color, so he is willing to share the joy of his neighbors’ achievements, which can even have a deeper impact.

Shenzhou 5 proved that yellow countries can also send humans into space through their own power. It is certainly worthy of joy, but Aramco and the alliance achieved it 50 years ago, and in fact, many countries still have this technical strength, but It’s just limited by many factors.

Huaguo Aerospace actually had the ability to develop and launch manned spacecraft in the 1970s and 1980s, but it was limited by various factors such as funding and had no choice but to stop it. It was also stagnant with military projects for more than ten years because of "everything is for the economy." , was only restarted in the 1990s. Judging from the space shuttle program that was even seriously studied at that time, the space agency's technology was already quite advanced at this time and had surpassed Europe.

In their eyes, if the world's aerospace technology is calculated by points, Aramco can score 5 points, Alliance/Lucia can score 4.5 points, China can barely count 3.5 points, Europe can count 3 points, and everything else has failed.

The 0.5 points missing from the league came from the moon landing.

The moon landing was not Gagarin's desperate move, nor was it Shepard's big gamble by going up with a missile. It was a real systematic project that required all-round efforts to achieve.

Before Apollo 11, Aramco built Saturn 1 before Saturn V as a verification, conducted several unmanned lunar exploration missions, and established a monitoring system that could control radiation up to 380,000 kilometers away, allowing Apollo 9 to The astronauts of No. 1 all suffered from colds after living in the cramped spacecraft for 10 days. They developed the most advanced electronic control technology...

Even the league can't win the crown. NACA has won 6 crowns. This is indeed something to be proud of and worthy of the sincere praise of all opponents in the world.

When seven Asians arrived on the moon before NACA in the largest nuclear-powered spacecraft, the strong sense of pride almost suffocated them.

The Storm is saying: The world of ** is in the past. Even the moon landing, which seems to be their patent, is now in our hands.

Look at the starships that tried to compete with the Xinyuan-3 rocket. They lost so completely!

The concept of getting closer to the East has begun to gain support from the grassroots. Although Congressman Kuji Nakayama tried unsuccessfully to promote cooperation in manned spaceflight between the two sides, he has failed, but now he is confident and ready to make a comeback.

"Strong and private"

This large group of people taking to the streets were not protesting, but celebrating. The banner at the front was so conspicuous.

Under the banner, in the first two rows of people, there was a figure who was no longer young and was actively shouting the trumpet.

Yamamoto Kazuki never thought that there would be such a day. Every message sent back to the earth by the Storm would have a huge impact on their Internet, especially the photos of astronauts and the moon's departure. The download volume was so crazy that the server Downtime.

He swaggered past the outside of the special operations team's base. Those soldiers who used to be aloof did not try to provoke as before, but stood behind the separation wall coldly and stared at the crowd.

"You can't believe it? We returned to the moon before you did!"

Yamamoto Kazuki followed the crowd and walked along the predetermined route all day long. After that, he didn't forget to call his friends to have a drink at the izakaya.

In the izakaya, Yamamoto recounted how the soldiers were exhausted, which made all the drinkers laugh. This kind of relief was rare.

There was a small TV on the bar, which was replaying the video of Hu Dong and Meng Senlin working outside the cabin the day before yesterday. This move greatly increased the popularity of the izakaya, and even the boss happily thanked the Storm in his heart for bringing him good business.

After drinking for three rounds, the replay ended and today's news appeared. A half-drunk Yamamoto Kazuki was eating tempura and watching the speech Kishimoto Tsu had just delivered.

He seemed to have deliberately forgotten about the Storm on the moon. The aerospace department deliberately emphasized the "rapid progress" of the "Asia Star" project and claimed that parliament would discuss joining the Artemis project to provide more for international human exploration. Contributions like this...

"Malu Yelang (bastard)! We have achieved so much, do we still have to bow down to Mi Zhu!"

My friend Yoshio Shinozuka who was drinking together put down his glass and cursed, which was immediately echoed by several people around him.

Obviously "our own people" have made such great achievements, why do they still stick to the cold butt of white people? The drinkers did not understand politics or international games. They only knew that they felt awkward and had an indescribable sense of humiliation.

Yamamoto Kazuki is considered to be half of the founders of the government, and he thinks a little more. In his opinion, Representative Nakayama Kuji is obviously more popular. The latter has almost become the leader of the Communist Asia faction. He has a close relationship with Ichisuke Toshihiro and is the most popular person in his heart. The ideal leader.

Kishimoto Tsu is a bastard, does he deserve to live in Chiyoda?

Such an insect who only sells out profits will be a sin every second he survives!

He smashed half of the tempura on the ground, climbed on the table and shouted loudly: "Kishimoto Tsu is out of class, and only then will Representative Nakayama lead us forward!"

A group of drunkards who had nowhere to vent found an outlet and immediately started shouting with him. The izakaya soon became noisy and the slogans became more and more outrageous. Frightened passers-by chose to call the police.

The Police Department saw a group of alcoholic lunatics making trouble and trying to calm it down. However, one of them cursed "Shou Xian (running dog)" and threw a wine bottle. Although no one was hit, the situation immediately got out of control.

It was already late at night when the izakaya calmed down. The "violent elements" led by Kazuki Yamamoto and Yoshio Shinozuka were arrested, and the rest were taken back to sober up.

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