
Lin Ju took the newly brewed tea, but still did not sit down, just pacing in place.

Seeing this scene, the boss laughed: "I've never seen you so nervous before. The Storm is in good condition and will land in a while. There's nothing to worry about."

He didn't know that what Lin Ju was waiting for was the system settlement. He thought he was worried about the space shuttle, and instead joked:

"You fooled them around last night. Why didn't I know there was a shallow mine... No, a thousand meters depth is not a shallow mine."

Lin Ju: "I didn't lie...everything is the truth, it's the No. 2 landing site, the Sea of ​​Tranquility.

Do you still remember that Explorer 1 picked up a piece of rhenium ore with an abundance of 1.5% last year? Just around there, the abundance of iridium, osmium, and neodymium is extremely high. They are rich ores that are easy to smelt and cannot be found on earth! "

Boss: "What about what you didn't say?"

Lin Ju: "The investment and maintenance costs are a secret, but frankly speaking, we are not optimistic. The initial investment will be very loss-making according to the market quotation. If we are optimistic for five years and if we are not optimistic for ten years, if Xinyuan can barely maintain without losing money, it will be considered a good result." "

"But it is acceptable for Xinyuan to at least find a truly sustainable project and then wait for the technology to advance to the point where one day it can make money from super-large-scale development, right?"

Lin Ju was silent for a while before replying:

"The annual trading volume of the rare earth market is around 200,000 tons of raw ore, of which the pure metal content will not exceed 2,000 tons. If we export a large amount of refined rare metals, the market size share will definitely increase. This is enough."

"Yes, that's enough. The higher authorities actually attach great importance to rare earths and have been reducing exports and increasing imports, but this thing... is not just about money, but also the right to speak.

In fact, you can also make a lot of money, but you have to operate it carefully. "

A mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the boss's face and he uttered two words:


"We are still an important exporter of rare earths in the world. If we cooperate, we can make money from capitalists much faster than selling resources."

At 14:45 pm on June 3, the Storm crossed the sky over Kazakhstan and entered the national border from the northwest.

The two escort fighter planes that had been waiting at the border for a long time began to escort in relay, but the gliding speed of the Storm was extremely high, and it did not drop to an altitude of 30,000 meters until it entered the grassland.

At the semi-open airport designated as a dedicated take-off and landing site for nuclear-powered space shuttles, military newspaper reporters wore full-body protective suits and waited beside the runway with photographers and ground crews.

When the huge space shuttle approaches, the faucets on both sides of the runway immediately spray foam-generating lotion upwards and keep spraying.

The decontamination vehicle rushed to the side of the Storm the moment it stopped. The ground crews, who were also wearing protective clothing, first used the prepared mobile scaffolding to cover the three engine nozzles with radiation-proof cloth, and then left to watch a large number of The decontamination vehicle continuously sprayed foam onto the space shuttle, and the sewage on the ground was sucked away by the other two vehicles in time, and then rinsed with pure water.

The staff in the tower carefully checked the radiation residue in the air and on the surface of the space shuttle: Fortunately, it was still below the safety line even without protective measures.

An hour later, the seven astronauts who had been waiting boringly in the cabin were finally able to walk out of the cabin door. This time there was no waving and strolling session. Everyone asked to quickly enter the three-proof off-road vehicle and quickly get away from the Storm.

The radiation removal work of the Storm will take 7 days. After it is completely cleaned, it will be sent back to the base for maintenance by An 1250. The interval between crews must not be shorter than three months and no more than twice a year.

Even if the radiation level is lower than that of a nuclear submarine, the risk to astronauts is still lower.

Lin Ju, who was hundreds of kilometers away in the capital, heard the prompt in his mind the moment Hu Dong stepped out of the cabin door, and the system's reward arrived as expected.

Hexagon Building, Air Force Intelligence Room.

This department has become the busiest department since the test flight of the H2 series space shuttle, mobilizing almost all satellites to carry out shady and secret reconnaissance all day long.

Major General Kaili, who is in charge of this place, has become even more powerful because of this. It is said that he will be promoted next year, which makes elites from various departments think of ways to enter here.

Anthony is a successful example. He submitted a guess about the purpose of the unknown spacecraft NX-17 three months ago and successfully applied for US$200,000 in funding and access to reconnaissance satellites.

Although Dr. Freeman of JFT believed that the possibility of NX-17 being a secret weapon was less than 10%, Anthony believed that this was a good opportunity to make a merit, over exaggerated the seriousness and formed Office 17 headed by him. Follow up.

No abnormalities were found in NX-17 in the previous month, and a small number of tests were reasonable. However, after that, Xinyuan's official website low-key stated in a daily tweet that the "experimental space nuclear reactor" had completed its test mission and had exhausted its orbital fuel. The loss of nuclear power means that this nuclear facility will send a space shuttle for recovery at the appropriate time.

Although a large nuclear device crashing directly into the atmosphere would have minimal impact on the earth, Xinyuan obviously did not intend to cause trouble for itself. This announcement was quite satisfactory and almost announced that Office 17 had nothing to gain and could be disbanded.

But Anthony always thought there was something wrong inside, so he used the remaining funds to continue the operation for two months, but it was almost over.

However, others still envied him. This resume was one of the foundations for future promotions, especially in the Air Force Intelligence Office.

Office No. 17 is not able to mobilize satellites all the time. In fact, they can only use them when higher-level projects are free. Therefore, they only had time to conduct observations on the fourth day after Xinyuan announced that it had lost contact. Sure enough, they did not find it. .

This is not surprising. Although NX-17 is not small, it is nothing in the vast space. A slight acceleration may make the orbit irregular, making it very troublesome to find.

Now he was almost giving up, but things took a turn for the better.

37 hours ago, a spy satellite accidentally recorded a set of high-frequency encrypted communication signals. Although it could not be deciphered, Anthony still recognized it.

All too familiar. The unique band of the NX-17 has been deeply imprinted in my mind over the past few months. One of the reasons it attracted the attention of the Air Force is its high-frequency encrypted shortwave communication with satellites, which is generally used in It's more reasonable for a secret facility.

Anthony immediately applied for more permissions to conduct reconnaissance, and asked aerospace experts to speculate on a possible orbital altitude range. As long as NX-17 can be found, it will be proven that Xinyuan is lying and there is definitely something wrong with NX-17!

There was very little that could be inferred from that set of signals, and these searches were almost equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack, but Anthony was so confident that he put almost all his food and accommodation in the Pentagon.

NX-17, where are you?

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