I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 399 New Annihilation and Bombing

It takes time for the base to digest new technologies. Whether it is laser satellites or electromagnetic acceleration orbits, they are very complex and systematic projects that can spawn an industrial chain. Lin Ju gave them a week to discuss them carefully and then summarize them for him.

The topic is too high-end and the chairman cannot get involved.

The only one I can give some advice on is the C810. After all, it is my own landline phone, so it’s okay to give me some advice.

But he was not alone. On the second day after he returned to the base, several military green Changfeng Cheetahs drove into the base.

Navy——Oh no, we should call the General Armament Department.

After reforms one after another, the functions of various military departments have become increasingly clear, and everything is planned by professionals to avoid the chaos of the last century.

The military didn't know about the C810 at first. It was when Xinyuan was chasing the Civil Aviation Administration of China for an airworthiness certificate that the latter had no choice but to send a few new people to the military airport to investigate and prepare a report on the noise and use problems of supersonic aircraft. Passed on.

The military took a look at the C810 data. It showed a top speed of Mach 3.3, a cruising speed of Mach 2.8, and a range of 5,000 kilometers. Why does it become more familiar the more it sounds?

A smart person took a look at the data of the SR71 Blackbird. The top speed is Mach 3.3, the cruising speed is Mach 3.0, and the range is 5,400 kilometers. It cannot be said to be exactly the same, but it can be considered similar and compatible.

Moreover, the SR71 has many problems. In order to break through the thermal barrier, the fuel tank is not even sealed. It needs to take off with less fuel and then refuel in the air. Maintenance is also extremely troublesome.

As a passenger aircraft, the C810 is definitely much easier to maintain. Although its speed and range are slightly lower, it is second only to the Blackbird.

Considering that Xinyuan has quite good high-altitude and high-speed engine technology, it is very likely that the C810 will be manufactured. The Navy was about to come to ask, but it heard big news from the Chengdu Military Region. A suspected C810 test aircraft was launched at 28,000 It flew out to a height of 1.5 meters, which is higher than a blackbird!

The equipment department immediately organized manpower and formed an inspection group with representatives of the navy and air force. They rushed to the base impatiently and happened to meet Lin Ju.

The latter saw that the leader looked familiar, Zhang Ju!

Due to the need for confidentiality, the fleet was driven directly to the factory where the first C810 was parked. Because the project was completely pushed by the base, the first aircraft was the official version, skipping a series of test aircraft steps.

As soon as Zhang Ju saw the true appearance of C810, he immediately said "Hey", stretched out his finger and said:

"Isn't this the plan to convert the MiG-35 into a business jet?"

As a person who has been immersed in the history of world equipment development for many years, he was naturally impressed by the alliance's plan back then. He recognized it as soon as he saw the C810's two huge air intakes and the huge twin vertical tails.

"Orange has a good eye. The inspiration did come from that abolished case, but the C810's indicators are higher."

"It's not just higher, it's much higher!"

Zhang Juke remembers the parameters of the C810 test flight. The normal cruising speed of the MiG-25 is only Mach 2.6, and the range is far from that high.

Mach 2.6 to Mach 2.8 is a threshold, and above Mach 2.8 to Mach 3 is another threshold. The difficulty of increasing the speed increases at an accelerated rate when the speed of sound exceeds 2 times.

He knocked on the body and asked, "What is the material of this body?"

Lin Ju: "It is mainly titanium alloy, and the main parts are processed by large die forging machines. It is very strong and not heavy."

Zhang Ju nodded and walked around the aircraft. The 50-ton aircraft was no longer small, and was larger than the MiG-31 and J-20.

After careful inspection, it is definitely no problem to put 2 to 4 heavy-duty pylons on the belly of the fuselage. It would be a bit difficult to add wings. It can be seen that the original design did not consider military use.

When he thought of this, Zhang Ju complained bitterly in his heart. Having money and skills means being rich. He is really willing to spend a lot of effort to get himself a private jet that is better than a military plane. Compared with luxury cars and beautiful women, he is much more classy. .

What? Has he ever flown on a space shuttle? That would be even more infuriating.

After observing the outside, Zhang Ju got in through the open door of the cabin and looked at the internal structure.

The body of the C810 is relatively narrow, and the cockpit that accommodates two pilots side by side in the front is a bit tight for civil aviation, but for military use it is quite spacious, making it much more comfortable for long-term cruising.

I don't know the avionics, but it looks very different from common aircraft, and it must be very advanced.

The rear seating area is a staggered single-row seat, which is smaller than a normal small private jet, but it is still quite comfortable for only 9 people. The pantry and toilets also have a lot of decorations, which is very luxurious.

Huh? No need to wear a pressure suit?

The design of the cabin does not seem to take into account the air pressure at altitudes above 20,000 meters. Could it be that the entire cabin is pressurized?

He got a definite answer from Xinyuan engineers. The entire cabin was pressurized and heated, which was even more shocking.

Other people in the general assembly also followed behind, touching here and there, exclaiming from time to time.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing glasses approached Zhang Ju:

"I've seen it. At least a one-ton radar can be stuffed in the nose. If the cabin is reduced, the pressurization function can be reduced and the weight can be reduced by at least half a ton. Just leave two radar operators. Two tons of electronic warfare equipment can be stuffed in the belly. , the remaining space can still hold several tons of oil, and the power supply capacity can fully keep up.

By then, the range can be increased to 5,500 or 6,000 kilometers. Coupled with aerial refueling, it is very comfortable to switch to an electronic warfare and intelligence reconnaissance aircraft. It can cover all the surrounding areas. It can reach Mach 3.4 and 30,000 meters with one step of the throttle, and even missiles cannot catch up. ! "

The middle-aged man comes from the Navy and is obviously very satisfied with the C810 body.

They have been on the defensive for a long time, but if there is a long-range, high-speed aircraft like the C810, it can pass through other people's air defense identification zones or break through the defense circle like the SR71 did back then. It can resist most attacks without the need for weapons. .

Look at the SR71. The missile technology has been mature enough during its service life, but it has never been shot down in its entire service life.

He still remembers the retired engineer from Skunk Works decrypting some of the Blackbird's deeds. The pilot could miss the airport with just one step of the accelerator, and even a slight increase in speed could make radar unable to react. The C810 was slightly inferior in cruising speed and stealth. It's good, but the maintenance and security are definitely not worth talking about.

The inspection team exchanged opinions for a while, and then Zhang Ju raised several improvements, and the C810 design team all said they could do it.

Once the technical issues are resolved, it’s time to discuss the order.

Zhang Ju: "I just asked my comrades for their opinions. The Navy needs 14 reconnaissance/electronic warfare models, 10 attack models capable of carrying three to four heavy anti-ship missiles, and the Air Force needs 6 models of each. First, This should be all you need for the batch. How much can the total order total be?"

Lin Ju knew the cost and R\u0026D investment of the C810. Considering that this was a long-term business, he thought about it and came up with a figure:

"The 36 aircraft, excluding electronic equipment and weapon systems, cost almost 800 million each, a total of 28.8 billion yuan. We can also give away 10 additional backup engines."

800 million? The inspection team made eye contact with each other. The price is not expensive. The C810 is an aircraft that uses titanium alloy on a large area. It is very expensive in itself. However, Xinyuan only manufactures the basic airframe, and the price of the last one is still estimated to be more than 1 billion. .

Although the performance data of the J-20B are similar, the meaning of the C810 is different. It can be used frequently on the road. The purpose of its existence is to highlight its existence. The strategic positioning is different and does not conflict with each other.

"What about production? How much can this aircraft be delivered in a year?"

"Well... you also know that we have many production tasks, not just producing aircraft, we can deliver one aircraft a month at most.

But we can also authorize other manufacturers to produce some parts, which should be able to reach three or four a month, but it will take more time to prepare in advance. "

Zhang Ju is not surprised by this result, and it is acceptable. After all, it is not a main combat aircraft, and it is not bad if it is delivered in one or two years.

Lin Ju: "By the way, Orange Seat, what code name are you going to give it?"

Zhang Ju: "Since there are still combat models, I guess we should give fighter or fighter-bomber codenames. Electric warfare and reconnaissance are considered modifications."

Lin Ju looked around and found that everyone else was standing far away. He coughed slightly and asked excitedly:

"Orange, can you tell us about the development plan of the H-2... next-generation bomber? My classification level should be enough, right?"

"Ah?" Zhang Ju looked confused, and after a few seconds he suddenly realized: "Well, I'm about to retire, so I don't know."


Perhaps considering that he just said a lot of nonsense out of inertia, Zhang Ju continued his wandering eyes and said softly:

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it..."

Go to bed early, family

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