It will be 5 a.m. on July 1, Beijing time.

Yamamoto Kazuki was immersed in debugging the equipment. Because there were too many people gathered, he didn't feel cold after blowing the salty and humid air all night.

The efficiency of the police here is amazing. Helicopters have passed by three times in the past few hours, and people have been patrolling and informing tourists where new mobile toilets and free mineral water collection points have been added. It is really considerate.

Tamao Serizawa, who was noisy in the early hours of the morning, had already gotten into the tent to sleep without knowing why. He was the only one who waited patiently while adjusting the camera.

He was bending over to adjust the tracking software when he suddenly heard a cry from the crowd.

Looking up, I saw that the assembly building where the rocket was placed was opened. The tall white rocket body in the middle was particularly conspicuous under the already lit sky.

Experienced nearby residents already know that the rocket has officially entered launch status.

"What you say must be domineering, and you can't be compared to a Yankee!"

Standing in front of the trestle leading to the entrance of the spaceship, Meng Senlin and Zhang Zhiguang hugged each other. The former had a complicated look in his eyes.

Originally, Dawn 3 would orbit the moon and Dawn 4 would land on the moon; but now the crew of Dawn 4 has circled the moon first, and Dawn 3 has carried out the mission of landing on the moon.

It was a pity and a bit fucked up at the same time, but Meng Senlin knew that he would definitely have the opportunity to go to the moon in the future.

In addition to the follow-up missions of the Dawn Project, he also knew that Xinyuan was expanding its team of professional astronauts - they must have military backgrounds, and they were mainly negotiating with the Aerospace Development Commission about hiring astronauts - although the cooperation was supposed to be without payment.

Zhang Zhiguang smiled. He understood this feeling very well. This was indeed a moment recorded in history.

"Don't worry, we are faster and better than Ami."

After saying that, he took one last look at the people who came to the trestle to see him off. There were many more people now than when he came out of the guest house, and they all wanted to witness history.

The three astronauts stood at the entrance of the trestle and stared silently behind them for two or three seconds, then turned around neatly and walked into the corridor and got into the spacecraft.

On the big screen in the command center, their figures appeared in the empty spaceship.

The internal space of the Shuguang spacecraft is as high as 13 square meters, which is much wider than the Shenzhou spacecraft. It is also more convenient to enter, and there is no need to worry about hitting the cargo or other switches crowded in the cabin.

There were only 3 seats left out of the original 7, making it even more empty.

Academician She nodded to his assistant who had been waiting for a long time, and the latter immediately understood.

Cape Caraveral.

At 20:14 pm Central Time, there are still 106 minutes left before launch.

The four astronauts of Artemis 2 have entered the Orion spacecraft and began to calmly conduct various tests in conjunction with the ground in accordance with the steps in the manual.

Claire stood on the lawn and took one last look at the SLS rocket that had been filled with fuel and started to emit white mist, then turned around and got into the pickup truck and headed to the control room.

"Any latest news?"

Claire, who was sitting in the passenger seat, asked the driving assistant. The latter shook his head at first, but not long after, he glanced at the cell phone that suddenly lit up, then stepped on the brakes hard and pushed the front of the car down hard. Claire was restrained by the seat belt due to inertia. My chest hurts.

"Fuck! What are you doing!"

The astonished assistant had no time to apologize to the director. Instead, he read the news headlines again before shouting:

"Shuguang 3, Shuguang 3 announced the launch time!"

"So what? They were at 1 o'clock in the morning, much later than us!"

"No!" The assistant shook his head wildly: "Yes...ha, at 21 o'clock in the evening, they launched ahead of schedule!"

Claire glanced at the panicked assistant with wide eyes, then snatched the phone from the stand. The black title briefly expressed the information:

[CADC: In order to avoid thunderstorms, the launch mission will be carried out around 7:00 in the morning]

This line of words made him stunned for several seconds before he turned his head and looked at the SLS behind him.

No more, no less, exactly one hour ahead of Artemis 2.

Escape from a thunderstorm? There are indeed many tropical thunderstorms in Qiongzhou, but how could it be such a coincidence that the sudden arrival of 4 hours in advance would not disrupt the deployment plan?

In other words, were you prepared?

Claire's first thought was to advance the launch time of Artemis 2, but this would undoubtedly bring greater psychological pressure to the astronauts, and changing the time might also cause confusion.

The assistant watched the director smash the plastic decoration of the co-pilot with one punch, then looked at him viciously and roared:


Who is the happiest after the Dawn-3 mission is advanced?

Of course it was the viewers who got up before dawn to watch the live broadcast.

Outside the CCAV live broadcast room, the station director felt his heart stop as he watched the ratings rise almost linearly within 10 minutes after the news was released.

At 5.05 in the morning, the ratings reached 9% within 5 minutes of the start of the live broadcast. However, the national ratings of last year’s Spring Festival Gala were only 36%, which was one-quarter of the Spring Festival Gala’s.

This also takes into account that with the emergence of new media, a large number of young people may be watching online live broadcasts on their mobile phones or computers while lying in bed. According to optimistic estimates, the number of domestic people watching live broadcasts at that time may have exceeded 500 million.

After the Aviation Development Commission officially confirmed the specific launch time at 5:25, the ratings skyrocketed from 12% to 26% in 10 minutes. Judging from the momentum, it may really surpass the Spring Festival Gala.

It is almost impossible to find a precedent for such horrific data in past history - if you have to compare it, it would be the live broadcast of the Apollo 11 moon landing, but that was the moon landing, now it is just a launch!

The station director suddenly thought of the four companies that had spent hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising fees and would play their ads during the intervals between live broadcast screen changes. The money was still too cheap, and he had underestimated the charm of the moon landing.

And just as he expected, the number of people watching the live broadcast was far more than that.

In addition to TV channels and online live broadcasts, TV broadcast satellites in the sky are also relaying live programs to the world.

In fact, domestic satellite TV is also very popular abroad. Although not many people can understand Chinese, satellite programs include border provinces, and the languages ​​​​of many ethnic minorities are similar to those in neighboring countries.

For example, pirated satellite dishes are sold all year round in Central Asia, which receives TV programs from the Western Regions. There are also many in the southeast and north. Although these places are backward, they have a large population. The combined number of pirated viewers may be 1 billion.

In addition, Xinyuan is also working hard to expand live broadcast methods.

In Texas, Musk's smart car key placed on his computer desk suddenly began to vibrate, and there was a line of small words on the small smart screen:

“Watch the launch live in your car”

Xin'an Automobile's in-vehicle chips have very high computing power and rely on high-speed communication support for satellite networks. This bandwidth is enough to transmit 480p standard definition video.

Chen Jun had already directed his staff to quietly update the plug-ins for all cars, so that he could watch the live broadcast on the screen as soon as he turned them on.

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